Friday, October 14, 2022


 On October 8th Paypal announced that they would be fining account holders for wrongthink they posted or said in a public space. Refuse to use someones pronouns? That's a $2500 fine per charge you are found guilty of. Name the jew? That's a $2500 fine. Speak out against the WEF? $2500 fine! This went about as well as you could expect, within minutes thousands of paypal accounts were closed, within hours it was tens of thousands, now it is hundreds of thousands and Paypal is on the verge of collapse.

Now on October 14th the stock has crashed 12%, users are no longer able to close their accounts due to stoploss protocols and Paypal is in full damage control.


It's worse than that, more than the world knows. Until now. Brother Edu bound, banished and Sealed their corporate HQs; all of them.  On October 9, 2022. 

Now, because of this, watch the satanic traders buy up and bolster payhell just to push this back up. 

The Elon - scion of wealthy South African gold and diamond mine empire.

The Elon breeder - mom unit, nephilim edomite adrenochromer.

It's pretty amusing. PP assumed that the woke masses would gasp and swoon at PP throwing down the ultimate virtue signal, and that PP would be protected from criticism by general threats of cancellation or accusations of racism towards anyone who objected to the new policy.

I think now that when PP "apologized" for the "confusion," none of the thousands of astute people who immediately slammed shut their accounts were the least bit confused - the "confusion" was from the groveling leftists who were supposed to be so impressed by this - they couldn't figure out what PP were trying to even do here, and certainly didn't lift a finger to rush to PP's defense or praise them.

What a collapse. This is among the biggest PR blunders in history, and it may be the beginning of the end of private companies trying to punish legal behavior. Republicans will point to this as a reason to treat these services like utilities and regulate the living shit out of them. And the next time Faceberg or some other satanic company does anything even remotely like this, it will be cast as "another PayPal fiasco," a label that will be the kiss of death every time it happens.