Saturday, August 10, 2024

The women of the pit worshiped as deities - UPDATED

The women of the pit worshiped as deities

Don Bradley 8-10-24

So, Enoch tells us very little about the fate of the women who slept with the fallen angels, other than to say – somewhat obliquely – they became chimeras and sirens. These women chose to betray the Most High and take after unholy angels, having left their first estate in rebellion.

These nasty things became some of the first demons in the Earth, beneath the waters. And, being sexual consorts of the 22 fallen angels that landed on Mount Hermon, they were setup by Satan as being demigods of the underworld. Idiots since the beginning of time have worshiped these unholy stink pots ever since. They have many names, just like their chief, but very often its the same skank.

And the chief tranny himself gave them special rank and powers he didn't give the run of the mill demons, because they made his rebellion on Earth possible. Without these sluts, the mess we call the Nephilim – the infection of creating giants of men and beast – would not have happened. So their reward is to have a bunch of retarded slugs and gimps, over the millennia, worship them as divine beings, and being once women, they love the attention, as do all the damned. Vanity is still the downfall of their kind, to this very day.

However, like tranny phreak, they insert themselves in the honest narrative with the Lilith bs like she was the first wife of Adam – no you weren't honey. Eve was and even she betrayed her husband.

So, their curse was to become chimeras of the deep and of the air, an area satan had some authority – flying creeping things, flies, all that. It's why, when you look at the old images of Asteroth, Semiramis, Kali, and all the others, they are chimera – part man, part beast.

As they are in hell. Chimeras. You can find all this stuff in what they call mythology to give these demonics some kind of legitimate shine, when they have none at all. These are nasty, foul smelling stink holes that give witches that are women, their rather foul stench in the etheric and higher.

Mostly this demigod legend stuff is entirely spurious as is their fake backgrounds they cultivated by their jewish assets on Earth. Because they are all of Lucifer and stem from his vanity and fall. It's all bullshite.

So, no need to keep asking about Lilith, or Diana, or Astarte, or any of these skanks. They laid with the fallen and chose their fate. But, choose to believe what you want, most do. As do we all, frankly. If you think Lilith - the patron saint of lesbians and betrayal - is a thing to worship, no one stops you. You just end up become more like this hideous, dead fish smelling stump as she is, deep beneath the waters.

So choose wisely, your fate. Seek out God, YHVH. You can find Him through His son Yeshua Mashiach (Christ Jesus).

Here's a throwaway for you ladies out there. Know why women stink so very badly from that place between their legs, when that wasn't the original design? You know why. Same reason why you are the only mammal that bleeds from that same place. Eve and the women that slept with the fallen brought that curse upon them, for all time, until the final judgment. It's not a pheromone thing, like the jewbie doctors lie about - its a rotten, foul smelling thing of Fish Death, as every man and woman on Earth knows, but is often too polite and considerate to ever bring to her fragile attention and vanity.

Isn't learning fun?
