Thursday, June 27, 2024

A tunnel under a children's playground just collapsed in Alton UPDATED

Another tunnel collapse, in a coven neighborhood, and of course, mattresses. Again. And again. And the rains shall come to the world. This is why we flood EVERYWHERE. To put an end to this kind of shite. And we are the only thing going on IN THE WORLD that is actively ending it in every country on Earth. FACT.

 Why are there Mattresses in every one of these tunnel collapses, they are NOW calling sinkholes?


It's a mattress. You can see the patterns in the cloth. This is a coven tunnel complex. The rains are doing well their holy work.

 They are trying to play this off as an old mine tunnel. Except in a different shot angle, why is there a mattress down there. Just asking.

Just seems odd that mattresses are lying intact with blood stains in an alleged mine tunnel. For mining. Mining what? Adrenochrome?


The recording angels see EVERYTHING. When you find yourself in the place with no horizons and are standing tall before the man, The angel simply points at your life scroll, it's all in there. Hopefully, on that day, you'll also, the blood of the Lamb having washed your dirty clothes, quite clean.