Sunday, December 22, 2024

Yeshua/Jesus was NOT a jew

Son Nicholas, Natsarim Yahudite, Vasquez rocks at noon.


Yeshua - Aramaic spelling

Yahshua- Hebrew spelling

Jesus - 4 transliterations later spelling

I use Yeshua, because that's the name we called him in those days. We still use it.

For the purposes of this table of understandings, I use the Hebrew spelling.


God - Yahweh Elohim YHVH
Jesus - Yahshua Messiah
Jew - Edomite mixed with Caananites who were mixed with Kenites
Judean - a citizen of the Kingdom of Judah of any racial stock, tribe or religion.
Israelite - The 10 tribes under the leadership of Jeroboam from the Tribe of Ephraim split from the House of David to create the Northern Kingdom of Isreal.
Judahite - The tribes of Judah and Benjamin remaining loyal to the House of David. These tribes formed the Kingdom of Judah - Yahshua's bloodline.
Israel - the Physical Kingdom of Isreal
Isreal - The Seed line of Jacob (later renamed Israel) grandson of Abraham (Isrealites and Judahites are both part of Isreal (The United Monarchy))
Israel - The United Monarchy of (Israel+Judah)
Essenes - Judahites who did not marry and pass on their seed. An ascetic Class of priests
Nassenes - the earliest gnostics, students of Mariamne the Edomite from the House of Herod
Nazarenes - the first Judahite converts to Christianity
Nazarites - Isrealites who took vows to not cut their hair or imbibe in Alcohol. Yahshua's Brother James was one. Their title was Nazir.
Pharisee - A priestly class of primarily Edomites who followed the Tradition of the Elders (Babylonian Talmud) as equal to the Torah.
Saducee - Controllers of the priesthood. Always Edomites who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, or in any other form of immortality
Samaritans - Claim descent from the tribe of Ephraim and tribe of Manasseh (two sons of Joseph) as well as from the Levites. Only use the 1st 5 books of the Bible.
Samarian - a resident of Samaria of any racial stock, tribe or religion. Later known as Palestine, bordered by Galilee to the north and Judaea to the south.
Galatians - Judahites from GAULINITIS, literally, "Valley/City of the GAULS"

Yahshua was a Judahite
Yahshua was NOT an Edomite
Yahshua was NOT a Caananite
Yahshua was NOT a Kennite 

An old painting, worshipping YHVH with the ravens at sunset.