Saturday, April 20, 2024

World Hell Organization (as they themselves jokingly refer to their clique of thugs)

WHO world slavery acts of May 2024

Don Bradley 4-20-24


World Hell Organization (as they themselves jokingly refer to their clique of thugs) even after their top hell hounds were slain yesterday have decided to go ahead with the plan anyways. There could be a problem in that "continue on" orders you gay phreaks got from your handlers.

Thing is, I already wasted the next lot, upon learning these new facts this morning, and made an end of more than 50 of the follow on and associates involved.

Of course, I'll be waiting upon your next decision, which will end the time here of more than 700 of you slime devils. Or...

You could just end the WHO and this little worldwide genocide mandate your satanic government leaders already signed off on. I see you all were out pitching how this is going to benefit us all and is necessary for future scare mongering to further enslave and kill, untold hundreds of millions.

Thing is, YOU FIRST.

That which you were going to do to others has come upon you instead. Right off. That's how its going to be. You were warned, all of you, that this kind of illegal genocidal Talmudic trash ideology would be called on the carpet for good and all.

No take backs or maybes about it.

You decide to kill en masse, you go first. Savvy?

As was made clear to you.

As for your cyber attack. Alot of elites are going away over this one, more than 7% of your number. That's a fact. And if you doubt that, just look at the last 24 hours and the litter of corpses of your festering anal sore ridden kind running and connected to, the World Hell Org.


Shall we go again?

And no, Lucifer cannot intervene. Dickless is powerless in these affairs. You serve a fallen angel with great, but limited powers. And even he has an end date. Finish.

Make the call. Do it. One way or another, the WHO is over. Either by your murderous ways and judgment following or by disbanding it on your own accord. That's your only choice in this. Every single one of these gimps that were weighed and found wanting didn't make it. They are gone. Never to return to Earth. Ever.

You just went too far. Same with the cyber attack. Do that, a great many of you are going to fall. For every soul to perish because of the cyber attack an elite whether boy or man, woman or girl, it's so.

These unlawful jail breaking attempts like this WHO slavery and death act (the sections the common man does not get to see and new adjuncts you were going to add, after May 20-22, 2024. You go around and lie to student groups and shill what you thought was already a done deal.

Now it's a done deal. As in OVER.


PS. You've got a lot of famous and not so famous gimps and slugs to bury. I hear you are going to spread out their deaths and times and causes, so as to not alarm your own kind or the public.

Elisha is just itching to make an end of your synagogues and places of damnation. Should I let him loose on Jackson Hole, Wyoming? The new bohemian grove sites?
