Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Tartaria scam

The Tartaria scam

Don Bradley 8-3-24

They are trying to convince the world – through the use of AI imagery and sometimes, real giant examples extant – that in the late 19th and early 20th century, our “history and life cycle realities” were erased and replaced with a false history we have now. Which of course, if anyone has older historical books from the 19th century, is complete BS. They count on the educated, dumbed down, modern era to embrace these lies as truths.

They call this “real history” Tartaria. Which is, as we know from reading the Holy Word, a place in hell called TARTAR. All they did was add two letters IA to the name of hell. In short, they are selling hell as our past, so we embrace the lies, fictions, and other doings as yet unrevealed. After the fall feasts of YHVH 2024, they will start revealing this BS history with the following precepts, many of which they are already leaking out in very subtle ways:

  • Alternative spiritual experiences and many of them.

  • Alternative writings they say surpass the Bible.

  • Alternative angels who are only wearing masks; they have to.

  • Alternative powers and energies to amaze and preoccupy.

  • Alternative knowledge, secrets and mysteries.

  • Alternative grand promises that they cannot keep and never have

  • because they are finite not infinite.

  • Alternative concepts of human identity and origins.

  • Alternative teachings on death and the afterlife.

  • An alternative Christ who is not the one of Scripture.

  • An alternative agenda looking for a new world order.

  • An alternative morality that only darkens the conscience.

  • An alternative transformation that does not connect anyone to God.

  • An alternative spiritual practice that promises enhancement but deepens the spiritual blinders.

  • Alternative spiritual goals that seek the opposite of what God is really doing.

On top of this, it is witches and satanists, doing this CIA mindphark operation and the gullible and those false truth tellers are selling it wherever you go. Do not believe it. It's the same old lies they sold us in the New Age Movement, dusted off with a new title, but with no chance of redemption, repentance, and renewal under Christ Yeshua, who died on the cross to free us all.

Have you noticed?

There is no mention of religion in this tartar thing they are selling...

There is no Christ Yeshua and His Redemption and salvation from His blood on the cross...

Only older buildings – that we have historical build photos (if you have access to older text books or history books that haven't yet been removed from used book stores, which they are buying and destroying, just for this purpose – and the mud flood and some AI pictures of giants in late 19th century garb. I've even seen videos of old, ornate fireplace grates for wood that these liars claim are “free energy” devices, they are that pathetic and desperate. Look in any old Sears and Roebuck catalog from the late 19th century and you can see, in the Victorian era, EVERYTHING WAS ORNATE! IT'S NOT FREE ENERGY, it's a style of build that went out with the Edwardian age, for heaven's sake.

It's quite the scam.

And people are falling for it.

Please don't be one of them.
