Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Coming events and the Way of Yeshua

Eduardo 5-22-24

In the light of the coming events in society, our people should be asking themselves: what do I really need? Our Father provides us with what we need, that should be the basis of our understanding of material life. Sometimes we do face hardship: to get us of rid of our sins and the things we grabbed unlawfully, at the expense of the well being of others and of our own, and to try our Faith, our commitment, in face of evil. For it is through fire that gold and silver are tried, and men pleasing to God through the crucible of humiliation, as the Holy Word says. If you accepted Jesus Christ, know that Dad is jealous of the Holy Spirit in you, and will rid you of all unrighteousness, whether you like it or not. Even if he has to kill you to prevent you from corruption. That said, he keeps most of us alive with what we need, for he knows what we need, so that we have another day to get close to Him.

It's true that the aims of the elite of the world is to impoverish people bellow what is need for healthy survival, so that they are tempted to accept the Mark of the Beast and be damned. Still, I'm mostly convinced that the solution for the problems of most people, specially in the West, is to have LESS, not more. What I mean is: they spend a large deal of the energy and resources they already have with evil things. Things that they believe they need right now. Like:
  • Relishing in toxic expensive ultra processed cursed foods that make the body sick, dull the mind and the soul and infect with parasites that anchor demons and fill with sinful desires.
  • Doing drugs for the same reason above. This includes pharmakeia, modern pharmacy drugs, most of which are unnecessary, have natural alternatives and cause more disease in the long run.
  • Screen time with cursed black scrying mirrors, demonic portals, EMF emitting "smart devices" that kill the body with radiation, survey reactions, whereabouts and communications. And modulate the nervous system to manipulate the behavior, emotions and beliefs. They condition your mind to short attention span and to constant dopamine rewarding. They make you stupid, emotionally reactive, mentally lazy and unable to deal with hard information that requires reflection and reasoning. They Brainwash you with subliminal programing in cursed media and ultimately anchor demons and lead to your possession. Which demon AI monitors with frequent infrared photos of our faces. Especially if one has the vax weapon in the blood.
  • Stupid "meme" media, pop culture and video gaming programing that pollutes our minds keeping them running busy with meaningless information and fictions. The evil imaginations of our time, robbing our mental time from meditating in Dad's Law and statutes and doing His work on our world.
  • Fancy clothes to project social status and incite whoredom.
  • Make up, parfum and cosmetics, to hide the sickness of our bodies to the sight of others and of ourselves, to project a false mask of vanity and whoredom. Most are toxic and also cursed with menstrual blood, making you uglier in the long run.
  • Going out to eat and parties, again to appear to have status and riches to oneself and others, trying to gain social approval by what you have and do, as programed by consumerism and satanic social influencers. Naturally with lots of toxic foods, drugs, expensive useless stuff and whoredom.
  • Fornication, short term sexual gratification to compensate for emotional insufficiency and mental instability, collecting demonic hitchhikers from people and media.
  • Whatever current thing is hot in social media is. It's always cursed and destructive in some way. And expensive.
  • Social gratification and appraisal. It's an observable fact that people relate with each other more through their shared vanities and vices than through anything else. Which is and has been manipulated by propaganda and programing to condition social standards and activities to the lowest spiritual level possible. Any outlier is to be hated and shunned. We all want to be loved, but for what?
Do you really need this all? According to the Holy Word we need: enough wholesome food and water, some clothing, a safe place to lay down sheltered, some care when we are in need and some freedom to follow His ways. 

Matthew 25:35-36
"For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me."

Do you have this? Congratulations, you have been given what you need. It may not be what you want or like, but it's been given, be grateful. All the rest is vanity in truth. Most times Dad puts up with some vanity of ours, for he knows or weaknesses and limitations and want us to have an enjoyable life. But know also that these are not to be taken for granted, for in sometimes we are to be lead by the wilderness for our spiritual betterment. We are all aproaching wilderness time, like it or not.

But our society is at large in denial of the troubles that are to come. Even those marginally aware say it's decades ahead. Really? Do you think the vaxxies can last another decade? Or breed a viable next generation, they themselves being dysfunctional to the point of extinction outside of a modern world system? The most capable people of our world are all dead or dying, of old age. Instead, what people are actively engaged is have MORE, of all the things above. More of the vanities of Babylon, they don't want the veggies and water, they want the meat and wine from the table of the king. Not satisfied with the manna they complain they have to feast on the flesh of quails. They have to have "more", full of insecurity and vanity. It's necessary to seek one's survival but if your whole being is consumed thinking of what to eat, to drink, your clothing, about your own BODY, if that's all your life is consumed into, you are missing the whole point. People have become greedy that all they care is to have more money, which they spend in more vanities and sins, which causes them diseases, which make them spend more money, which makes them work hard to make more money, which makes them stressed so they spend more on more vanities to compensate, which gets them even more sick and the cicle never stops. They live by the lusts of their parasites and their demonic hitchhikers, from one fix of refined sugar and binge watching shows to the next one. The more they have the more they think they need, their master is money and they hate to listen to anything of spirit, most of the time.  Because it makes them deal with the fact that this circus is going to end, it HAS TO END. What they will do when it ends? What will you do when it all comes to halt? Are you eager or afraid of it? Would you like it to remain the way it is for another century?
You will have to do with less, you will do with less in the wilderness. Either by poverty, famine, war, flood, tornado, volcano, zombie apocalypse or the Beast System, we are all coming to have less. This is the time we are lead to the wilderness. For to whom was easier to go for the wilderness after Yeshua: the poor fishermen that had little or the rich men that had much? Saul, full of influence, prestige and possessions, or Paul, whom gave away it all that he would follow the true Mashiach?

Yeshua! The Truth, Way, and Life.