Sunday, March 2, 2025

WORRY MORE,do less – a lesson in mind control

WORRY MORE, do less – a lesson in mind control

Don Bradley 3-2-25

This month turns anew and I flip the calendar to March. This is one of those cheap dollar tree calendars you get for a buck and change. This kind is mostly all they sell, and they are also mostly gay themed, using subtle context codes. Like gays do.

As can be seen by the picture the satanists over at CIA came up with these pithy slogans to control behavior, but in dark and decidedly evil ways. You think it says

Worry less,

Do more.

But it doesn't. Here's why. The brain doesn't see like that, only language understanding of the person. The brain and subconscious mind states, alpha, beta, theta, delta, function using IMAGERY STATES, word associations, and image associations.

You can see the words WORRY MORE, are large, capital letters.

The words, do less, are small, lowercase letters.

What the brain and subconscious mind sees is

WORRY MORE, do less. In that order. Because of letter shaping groups.

The subconscious feeds into behavioral states when controlled in this fashion, while the topside conscious mind reads it as written, but always with a sense of cognitive dissonance. Does everyone understand so far?

Reread the above until you do.

Because they are also, NLP COMMAND PHRASES.

These words are specific action verb word groups.

WORRY MORE is a behavior. A thing to do, put your energy into. An action or verb command informs you of THE ACTION TO BE TAKEN. In this case, WORRY MORE.

The same applies to do less. Another action NLP COMMAND PHRASE.

This then becomes the deeper programming aspect of this simple few words, expertly designed to cause a reactive subconscious behavior quite outside the awareness of the victim.

So then the reader starts acting out this behavior. Quite unaware that an evil thing has come into its presence and every minute you are in that room, even if you do not pay attention to the calendar on the wall,

your mind is constantly seeing it in its peripheral vision and is reading it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...again. Until you leave the room.

They put these in offices everywhere. Courtesy of management or HR....let that sink in, I pray you.

You think that's the worst of the matter. It is not. It goes yet deeper still. (Our Father, Dad, shows me everything.)

These are negative mental and emotion states, that key to the lower centers, and to lower things. These are





These are the emotions, thought states, and energies of the lower realms. Evil.

And yet further still, this hole goes...right into the pit itself.

These calendars are hexed with demons. And spells are attached to them. That means demons. And every time you are within visual range of this calendar it and the demons, are WORKING ON YOU, round the clock; adding their own brand of ugliness to the NLP MK Ultra mind fark going out into the world.

There are millions of these calendars out there, of all kinds and different artwork and scenic pictures. Anything THAT ATTRACTS THE EYE.

I cover mine, every month with paper or cardboard. Cardboard lasts longer then paper, and modern paper is so thin, the MK comes through in the right light.

Hopefully, in this short treatise on how they seek and often do control you, without your awareness brings you back a measure of control. And I haven't even got into hemi-sync and other devices used to get at you.

You realize the terrible plague of evil in constant attack upon us, one and all.


PS I hope all this makes sense. I tried to keep it as short and to the point as possible.