Monday, October 4, 2021

A Heavenly Sign Awaited from Ancient Times Being Fulfilled Elul 6-20

Casting about today to find others who get it, here is someone else, from his pov, regarding these times.

The only error is ..he's off by four years and twenty. Four in that yes, the latest buildup to the Rev 12 event started, he says, in 2014. This is not so. It was The Solar Eclipse of 2012. I was at Vasquez rocks, giant cedar tree remains, on that day and hour for the change.

Me and the boys, on that Day.

Big event in May 2012, Vasquez Rocks.

Twenty, because the real start time of end times, was May of 1999, the real 6000 year date of the millennium. All is rushing forward quickly, for the times changed on June 10th, the other thing he missed. For example, awhile back I had put up a video on Target holding centers. This was August 28th, 2021. Two weeks later, another. A friend, who was and is part of that work, exclaimed in his preamble, that he had seen the first video of a "couple of months ago". I reminded him, "not so, friend. It was only 12 days ago. Check the dates. He was astounded. For he had not realized this unpublished truth about the shortening of days initiated on June 10th. Well, it was published in the Bible, of course. But, others and I, had not the authority to do so, nor were given it to do.

Matthew 24

22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. 

Now that 3 months have gone by, most aware folks are very definitely aware of this phenomenon; each in their own way.

The idea of this presents that indeed, we are in Tribulation; yes, we are in End Times; yes, things get rough. But, also this. 

The opportunity to reach toward Him, Yeshua our Savior, has never been greater than now. 
