Friday, June 24, 2022

Fallen Watchers part four

Fallen Watchers part 4, 

Reupload from circa 2004. DB

Very little of these five verses remains in your King James or any of the other versions. The "utmost foundation of heaven" does NOT sound like around here (earth). This place is a land "afar off". The use of the word "utmost" is antiquated to "distance". The inference of the use here is as to the "ends of the universe" when read in its context. This is directly connotated with the "day of YHVH" or what's referred to as Armageddon.

For behold! the day of YHVH is coming which
cannot be escaped,
a day of wrath and anger, to make the world desolate,
and to destroy sinners out of it."

(vs. 9)

        These are very provocative verses of scripture. When exegeted and read in context, the impression left is that most of what's taking place is not of "human" doing. Besides, no humans live at the "utmost foundation of heaven" now do they?. As stated in verse 3, we are dealing with "nephillim" here, actually, by what the text says, NATIONS OF THEM!. Isaiah has a lot of strange things to reveal, and it would be extremely wise to take careful notice, as Isaiah had much to say about Babylon, and the last-days.

"Hell from beneath is moved for thee
to meet thee (Antichrist) at thy coming:
it stirreth up the
R  a  p  h  a,
even all the
chief ones of the earth;
it hath raised up from
their thrones
all the
kings of the earth".

(Isaiah 14:9)

        This is one of the most illuminating passages of prophecy in all of scripture. This is dealing with Satan being "cast down" during the tribulation, and the Antichrist's judgement of being cast into hell. In your bible, the word has been translated "dead" in place of "rapha" as you see here. This is NOT correct. There is NOTHING else they could have used here except "rapha" for it to be IN TRUTH. You see the translation for "rapha" is "dead", but its not meant "dead" like you think, in the translation. Nope, this "dead" are the disembodied spirits of Rephaim, or NEPHILLIM. These are evil spirits that are "cast out" onto the earth when Satan is "cast down" at the mid-point of the tribulation. These are the evil spirits that are held in "tarturus" at the moment. I want you to see something here and let it sink in, it is from the "thrones" of the "chief demons", that ALL THE KINGS OF THE NATIONS ARE CONTROLLED BY!

Now, when you equate this passage with chapter 13:1-3, this becomes most disturbing. It seems that, all at once, there is an onslaught appearance of "demons" and "nephillim", capped all off by the presence of Satan himself and the person of Antichrist at the start of the tribulation. Chapter 13:1-3 definitely illustrates that nephillim shall "appear" at the day of the Lord "to fulfill his (God's) wrath". Now, nephillim are "conceived". This leaves only 2 alternatives, they will be "conceived" during this time, or they are and have been "conceiving". It is remarkable how pastors and teachers avoid the unavoidable interpretations of these passages. These areas of Isaiah are "avoided" ON PURPOSE, because the Hebrew translations are too strange. 

The interpretations given in modern theological seminaries are not only comical, but are utterly absurd. Even though there is more spoken of Satan and his angels then heaven and God's, there is an absolute refusal to BELIEVE what the bible has to in fact say. Thats why the Church as well as the world still perceives Satan with "little horns and a pitch fork". As shown earlier, Satan has a "seed", and the scripture seems to indicate that this "seed", may in fact be still around, or are going to be in the near future. But now, lets try to find confirmation of Isa.14:9:

"Thy dead men shall live, together with
my dead body shall they arise(rapture). Awake and sing,
ye that dwell in dust:for thy dew is as the dew of
light,and the earth shall 


(Isaiah 26:19)

        Take a very good look at what your reading here. This passage says, that the "rapture" will happen at or after the time that the "rapha" are let out of "tartarus", and also from what we've seen from Isa.14:9, when Satan is "cast down" upon the earth. Ahh...I know the pretrib RAPTURE CULT fans are about to throw this document out right about now, but before you do, you might want to take a look at this:

"And the great dragon was
cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil, and SATAN, which
decieveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his
were cast out with him.

(Revelation 12:9)

        Most of the Body of Christ is in harmony as to what point Satan is "cast down" at the end. It's at or after  the beginning  the Tribulation. Gee...even the Jehovah Witness's will agree with me on this one. This verse is referring to just this time in John's vision of the Tribulation. But take a LOOK at the very next verse:

"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
N   O   W
S A L V A T I O N,
and strength, and the
kingdom of our God,
and the
power of his Christ:
for the accuser of our brethren is
which accused them before our God day and night".

(Revelation 12:10)

Ahh.... so sorry God has put a damper on the pre-trib rapture cult parade. The "rapture" happens at LAST TRUMPET after the revealing of Antichrist at the Beginning of the tribulation, and you got Old and New Testament CONFIRMATION. To believe in a pre-trib rapture is to believe that Christ can return at "any moment". This is called the Doctrine of IMMINENCE, which is completely APOSTATE from the Word of God and deceives millions. It brings with it a form of WITCHCRAFT. I can give you well over a hundred scriptures against this very doctrine! Actually, it is this very doctrine that will HELP (is right now) the Antichrist as I will show you later. It is the "end-product" of yet an even more malignant delusion against the very doctrine of Jesus Christ....the "false gospel" that is very much of what is coined as THE LIE in the new testament. But for now, lets look at these "covered over" translations. I refer you to this passage:

"Wilt thou shew wonders to the
r a p h a ?
shall the
rapha arise
and praise thee? Selah

(Psalm 88:10)

        This verse is correctly translated "rapha", where you now have "dead" in your bible. Psalm 88 was written at a time when David was in a very "low" spiritual estate. David is mourning and in a great deal of anguish. This verse represents a bit of rebellion in David's spirit towards YHVH at this point of time. It is a resentment of his predicament. David is trying to get a reply from God, and out of frustration, comes this "mocking". The word "arise" is very significant. The "rapha"(demons), are those that are held in tarturus (hell). You must understand, David is NOT talking about "dead people" here, he is referring to the "demons" which came from the "Rephaim". To emphasize this, I refer you to these seldom spoken verses:

"But he knoweth not that the
rapha are there;
and that her guests are in the
depths of hell".

(Proverbs 9:18)

r a p h a
under the waters,
and the
inhabitants thereof".

(Job 26:5)

        The word "rapha" here is also mis-translated "dead" in your bible. This verse shows you where these "rapha" are, in the "depths of hell" (tarturus). They were "transFORMED" into the rapha (death of their "nephillim" bodies) from the flood (under waters). The "inhabitants thereof" would be HUMANS! 

The black eyed babies of the Vax Weapon, now spread over 1/3rd of the Earth. These are the rapha, plus others, that are already HERE.

The "rapha" will "arise" from tartarus in the near future as Satan tries his "coup de gras" during the tribulation. David refers on more than one occasion in your bible to the nephillim subtly, but is now covered over by translation. A couple of verses past Psalm 88:10, David refers to something not seen by mis-translation. Something strange is uncovered when you correctly exegete the verses, and believe what it is saying.

"I am afflicted and ready to die
from my youth up: while I suffer thy
Emim (nephillim)
I am distracted".

(Psalm 88:15)

"My heart is sore pained within me: and the
E  M  I  M
of death
are fallen upon me."

(Psalm 55:4)

        The word "Emim" here is translated "terrors" in your bible. As I've shown earlier, one of the meanings of the word "Emim" is "terrors". There are six translations for the word "terrors" in your bible, one of them is in reference to the "Emim" (nephillim tribe). You will notice in the verse after 88:15, God uses the word "terrors" again. This time, it is an entirely different translation. This affirms what I've said earlier, "the same, is not always the same". Ancient myths and legends of the Hebrews, tell of what was called "the terrors". Legend has it that, "the terrors"would come in the night and carry away woman and children to eat!. It can be shown, that the roots of all the myths and legends of "monsters", is based upon the "nephillim" of the bible. Now, to look at something quite differently than what you've been used to.


        Hebrew myths give the nephillim a very interesting title. They are referred to as the "awwim" which means "devastators" or "serpents". In some Jewish lore, Eve is called the "mother" of the "serpents". It is interesting to note, that Eve's name in Hebrew is "hawwah"which means "she who makes live". This word is related to the word "hevia" in the Hebrew which signifies a "female serpent". In Arabic, serpent is "hayya", which is a cognate of the word "hayat", meaning "life". Satan is referred to as "that Old Serpent", and took the form of a serpent in the garden of Eden. It is only logical that Satan's "seed" would be referred to as "serpents" as well. The scripture does in fact show this. 

Some of the translations for the word "serpents" in your bible, are quite different than what you would expect. Not all "serpent's" in the bible are the same, and I'm not talking about "snakes" or "reptiles here". The bible would refer to some of these "serpent's" as being quite different. We sometimes take things for granted in what we've heard or read from the bible, to the point of over-looking the obvious. Then again, sometimes the "obvious" is so "fantastic", in the end, the TRUTH escapes being detected. This is the nature of TRUTH and DECEPTION. We as Christians, have to be SEEKERS of that "truth". And the truth is, this next verse of scripture is a prime example of the "truth" escaping detection. You need to take a good look at the translations of all these words in this verse, for its not what it seems to be at all. Modern theology covers over these translations to hide the OBVIOUS. This is the nature of APOSTASY, and it always starts directly from the Word. To "overlook" on purpose is apostasia. To "re-define" or add or take away is apostasy. So I ask you, what do you think this is saying to you:

"Rejoice not thou whole Palestina, because the rod
of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the
serpent's root (Satan)
shall come forth a
viper (Antichrist),
and his
shall be a 


(Isaiah 14:29)




on fire, burning, spec. a saraph or creature, from 
their copper color, fiery, "seraphim"




to cover,obscurity, to fly, dimness, flee away, shine 




seraphim, an angelic being, burning, fiery, creature

            I believe this to be in reference to what we view today as "UFO's" . The correct translation for the word "cockatrice" in your bible is "viper"[Strong's ref. 6848 tsepha]. It comes from the root for "Zophim"or "watchers" [Strong's ref. 6839 Tsophiym]. The actual translation for the word "serpent"at the end of the verse is [Strong's ref. 8314 saraph]. This is the translation for the word "seraph" as in "seraphim" (plural). The translation for the word "fiery" is ALSO is ref. 8314 "saraph", or seraphim. Both these words mean the exact SAME!. This is very important, as this is NOT a mistake or a fluke. 

That the Seraphim are characterized as "serpent's" is very strange indeed. Seraphim are "angels" as illustrated earlier. Obviously, these are NOT of the "good alignment", and it seems they are alluded to as "serpent's" in scripture to designate them as such. The striking description of these Seraph's are their "copper color" (orange), and the adjectives that describe "luminescence" in fact as to their appearance (fiery, burning) are quite strange. This description is a lot different from the ones given by Isaiah (Isa.6:2,6:6) and the ONLY two may I remind you scripturally, but it is the exact same word used [Strong's ref. 8314]

The only thing Isaiah relates to us about seraphim is that they have "6 wings". The allusions to "obscurity" and "dimness" is quite interesting in the translation for flying. UFO's are identified with just such behavior. It is also quite interesting to note here, that the most prevalent sighted color of lights in UFO sightings historically, is orange! (copper?). For the record, there are seven references to the word "serpents" in the New Testament. Of those seven, only ONE is used in relation to "snakes" or "reptiles" literally. The other "6" translations of "serpents" in the Greek are used in direct relationship with Satan!. They are [Strong's ref. 3789 ophis, of - is; (through the idea of sharpness of vision); fig. a snake, (fig.) sly, cunning, malicious, espec. Satan:- serpent]. Oh, by the way, the reference to the evil one in the bible is 13 times in the Old Testament, and 33 times in the New Testament! (refer to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry or Luciferianism). If I were you, I'd check out some of these six verses in the New Testament. You will find that Yeshua uses this

translation for serpents four times, in reference (description) to some of the people he was addressing (nephillim?). The allusion to "vision" in the translation of
"ophis" is very interesting. It comes from an earlier root [Strong's ref. 3700 optomai, op - tom - ahee; to gaze(i.e. with wide-open eyes at something), a watching at a distance:- appear, look, see, shew self]. It's from this root that we get our word "optometrist". 

Now lets SEE. watchers, Zophim, serpents, Satan, all have the relationship of "eyes" or "seeing". The ancient Assyrian god "Ashur", is known as the "winged-disk god". One of the descendants of Noah's just after the flood, was the Assyrian King Asher, the builder of Nineveh. Legend has it (see Zend Avesta), that the winged-disk god "Ashur", descended into the temple of the King ofAssyria one Evening and communed with him. Myths have it, that the King made a "treaty" with the "demi-god". Oh, by the way, the meaning of the word "Ashur" is "all-seeing"!. In the Persian epic of the Bundahishn, the demi-god Angra Mainyu (nephillim) is known as "serpent with two feet". The Testament of Amram of the Persians refers to Angra's father as the "Watcher with a visage like a viper". Serpent worship has been found from the most ancient antiquity, amongst all cultures, around all of the world. It is one of the most ancient of worship systems and it is directly related to Satan, though obscured by various pagan theologies. 

Its as old as Sun worship, and can be found integrated into most modern day religions. One of the biggest kept secrets of Freemasonry (Luciferianism, is the belief and worship of fallen angels that came to earth and created the "holy Grail" (bloodline) which will eventually give the world the "2nd Messiah". Some of the offspring said to be of this bloodline are Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Charlemagne, Constantine, the Merovingian dynasty, King Solomon, King Og of Bashan, Nimrod, and Anak and his "7" sons to name a few (what I'm telling you is kept highly secretive amongst the masonic elite). Those of this bloodline that live today are said to be the Rothschild dynasty, the Habsburg's, and the "Royal" family (Stuart's, Windsors', and SINclair's). The fathers of the "bloodline" (nephillim), are referred to as the "Adepts" or "Hierophants", or the "illuminated ones", and are communicated to through "channeling" (spiritism). 

This just so happens to be 99% of the basis behind the theologies of the modern New Age movement, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, NAZI-ISM (the Aryan or "pure" race) Druidism, Cabalism and so on. In fact it can be shown to be integrated into every religion on the planet with the exclusion of "true" Christianity! Scary huh? Actually when you also throw in the fact that the "modernized" version of Darwin's theory of "evolution" purports that man evolved from at one point, "reptilian bipeds" , you can see to what extent this ideology has permeated even into the world of atheism, and science! (see Carl Sagan's The Dragons of Eden). I'm telling you (to the utter disgust of my fellow brethren, the Church at large), that what science has found in fossil evidence of Neanderthal man, is none other than the evidence of certain races of nephillim (non-human hybrid. Flesh and blood without a soul, "seed of Satan!") or "troglodytes" (cave dwellers). Now, let's look at something here a little differently than what you've been used to. No pastor will ever tell you or show you this like this, even though he knows what it really says, for he refuses to believe.

end part four