Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The (real) Passover Full Moon

The scammers of mankind - chosen ones of Jewcifer


Their openly gay red heifer thing went off yesterday as a blood offering of the fallen ones and lu, to get their world war, slavery of the west, cbdc, and fake 3rd temple scam going. They hid this from the public, after months of public shilling and conniving luke warm christians and the gullible into thinking they need this to bring in their "messiah".

Nimrod, Abaddon, that lame goofy guy from brooklyn? You run out some child rapist as the latest chabad messiah and then a few years later, here comes another one. You Tel Aviv gimps tell so many lies there's just no point listening to anything you say. You grift the US out of billions, then the same day, say you are using the funds to build luxury housing for jews in seized lands, given that your war dead and casualties are fictions.

The US is fighting your war, though the people don't know it. They fight people trying to get some payback from your depredations. You bottom feeders just shoot down women and children that get UN food drops. That's your courage - women and children.

You think all that goyim blood is going to get you what you want? 

All its doing is locking down your well deserved fate.

You can con the world but you cannot con YHVH.