Tuesday, December 5, 2023

More stuff from 2003-05ish

 You must understand...it's ALL OF THEM WITCHES.


Legions of loyal followers and actual bloodline children of fallen angels that feed upon us and our children. Their currency is our blood. Really. It's the real wealth of their world. Not money. Money is a control tool to them. Nothing more. Because they run things, most of it. They own it all, mostly. People have the illusion of ownership, until they think you've had it long enough. It's like that.

Welcome to hell, Blofeld.


depp - Pirates of the Caribbean.

Jack Hawkins, English Movie Star.

High Priestess of Isis - Nimrod, the beast.

Actual guy in Jr high that my sons had in their school. Nephy family, black. The Genesis curse, six fingers, six toes - Nephilim.

From the movie AIRPLANE 2.


Actress in partial shift.

Jude Law. 

A witch with her shadow walker. Hat Man.