Catching up – ketchup
Don Bradley 1-23-25
Remember 2 years ago this month, when the 40 storms were barreling down on California, as foretold? The rivers of endless waters that created one new lake and restored an old one?
Sure you do. We all do in the western US.
It was said that YHVH was going to make a ruin of those tunnels, grottoes, etc in the hills above Los Angeles—specifically the Edomite/jewbie homes and such. It's on this site. Look it up for a refresher. The storms came and went, and your enclaves remained intact – except for the over 1,500 homes, that slid off their foundations into the canyons or the sea, depending. Oh yeah. I published the proof, here.
Now, after the Pacific Palisades fire plus the Alta Dena and Sierra Madre fires, this was partially accomplished. A great many hags and crones lost generations of black magic grimmoires and books of shadows, many in the ancient languages. Their sacrifice closets and basement grottoes, gone forever. They are still moaning and wailing over what was lost. Documents, books, talismans, you name it, all gone. Most irreplacable.
It's not done.
Rains are coming. More fire is coming. A great deal of rain. Even more fire. To make an ending of these abominations. As you no doubt are still smirking and laughing, here's the juice snapper heads.
Recall Burning Man, last 2 years? Sure you do. You scumbags flock to these places of unholiness. In 2023, it was foretold that rains would come to flood the place, for 3 and a half days and so it was. A gift to John/Omar, who asked for that evil to be slapped down. His request was granted, a gift to a brother. In 2024, Friday night, just like the rains, a stinging fierce wind filled with sand came for 3 and a half days and so it was. Visibility was less than 12 feet. That was covered here, both events.
Burning man attendees are NOT smirking any more.
For this year, it's either a thing of Earth or Fire. And I can tell you, because I've already told a few people, it WILL BE FIRE.
Now, smirkers, you'd be thinking, “It's desert! It's just nothing tents and naked bodies. Nothing to burn. HAHAHAHA.”
Ever hear of lightning? The deadliest fire on Earth. Quick, surgical, precise, nothing to do to shield from it. It can take a single snake or the entire lot in one go, depending upon the angels in charge of it. Uriel is sending his two best warriors. Comprende?
Why don't you have the Golden Yawn and a bunch of other satanic orders show up. They can do what they do and then its my turn? Let me know.
Just announce through the usual channels. I get it. Always do.
How about the Mothers of Darkness? Bring them. BRING THEM ALL. Please.
Don't disappoint me. Bring all your wizards, witches, and sorcerers. Please. If you can stay this fire, I'll hang up my spurs. Finish. And you...some will go in peace, many will simply cease to be.
You talk the talk. Let's see that walk.
I mention all the above in fair warning. To the remainder. I'm of a certain that repentance is not on the table for any of you. I see that now. I do. In a certain light, I respect your loyalty to sissy boy Lu and your eager subservience to the Edomites. Most do it of fear, some simple defiance. I do understand. I've seen much of that, over many lives, having to come to this place.
Ever see lightning come out of a blue sky?
Do you actually think that requires rain or clouds?
Ever see lightning come from the ground? Or a volcano? I have.
Listen Los Angeles and listen well. Your OWN PEOPLE are going set off nuclear weapons in the San Gabriel and San Fernando valleys. Plus one near Long Beach. They won't tell you. I just did, again.
Repent. And maybe it will be stopped, made inert. In fact, I know it will.
Do not
repent. Then their work will stand and be unopposed in this thing. This is in your hands, not mine.