Friday, May 31, 2024

Do these look of the children of men to you?

 We used to have Yehudi Kings. That was before one of their offspring took  a strange wife (Edomite/Canaanite) and within 100 years, the bloodline is ALL nephy, as we see today. Then they intentionally marry into the bloodline and voila! you have yet another satanic family that serves lucifer, masquerading as the legitimate magnificent Frankish Sun Kings.

How tedious.

tranny phreak nephys - royal gimps. Man on left is in half shift - his actual reptoid demon face makes an appearance, just add some scales and a slight green tint and you have a baby eater. Elite, as they call themselves. But among themselves, they refer to their kind as aristocrats.

Nephy royal, demon stare. Sizing up a victim. Reptoid ears, eyes, everything and a MAN.