Friday, October 14, 2022

For those that missed it in the SUKKOT 3 picture

A tree spirit was mirroring me pointing to the sky...they know whom God is and His name is YHVH. As with ALL photography, each size of ANY picture reveals shapes, forms, spirits, outlines, etc, that at one magnification are invisible, but make it a thumbnail and voila! things show up. As has been taught here previously a few times.

This dimensional aspect of reality reveals the many and wondrous layered depths to our world, dimension, and the interplay between light and shadow, spirit and matter.

Or you can just call it Pareidolia and go back to the world of illusion and darkness which many prefer.


And before you say BS on the tree spirit thing, I only have hundreds and hundreds of pictures of them in varying degrees of revelation and also, think about all those studies since the 1960s about talking to plants vs yelling at them. 

Who are you talking to, the leaf?

No. Inwardly, people recognize the life force and form, present in all things. The plant kingdom is very much alive. As is the kingdom of elementals (hundreds of pics of them too). 

Humanity in our time - sadly, except for the witches and edomites, who do know and teach the truth in their circles - is BLIND AS CAN BE ABOUT REALITY.