Friday, June 24, 2022

Fallen Watchers part five

 Fallen Watchers part five

"And the Lord sent
among the people, and they bit the people; and
much people of Israel died".

(Numbers 21:6)

       The translation for the word "fiery" here is [Strong's ref. 8314 saraph] or properly annotated "seraphim" (plural). These are ANGELIC BEINGS, and they are DEMONIC! The word for serpent here is "nachash" in Hebrew (snake), but it comes from the root [Strong's ref. 5172 nachash, naw - khash; a prim. root; to hiss, i.e. whisper a magic spell, divine, enchanter, enchantment, diligently observe]. Notice the allusions to sorcery, magic, and "EYES" (observe). The adjective "fiery" also infers "light" in its translation. Now, I'm sorry, but these "serpents" were NOT "poisonous copper colored snakes" no matter how you cut it after you've read the correct translation. The translation specifically says they are SERAPHIM! The translation for these two words are identical to Isa.14:29, the only thing missing here is the adjective "flying". There is confirmation of this, but it has been overlooked and mis-interpreted. 

This verse is usually interpreted to mean the angel of death that killed the first born of the Egyptians. It is NOT referring to the "destroyer" (singular) at all. There was ONE angel (the Destroyer) that slew the first born of the Egyptians. This is not referring to the Egyptians at all, it is talking about the Israelites and the plagues they endured in the wilderness during the "wandering". The verse says ANGELS (plural) that were "among them". This is talking about the "fiery serpents" (seraphim), for there is NO other interpretation. Now, the Lord tells Moses to do something strange here:

"And the Lord said unto Moses, make thee a
and put it upon a pole,
and it shall come to pass, that every
one that is bitten,when he
upon it, shall live".

(vs. 9)

It is a slightly different translation used here for "fiery serpents". The translation for "serpents" here is [Strong's ref. 8314 saraph] or "seraph" (angelic being). Obviously, Moses did not make one of these, he made an IMAGE of one out of brass. It is very interesting to note, that in the translation is also the allusion to "seeing" or "observing". Isn't it strange that by "looking" at this image of a "fiery seraph", the Israelites would be restored? 

There is a profound symbolic purpose for this which has never been properly interpreted to satisfaction as far as I'm concerned. I believe I know a little of the answer to this riddle, but some things need to be found out for ones self for them to become "rama". Now, almost to a man, every single pastor or teacher of the Word of God will deny what I have just shown you pertaining to the "fiery serpents" in the wilderness, of which the Israelites were plagued. God himself will confirm what I've shown you through his servant David in the book of Psalms:

"He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger,
wrath, indignation, and trouble, by SENDING
E V I L   A N G E L S
among them".

(Psalm 78:49)

They will still deny it, for they refuse to believe. This chapter in Psalms is dealing with the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. It deals extensively with the plagues God brought upon the HEBREWS, not the Egyptians. Make no mistake, the "fiery serpents" were "evil angels", not SNAKES!. A great deal of what is written in the bible about the "demonic host of heaven", is placed "parable-like" throughout scripture. Like a giant jigsaw puzzle, the pieces must be carefully extracted and scrutinized, then organized for it to become coherent. 

Of course, you must BELIEVE and TRUST what you are reading. This ultimately becomes a waste of time, if the person is unwilling to believe in what is written! This person usually formulates an interpretation that he/she WILL believe .This interpretation usually "blinds" the individual from seeing the little "connecters" of the jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle in the long run, is the "big picture". You will NOT be able to see the big picture without the "connecters" ( i.e. eyes, serpents, locusts, nephillim, rapha etc.), and you can't see or interpret the "connectors" if you don't believe in what the words mean and their interpretation. I hate to use the phrase but its "all academic". 

The early church fathers and historians give almost nothing as to this incident in the wilderness with the 'flying serpents', or as Psalm 78 says, the "evil angels". Philo gives a philosophical diction on the meaning of the "brazen serpent" lifted up by Moses to heal the people from the serpents, but says virtually nothing about the 'serpents' themselves. Josephus on the other hand, mentions nothing on this specific event during the Exodus in his works at all. But, we can peruse a couple of very interesting facts if we pay attention, and they will tell us something of extreme importance. Philo and Josephus say only this about the 'serpents':

"For all around were rugged and precipitous rocks, or else a salt and brackish plain,
and stony mountains, or deep sands reaching up and forming mountains of inacessable
height; and moreover there was no river, neither winter torrent nor ever-flowing
stream; there were no springs, no plant growing from seed, NO TREE whether for fruit or timber,
except some few poisonous
R  E  P  T  I  L  E  S
and SERPENTS, and scorpians...."

(Philo, "On The Life Of Moses  1", XXXV:192)

"For when the ground was dificult to be passed over, because of the multitude of
S  E  R  P  E  N  T  S
(which it produces in vast numbers, and indeed is SINGULAR in some of those productions,
which other countries DO NOT BREED, and yet such are worse than others in POWER
and mischief, and an
some of which
and also
F L Y   I N   T H E   A I R,
and do come upon men at unawares, and do them mischief)......"

(Josephus, "Antiquities Of The Jews", 2.10.245)

  Now, Philo only has this to say about the "serpents" or rather "evil angels", but he says something of extreme importance. He says they were "REPTILES" created for the destruction of man, and designates "serpents" or rather 'snakes' as something different. He also gives a description of the wilderness which disproves that these "serpents" were garden variety snakes that FLY, of which there are today in areas of Asia (they can 'leap' from tree to tree). Why? because Philo says there were no "TREES" or anything else but a barren plain of wilderness. He also states something that seems contradictory at first glance and states that there were no "animals", whether FLYING or....TERRESTRIAL!!! 

Now, this is a strange statement for it eliminates everything, birds, animals, whether earth bound or 'terrestrial', meaning in the FIRST HEAVEN (earths atmosphere). So what is Philo saying these reptiles are? It would seem that Philo does NOT know himself and that these statements are  from records not in the bible for sure. He states that these 'reptiles' were born for the destruction of mankind, meaning they were implemented specifically for the 'evil angel assault' of Exodus, and not common snakes or serpents of the ground. 

If this isn't strange enough, then we have to contend with Josephus's account. Now, as I said, Josephus does not state anything about this 'serpents in the wilderness' account of the Exodus in his works. This statement is from an account about Moses, before he was ordained by the Lord, while in service to Pharoah in Egypt. It is an account of how Moses made war with the Ethiopians while in service to Pharoah. This is much stranger for Josephus states that these serpents were "singular" meaning exclusive to the country, just like Philo. There were not other 'breeds" of these 'serpents". He says they are much "worse" than other 'serpents', and they are "UNUSUAL" in appearence. Furthermore, they came out of the "dens" in the ground UNSEEN, were extremly fierce, and......FLEW IN THE AIR!!!. Hes talking about "flying serpents" here folks and alludes to SUPERNATURAL PROPERTIES which they have (unseen, they fly, unusual appearence etc.). He states as he goes on that these 'flying serpents' attacked the Egyptian army as they moved south through the wilderness towards Ethiopia, and were "exclusive" to that country. Josephus, like Philo, is basing his statements on other accounts of this event, not from the bible. Iraneus loosely explains this account in his "fragments". Josephus goes on to explain how Moses designed a way to deal with these "flying serpents", by utilizing another mysterious creature, a type of "bird" called an "IBE", which josephus states is the greatest enemy of these "flying serpents", and which would hunt and destroy them when they attacked. Weird stuff folks, and not to be ignored.

"About the Time of the End, a body of men will
be raised up who will turn their attention to the
prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation,
in the midst of much clamor and opposition".
- Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

I believe this to be a very profound statement coming from a man who was a Grand Master of the Rosicrucians, Freemason, Occultist, and thereby Luciferean, amongst other things. Oh!, you didn't know that? Do your research! He is also most famous for giving us one of the most fundamental "laws" (sic) of modern physics, "gravity". That the "law of gravity" is a LIE!, and easily proven so. GRAVITY DOES NOT EXIST by its own definition. 

Take a good look at the principles and laws of "gravity", and then give me one good example of "pull"(and before you come back to me, you better take another look at "magnetism" and "inertia" while your at it). To "pull' something is an ILLUSION. In fact, your hands or whatever are "pushing" it. "Energy" can NOT move in two directions, "from" and "upon" itself SIMULTANEOUSLY from the same point source, and that is exactly what Newton's "law of gravity" states!. ENERGY CANNOT AND DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY! It can not "go out" and "come back" at the same time SIMULTANEOUSLY!, and NO, that's not how a magnet works!. But that's what "gravity" states. The "force" of gravitation is a "push", NOT a "pull"

Any ways, if you don't believe me, than maybe you'll believe Sir Isaac himself who stated before he died that his "law" was in fact FALSE (pick up any copy of an A.M.O.R.C. Rosicrucian manual, and look up "gravity" in the Appendix, p. 167). The "law of gravity" is diametrically the opposite in principle to the "laws" that God created to govern the universe. The bible says God "spoke, and the worlds WERE". The WORD went OUT, and all things WERE! Besides, how come NASA must change their mathematical formulas for measuring "gravity", 600 miles outside of the earth's orbit? And something else, the word "gravity" is in your bible. It is Greek and it means [Strong's ref. 4587 semnotes, sem - not - ace; venerableness:- gravity], but it comes from this root, and check this out now [Strong's ref. 4576 sebomai, seb - om - ahee; a primary verb; to revere, i.e. adore:- devout, religious, worship]. The real meaning behind the word "gravity" is RELIGIOUS WORSHIP!. In fact, Sir Isaac Newton,who was a LUCIFEREAN,took the word for his theorem, from the bible. It smells of Satan all over it! Any ways, we have now gone down a "rabbit trail", and we have to get back on course. Lets look at something you've ALWAYS overlooked. Here is another prime example of where the truth can be completely over-looked. This one is so obvious you wonder why people still follow the FALSE SHEPHERDS OF BABYLON and their doctrines, but of course if your not paying attention...


        The book of Daniel is probably the most mis-interpreted books of all the bible. Exceedingly rich in prophecy, it contains some of the most provocative verses of scripture. There is ONE verse of scripture that until recently, has NEVER been properly interpreted. We've all read this verse a thousand times probably and never noticed the strange intent as to the meaning, because we never paid attention!

"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with
miry clay;
T  H  E  Y 

themselves with the
but they shall
cleave one to another,
even as iron is not mixed with clay".

(Daniel 2:43)

        If you have any knowledge of the New World Order and basic end-time biblical prophecy interpretation, than you will grasp the frightening scenario here. This is the interpretation of the 4th kingdom or the last-days kingdom according to Daniel. Its the one being built before our very eyes right NOW! (NWO). The "toes" of the kingdom are partly strong and partly broken according to Nebuchadnezzars dream of the statue of a man (ten nations or states, ten "kings", and ten "horns"). He relates the "toes" as being mixed with "miry clay". What is the the "miry clay"?. Look after the first comma of the verse, THEY SHALL MINGLE THEMSELVES WITH THE SEED OF MEN! The ONLY textual conclusion you can make is that the"THEY", is something OTHER THAN MEN or HUMANS! The "miry clay" is NEPHILLIM! (aliens?, we'll see later).

Thats right, there is NO other explanation or alternative here according to the text. Are you SEEING this? We have to look deeper at this. The end of the verse is extremely interesting. it states "they shall not cleave to one another". Is the word cleave being used in the same context as "mingle? If so, the probable answer as to why they won't cleave to one another, is because they can't!

Their ALL MALES and need the "seed of men" (woman) if being used in the context of mingle. But if not, than the only other probable reason is because THEY don't want to give themselves away! (reveal themselves). Read Dan.11:39...he shall cause THEM to rule over many... and its all done by CRAFT! This is why they don't "cleave" to one another. When you consider that God refers us "humans" as "clay", and to be molded by his hand's, we see a strange parallel. Clay is mixed with water, or the HOLY SPIRIT in the Lord's analogy of the "potters wheel". The meaning of the term "miry clay" becomes quite interesting. 

The root for the word miry here is[Strong's ref. 2916tiyt, teet; from an unused root; through the idea of dirt being swept away;mud or clay; fig. calamity:- dirt, mire, clay]. What "miry clay" is here folks, is MUD!. You know what mud is. We've all played with it when we we're kids and let me tell you what God taught you. Mud is "runny", "gooey", and down right "mucky". You've tried to make something with it right? A "castle" or a "fort" or anything else for that matter. What I means is, that the "water" and the "dirt" don't mix! The water keeps "separated" from the "dirt", and that's why you can't "form" anything with it!. Its "miry clay", not "clay"! (I refer you again to 2 Pet.2:17, Jude 12). Can we see some other confirmation of this?


"He brought me up also out of an
horrible pit,
out of the
m i r y   c l a y,
and set my feet upon a rock,
and established my goings".

(Psalm 40:2)

        This is the only other use of this term in the bible. David wrote this Psalm, and what was David's first claim to fame? He slew the "nephillim" Goliath! (an Anakim). And to show he was not messing around, he brought 4 extra "stones" for Goliath's 4 other "nephillim" brothers. What's most interesting about the word "miry" here is its translation. Its different from the one in Daniel, Its [Strong's ref. 3121 yaven, yaw - ven; prop.dregs; hence, mud:- mire, miry.]. This translation is exclusive to this ONE place in scripture. As you can see, there is some substance to this.

"But as the day's of Noah were,so
S H A L L   A L S O
the coming of the Son of man be".

(Matthew 24:37)

        This warning should not be taken lightly, for this comes out of the mouth of Christ!. You must remember, the "day's" of Noah extended past the flood. And we also found out that there was nephillim after the flood as well. Noah lived up to the time of the advent of the first "Antichrist", NIMROD. This is an important point to take note of, because the Antichrist to come will be something "like" him. We shall continue further with our study of this certain individual in part two of this series, as he plays a most significant role in end time prophecy and is an extremely important link between the "mysteries" of the nephillim in the bible, and the modern day phenomena of UFO's, aliens, and abduction historically.

The Antichrist plays one of the most important roles in end-time bible prophecy. To understand the connection between the modern day UFO, alien phenomena, and the "nephillim" of the bible, one must know something of the background and historical roots of the biblical Antichrist. After a brief examination, we shall look further back in time for vestigial traces between the "sons of God' interaction on mankind in history, and the UFO phenomena of today in the scripture, and from what we know from academia and science. 

Lets take a look at a "key figure" in end-time prophecy interpretation and his connections with our topic  in part 2 of this discussion.More can be shown to directly connect the modern day UFO and alien dilemna with the bible, by doing a simple study of the shadowy figure in the scriptures known as the "Antichrist". He, is ever so directly antiquated to "Lucifer" in the scriptures, and shall play a most important role in the final episode of the last days.


The many different aspects of the Antichrist as related in the bible, are hard to understand unless you can SEE the "system" that ushers him in (NWO). But given the picture the bible gives us of him, only naivety would conclude that this "man" is, us! If their is one verse of scripture to confirm this conclusion then:

"Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the
cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou (Antichrist)
laid down,
feller (nephillim)
is come up against us".

(Isaiah 14:8)

        This verse is a prophecy pertaining to during the Tribulation in co-ordination with verse 7 as well. This is the only place in the entirety of scripture that uses this word "feller" in its present form.. As I've shown before, "feller" is used "exclusively" of giants! (nephillim). But let's check out the translation here. In the Hebrew its [Strong's ref. 3772 karath, kaw - rath; a prim. root; to cut off; by impl. to destroy or consume; spec. to make a covenant (alliance or bargain); be con-federate, feller, lose, perish, +utterly]

Doesn't the Antichrist "confirm" a "covenant" of 7 years? At the end , doesn't he "utterly lose" and "perish"? Isn't he the one that "cut's off" the "daily sacrifice", resulting in the "abomination of desolation"? Isn't this talking about our boy? Than what's with the absolutely non-sensical interpretation of the Church today? 

The Antichrist is Satan's version of the "Messiah". A half-god man! No its NOT a deception, he's REAL!. The "deception" is to those who don't recognize him as such, a REAL LIVE MONSTER! His "supernatural powers" will be completely REAL, NOT MAGIC (no rabbits and mirrors). THE WHOLE WORLD WILL FOLLOW THIS "THING". To the deceived he WILL look like the MESSIAH, or shall I say to the vast majority, even the Lord Jesus Christ! That's how strong the "deception" is, to "deceive even the very ELECT if it were at all possible", and its happening RIGHT NOW (my people perish for lack of knowledge). The bible shows that he will be the "king" of PHLANTHROPY, the world will LOVE HIM and follow him right to hell. 

In fact, the Church is primed for him RIGHT NOW, and they will FOLLOW HIM with the rest of THE WORLD. MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS ARE GOING TO PERISH! As I've shown earlier, the "ten kings" of Daniel are also nephillim, and are in league with THE BEAST and his empire during the Tribulation. As I've shown earlier, there is a direct connection between the fallen angels (watchers) and nephillim (Zophim), and "eyes". There is somebody else antiquated with "eyes" in scripture:

"...there came up among them another
little horn (Antichrist)...
and behold, in this horn were
L  I  K  E

the eyes of a man,
and a mouth speaking great things".

(Daniel 7:8)