Monday, April 15, 2024

Russian Media: King Charles Died

 Lie. As they do. To defeat the judgment laid on them through denial. Defeat nothing. Fag is dead. Kate is dead. The bish is dead. The whole lineage is under the death curse, as readers here well know.

No more Sax Coburg Jewbie Edomite line. That time ended in 2022. Cannot be stopped. And no amount of clapping will bring them back from where I sent the lot.

Just get an actor with a mask or a doppelganger like with the fake Biden. Two thirds or more of the people are too mesmerized to catch it anyway.

Royals' turmoil continues. Its latest twist is the viral Russian announcement about King Charles III death. The fact was shared on a Telegram by Vedomosti, Russia’s most respected business newspaper: “British King Charles III has died.” It made it through Russian Readovka and pro-Kremlin Telegram channels with more than 20 million subscribers.

There was no public statement from Buckingham Palace, but Readovka did have a document, provenance unknown, that it posted next to a photograph of the king. It said: “The following announcement is made by royal communications." “The king passed away unexpectedly yesterday afternoon.” It was dated 18 March 2024.