Monday, October 4, 2021

Has the September 23 2017 Alignment happened before? 

Blood Moon, 3 weeks before the event, taken in Ojai by DB

Today we address all the other supposed dates this sign has already aligned in, to test the rarity of this coming September 23rd 2017 alignment, fulfilling the Revelation 12 Prophecy.  This video should beyond a doubt prove that the 9 23 17 alignment was THE ONE.

See, it's not just Donnie saying it.

Solid research; this is what I found, as well. As published.

And since? Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls all firing off right now.

As foretold in Esdras 5, the GREAT DYING. All around us, taking thousands every hour. This fall, the demonic is really going to RAMP UP everything toward that end of a crescendo of blood for the wicked one; which will peak about 9 months later. Then the tide will pull back for half a time.

Our verifiable last season of freedom we are in; Autumn. The erosion to food, civil liberties, freedom will dissolve on a visible daily basis; visible to any and all who so wish to look. Many choose not to. It's too painful. So it is.

The fall festivals are nearly upon us. I implore all of us to seek Yeshua and the Most High Adonai, Yahua, and his ways. Attend in your own way these feast of Trumpets, Tabernacles, etc, and come out of Babylon.

The time when the event occurred over Jerusalem; Ojai, CA.