Monday, February 27, 2023

When the saints go marching in UPDATED

 I have of late seeing more and more knighted souls having with them the Power and Measure of His Holy Spirit, having attained all righteousness, and the baptism of fire. For it is showing up in my evening photography.

Usually the beam comes to me - and still does. But, also to others.

These are the doers, lovers, thinkers, the compassionate, those that serve without thought of self first, and in whom His love abides forever and ever.


Below the above pics, is the vast San Juaquin Valley. These blessed souls could be anybody, but they have a solemn destiny, to be sure. Very often, they do know it and by degrees (years frankly) learn the communication, the skills, and the ability to serve Him, in all things.

I am thrilled beyond words to see this outpouring taking place. For if here, than everywhere. Everywhere.


Dad said that for those ready, in 2023, they would receive the Holy Fire. At YOUR appointed time, and not a single second sooner.

Make yourselves ready. Give in selfless ways as you do; love; be patient; hold no grudges or debts against another; forgive all who have sinned against you and yours; heal old wounds; build new bridges of forgiveness and compassion within yourself and with others.

Bless you all.


And Our Father YHVH has led me to 

John 7-40

40Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth this is the Prophet.

(He led me to it, this is not my doing)

I must add the following, from my own experience in this since 2005. These people getting the 2nd baptism...they also have a very hard road ahead of them.

  • Atonement for sins - paid in the body as pain, tons of it. I call it FRYING.
  • All those unforgiven, suffering of being unforgiven yourself. Selah.
  • Every wilderness trial in the Book. I know. I know.
  • Abandonment, hated on sight, betrayal. Yeah...and endlessly so.

Also, He fills you in ways beyond telling. A fullness, a fire, a power to all you do. A glance can either wither a flower or make a dead tree bloom, as happened and witnessed here last month.

You have my deepest sympathy and understanding. But also, a hearty congratulations.


Before I moved in, this pine tree was dead. Dead as Dillinger. The two people with me on two separate occasions can so witness. So, first week of December on a key visit that of course, never took place, I blessed this dead tree with no needles. When I came back the following week, it looked like this. And remember, the rains didn't start until December 20th 2022. It was restored BEFORE the rains.

I rechristened him Michael. For a brother of his in Ojai, now killed after I moved out. As was Obadiah, the big buggle tree.

And now Michael is double his size and branches literally grow out a foot a week, after being at best only 2 feet from the trunk, in late November. And in deep snowy winter, this is NOT HIS GROWING time. It is his hibernation time, until late march. And you can see, it is light green, fresh new growth. Not dark green old growth as is visible behind him.