Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Naphish, James and Madge


Naphish, Madge and Baron, earlier this month, hanging out with the fawns.

So, this morning, go out to feed the ravens and I see Madge and James, sitting in the tree talking. A raven and a white hawk, four feet apart. WHAT? I'd never have believed it, a raven and a hawk and one is not trying to either get away or kill the other. I try to get pictures, but they flew off when they saw the camera, together. I'm thinking, this is a day of days. Full moon and all, new changes, big events on the horizon, all that.

Couple of hours later, Dad tells me to walk the property, so I do. and at the edge of the property, over by the other metal storage, you've never seen in pics, cuz it's down the hill and nothing to see anyways, except a stand of oak trees behind it. There is a PILE of raven feathers. OH NO.

Then it hits me. I haven't heard naphish all morning. And naphish had quite the mouth on him, he yakked constantly and loudly and was exerting his new found authority for all to hear, constantly. Just as I'm lamenting a lost friend, James flies right over me, ten feet overhead.

So, an hour ago, Baron came by and I asked him, did James do this. Yes. Is it naphish, yes. This is just stunning news. Dad says that naphish attacked James twice on a fly over and James just reacted. What I saw this morning, as James apologizing in tears, to naphy's mother Madge.

What a day.

To honor the boy I saw grow up, take his first flight, I gathered up the feathers for Baron and Madge; they already had the funeral around noon. I put four of Naphish's feathers around a flower pot, to honor the lad I had come to love. 

James feels just awful about it all, but he was attacked and he just blew a fuse and reacted in self defense.

No one would believe my life.


James. (james is actually a yellow tail hawk, Dad says, but runs with the white  hawks and they let him.)