Friday, April 19, 2024

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeh UPDATED

 The village dork, for new readers. Passover comes. Yay!

Blessed be our Most High Adonai, our Father YHVH. Blessed be our King and Savior, Yeshua. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

Meeeeeh? It's a loving buggle call when the lambies hear the shepherd's voice coming to them. Now, it's this whole thing I have with Dad, brothers, family, any act of kindness I see, as a punctuation and expression of immediate love to the person before me, etc etc.

You can see the rays coming from the DOVE that is descending from the clouds, in honor of that day, when Yeshua was baptized by John. This is what it looked like at the first; the beams moved with the dove as it changed from a dove shaped cloud into an actual golden spirit as it descended upon Yeshua. Like Jacob's ladder from 2005, this is a one off echo event. Meeeeeeeeeeeh

Double conjunctions - Jupiter/Uranus and Venus/Mercury

The dove is coming out of a lamb's mouth. Observe. The dove becomes the light of the Lamb, via the spoken word. "This is my beloved son..." kind of thing. In fact, there is more going on in this pic than a dove descending to earth with radiant light beams coming from it in the 1st heaven. Find what else is there. In these kinds of things, the celestial angels speak a great deal in pantomime and form. FYI.