Friday, April 26, 2024

Sons of the living God - The hatred of the jews to the Real Yehudi, White people

From the internet - spot on.

"White people in all White countries are being punished because we are rejecting Christ by embracing the Jew popular culture and idolatry of atheism, wokeness, nihilism, and perversion. We are in captivity in "Egypt", and it won't get better until we repent and return to Christ.

Unironically, God exists, and the Bible is true. The kikes are collectively Satan, and the White people are the children of God, who kikes instinctively persecute. Urban Whites are mostly leftist golems, living like kikes want them to. Rural Whites are more God-fearing, and more rebellious to kike "woke" indoctrination, and are also well armed. This is the only remnant of White resistance the kike fears.

The jew "banker" problem is part of the larger jew "everything" problem, which the bible calls "Mystery Babylon". It will get worse, and collapse, then Christians will clean up this planet. Unironically, the solution is for White Christians to remember who they are, repent, and to withdraw from Babylon. "Come out of her (Babylon) my people, or share in her punishments."

White people have forgotten who they are. They are the Adamic race (descendants of Adam)
Modern jews are descended from Edomites, and are larping as Israelites. It's the biggest case of stolen identity ever."

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And if you are not white? No problem. The whole thing was and is setup for all peoples. By believing in YHVH's son Yeshua, YOU ARE GRAFTED INTO THE BRANCH.

Bingo! Instant Equals in Heaven and on Earth.

It's wonderful.

All are loved; all are looked and hoped for in salvation; all have it right at their fingertips. Just most don't know it. They have no lights in their orbits to show them by example and in their light, the Way of the Natsarim or Yehudi.

We are all needing to do more to see others have what we have.

A living, fiery Joy in Christ and in our Heavenly Father.