Thursday, May 9, 2024

New Moon (the real one per the Holy Word) IYAR


Watch the date May 17th...they've keyed a great many things to that date. So has Dad, which is why they are piggy backing upon these appointed times.

They still need  your consent for the vax weapon, which is why they do it blind, with a digital sign thingy at the counter. You are supposed to be wise enough to ask and demand to see, the contract upon which you are signing. In that, you'll find that YOU CONSENT TO THE VAX WEAPON TO BE ADMINISTERED.

With that signature, they can and will, vax you without any further discussion or knowing. signed consent already. And if you ever signed one of those things, never go back to that office or hospital. That's your consent for all time to get


And they've got you. Satan that is and the demons will flood in and the graphene oxide and parasites will make a ruin of you, body and soul. In fact, in as little as 45 minutes after getting your death weapon, you will already be emitting the trackable, controllable, MAC code in which they can 

  • Kill You Remotely
  • Turn you into a Flesh Eating Zombie
  • Make you go into a blind rage insane berserker to kill.

Depending upon whom you are, where you live and your personal circumstance.