Monday, February 27, 2023

Epic winter storm turns Southern California snow white; more rain and snow on the way

Yeah, Storm number 12 is inbound, then 13...


37 inches of rain so far for February around these parts and 22 inches of snow. But not to worry...a BIG one is coming along in this series that will put all these storms to shame. A coupe de grace.

Listen...EQs. Gotta have three. Inbound. Slightly big, but don't let them scare you. Has to be done. And His Will Be Done. The real damage is going on in all those USAFBases and Naval sites, statewide. They simply have to go. 


This is about the children, since July, remember? 

Don't you want that hundreds of thousands of kidnapped children's suffering and murders to end?

Well, He does and so do I. 

This is the price of that. Endless rains, snows, a few bouncies, and a great deal of dead reptoids and skin suits underground.

Has to be. Has to be.
