Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Brother E had some of my stuff from 20 years ago

Twenty years ago

Don Bradley Nov 5 2023


An archive of a kind, of my old site of yore.

Hundreds of great pics. Here are a few, for the old days, for Dad, for the angels whom serve the Most High YHVH. 


April 23, 2005.
Prayer cups.

April 2005
Solimar and Mondos - long time surf home.

Spring 2005
Where witches gather celebrating blood.

Roses with Spirit Shine

Yes. And not all of them do this. They must be blessed first in the name of Yeshua.

Mormon Rocks (fallen tree and stump). Dealing with satanic portals in the field.

Being watched from above, letting me take his picture. When the scales (biblically speaking, see Paul, other places) are removed from your eyes, these become visible. 

In my world, this is all visible to me. Another tree spirit. They look different and the trees are of a different kind. The angelic world has this entire hiearchy that is part and parcel of all that we call reality. Their scientism shite of number, weight, and measure the canaanites have whored out to the masses has me and heaven above, laughing. (It's a gentle laugh, devolving upon the absurdity of scientism, not the mocking laugh the edomite jewbies do.) There it is. This is reality, not the shite taught in text books.

angels often do not look what you'd expect. That's because the truth of Earth has been witheld from the many. These Frond Angels exist as an aspect, lending their spiritual "soul" to give the plant life, where none would exist otherwise. All things living must have an indwelling spirit. It's LAW. It's REALITY. In my reality, I deal with the spirit behind the form; something that just fell out after a lifetime of living in this level of reality perception. The damned can see some of this, much is invisible to them, because of their spiritual estate. that's to be expected, given things. But in Dad's kingdom, ALL THINGS are visible. Understand?

Rose Angel, very happy for the daily blessings and buggles it gets, 8-29-04.

I must have double, double buggles.

He's there if you blow him up size wise. Once the word in the area goes out you are a good sort, being kind to them, saying hello, giving them blessings, they in turn, express in their own ways, a spirit of brotherliness and gratitude. It's hard to explain further than that in what would make sense. It's symbiotic, the exchange; love for love. Beyond that, it has to be experienced. And that's up to you.

If all you ever see is a tree, then move along. Or change yourself into something more than what you are now, and the starting place of that is Yeshua. No peace nor attainment comes without His Grace First. Then, after that, the rest easy, because now, you are a font of gentle kindness and forbearance, rather than being a rough and crude lost in your vanities. Something like that.