Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Meet Naphish son of Baron - Updated

 Yesterday, on New Moon, Baron and Madge's children took their first flights ever. These would be Naphish, son of Baron, and Carrine, daughter. Naphish and Carrine both had very unsteady times of things, learning the ways of the air and navigation. It was quite a thing to watch unfold. Naphish paired with Baron and Carrine paired with Madge, her mother.

This morning, I got to meet them both, officially, and they received their names from on High. When asked what names to give them, as they had no names as yet, He turned me to 1 Chronicles 1, the sons of Abraham. There was his name. Carrine He gave me directly.

The children are much smaller than the parental units; by end of summer, they should be all they can be...and more.

