Friday, July 26, 2024

A judgment against midsummer rituals of RISE

A judgment against midsummer rituals of RISE

Don Bradley 7-26-24


Our Father has led us to-

Judges 18-18

18And these went into Micah's house, and fetched the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. Then said the priest unto them, What do ye?

The Kammywhore, fronting for the Beast System, has declared for this year's satanic revels the RISE rituals and crafts of MAKING. Indeed. So, forest by forest, across the world, herein is the adjudication.

All those who do so wickedly, are to find their grounds and ritual sites sealed beneath, at, and above the ground for all time. Any and all doing such RISE rituals in part or in full, be it known. The damned you seek to release amongst your fellows, kinsmen, et al against the world of men, in spirit and in form, shall seek and rend you to your destruction beginning at once. Regardless of language or land, it is so. Amen.

Whether demon or rake, no matter the form or substance, it comes to those covens who do such as stated above, regardless of the naming, tongue, or practice thereof. In short, go ahead. But know the cost. That cost is you and yours.


It's on you now.