Friday, May 31, 2024

Life can be over in an instant

Then you get that call, as I did last August, from your son who tells you he went off a cliff 5 minutes from your house he was driving to and rolled his ride several times, totaling it. You know he's okay, because he's talking to you and not someone else. And he was.

Sometimes, it goes the other way.

Do these look of the children of men to you?

 We used to have Yehudi Kings. That was before one of their offspring took  a strange wife (Edomite/Canaanite) and within 100 years, the bloodline is ALL nephy, as we see today. Then they intentionally marry into the bloodline and voila! you have yet another satanic family that serves lucifer, masquerading as the legitimate magnificent Frankish Sun Kings.

How tedious.

tranny phreak nephys - royal gimps. Man on left is in half shift - his actual reptoid demon face makes an appearance, just add some scales and a slight green tint and you have a baby eater. Elite, as they call themselves. But among themselves, they refer to their kind as aristocrats.

Nephy royal, demon stare. Sizing up a victim. Reptoid ears, eyes, everything and a MAN.





Thursday, May 30, 2024

synthetic royals

 Running synthetics for the dead royals that were snuffed out. Looks like madam trousseau's. Running a synthetic, means the original is dead or looks like it. Especially those nasty facial pedo plague sores; those are repulsive, oozing, pain centers.

Who would believe droids are people?

Looks like Kate lost ten years of age, too.

Eyes without a soul.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Robert De Niro / a face mask to hide pedo plague sores

Hit the infected sores with lidocaine spray, slip on and fit mask, good for at least an hour. But once that spray starts wearing off, off comes the mask.


genital sores outbreak

From the internet

asked a doctor about it and he said yes people are most getting it and it never goes away. It just goes dormant. It's not jock itch it's genital sores.

I don't have it, the doctor told me something unknown is going around, it's genital sores condoms are not protecting against it.


It's a little more than that.


Friday, May 24, 2024

Falmouth Virgina, jan 1 1863 Earth Spirit Army of the Potomac

 Spirits that are the substance of the Earth for YHVH

Don Bradley 5-24-24

genesis 4:10

10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

 There are many such passages like this in Enoch, about the ground crying out, the ground declaring His glory, etc. 

Our Father speaks of the air, water, earth, and fire as living realities that can have grievances and so they have. When unholy things are afoot, the ground is soured and it becomes "sick." When you listen to what the Word speaks of in this, it becomes apparent He considers all of creation as a Living Presence, much as we are, being of mankind. This is so. My life experiences bear this out constantly, on a daily, every time I go outside.

The Earth is a living presence with varying sentinels that manage the topside, while the deeper all encompassing demiurge-like plane, is of a energetic spirit. It reveals itself as eyes on the earth, constantly. Spirits that are the substance of the Earth for YHVH,

Falmouth Virgina, jan 1 1863 Earth Spirit Army of the Potomac

Today, spirits of the air, sharing their joy over the house. Only place in the sky for sixty miles in any direction this was happening. Full Moon Day, special, extra double Yeshua Buggles. Thing of it is, we do this half a dozen times a day; we collect under the canopy of heaven and we all, ravens included and cats, get in on it and we make for a big singing shout. I know it sounds weird, but there it is.

Colorado 2023.

Two further shots from different compass points. No angels.



Yeshua! My Hero...

Yeshua! My Hero...

 Peter, James and John, observing how its done. "Come out now!"


He is with you. Be fearless in the face of evil and join us in our labor of defeating the wicked.

This evil.

The Edomite Nephilim Reptoid. Feeds on blood of children, turns into walking lizard, has etheric clairvoyance, can mimic, never turn your back on this kind. Big Mistake, especially if Yehudi.

Angry covenite with yet another Edomite Nephilim Reptoid. These are NOT of mankind, but of the seed of Satan, the fallen angels.

They are always sizing up those around them for the best play to make.

That look you make when what you read online is one day, standing right in front of you giving you the demon stare. It knows...YOU KNOW. Your scales are falling and now you see.

Bloody mattresses of tortured children from beneath the synagogues.

Newborn jewish child. Any questions? Ever wonder why the memes and art over the millennia always paint them the same way and fashion? The same nephy souls are constantly reborn into the same Canaanite families, over and over again. Their only way to break out is to take a shiksa and bed the wench and get nephy - the hybrid so they don't become completely retarded.








Biden's daughter Ashley has finally admitted her diary about 'showers with dad' as well as fears she was 'molested' is real. So, MAUREEN CALLAHAN demands: What IS the truth, Joe?


Dead Arty on left, synthetic on right.

Real Joe on left, Arty on right.

There is no Joe Biden. There has been no Joe Biden since 2016ish. A lot of folks went away that year. I know. I was the finger on the trigger. There it is. Hillary's death on 9-11-16? My son and I went on at 14 day fast and prayer vigil that she be removed from this world. She was, on her little Rev 9/11 thing, to send a message to the fallen, we are here. Too bad, you've already lost.

Where is Biden, McCain and a few others?

That was a good year.

Now, there is only the sniffy for Joe, and a double with nasty new masks for the Hildebeast, and so on. Some have stayed dead, no synthetics or doubles. The satanic cabal knows this truth. Better than anyone on Earth, I can tell you.

Don Bradley May 23, 2024

PS. He lu. I'm still here.

Now we know for certain: the diary, like the laptop, is real — and its contents are alarming.

So why isn't the media all over this?

In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused.

Explosive stuff. Not that you would have heard about it, thanks to a near-complete, years-long media blackout.

After undergoing treatment in rehab, Ashley moved to a halfway house in Florida, where she left the diary under a mattress.

The diary, which also contained details of her drug use, was then found in 2020 by a Florida woman who stole it, leaked its contents online, and sold it for $40,000.

All that time, the Biden campaign let the left-wing media, of its own volition, cast aspersions on the diary's authenticity, or dismiss it as a right-wing plant of dubious veracity, another Russia hoax. Just as with Hunter Biden's laptop.

Turns out both are all too real.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

HIMALAYAN Titan Nephilim

 Under our noses all this time. What was, is again. You'll see. Though you'll wish you hadn't. HIMALAYAN  salt is nephilim muscle tissue and fat, 


MOSCOW Rabbi shows 200+ year tunnels still in use

 Still you do not believe. Still. Even when they admit it themselves, reveal how they use secret message systems, and kill and poison us all. Still you do not believe.

You share their fate then.

Your silence judges you, for you have judged yourselves.

No man can judge you, only Yeshua, who has the authority of the Father - He judges you by yourselves in soul admission and your silent consent to evil.


Human meat - MCDONALD'S - KFC, all corporate jewbie owned franchises

 Remember? It was told you. This is what they do with the children they adrenochrome - their bodies end up in Fast Food. They are forcing us to eat our own kidnapped and murdered children. 

Does everybody understand this time?

This makes the fourth time I have made this truth available to you all.

What are you going to do about it, other than head right on down and buy your goyslop child death burger. Are you going to tell others or the usual, say nothing, do nothing. I see.

Dad sees. Every one of you.

Okay then.

Remember the last item of this recent article?

  • at this stage of blood loss, the poor child dies and is body bagged for the food processors.

I must say, I am most ashamed of the west. What's coming next, most of you have earned. I'll pray for you, you'll need it.

A word to the weird


Any Questions?

A word to the weird

Don and Edu


We are not interested in the rank and file. You rankers follow orders or else and we know that. Captains and lower, so to say, we are NOT interested in. Unless you make it our business, get in our faces, try to set us up or kill us. Then you get OUR FULL ATTENTION. But that's on you, not us.

The Elite. The bloodline slugs. The majors to presidents, kings, queens - in short, the real commanders and officers of satan on Earth.

 You edomites are a special selection outside of this. Because you tell the world and heaven, you are the chosen ones. So, we do choose you.

By your own chosen one words,  you are chosen.

I went my whole life and only ran into lucifer 4 times, sent him packing. Now, I bitch slap senior gimp 2 or 3 times a month and then laugh as he flies off. Then I proceed to openly insult dickless in public EVERY CHANCE I GET. Just the way I am. I have no regard for those in rebellion to my King and Father.



Coming events and the Way of Yeshua

Eduardo 5-22-24

In the light of the coming events in society, our people should be asking themselves: what do I really need? Our Father provides us with what we need, that should be the basis of our understanding of material life. Sometimes we do face hardship: to get us of rid of our sins and the things we grabbed unlawfully, at the expense of the well being of others and of our own, and to try our Faith, our commitment, in face of evil. For it is through fire that gold and silver are tried, and men pleasing to God through the crucible of humiliation, as the Holy Word says. If you accepted Jesus Christ, know that Dad is jealous of the Holy Spirit in you, and will rid you of all unrighteousness, whether you like it or not. Even if he has to kill you to prevent you from corruption. That said, he keeps most of us alive with what we need, for he knows what we need, so that we have another day to get close to Him.

It's true that the aims of the elite of the world is to impoverish people bellow what is need for healthy survival, so that they are tempted to accept the Mark of the Beast and be damned. Still, I'm mostly convinced that the solution for the problems of most people, specially in the West, is to have LESS, not more. What I mean is: they spend a large deal of the energy and resources they already have with evil things. Things that they believe they need right now. Like:
  • Relishing in toxic expensive ultra processed cursed foods that make the body sick, dull the mind and the soul and infect with parasites that anchor demons and fill with sinful desires.
  • Doing drugs for the same reason above. This includes pharmakeia, modern pharmacy drugs, most of which are unnecessary, have natural alternatives and cause more disease in the long run.
  • Screen time with cursed black scrying mirrors, demonic portals, EMF emitting "smart devices" that kill the body with radiation, survey reactions, whereabouts and communications. And modulate the nervous system to manipulate the behavior, emotions and beliefs. They condition your mind to short attention span and to constant dopamine rewarding. They make you stupid, emotionally reactive, mentally lazy and unable to deal with hard information that requires reflection and reasoning. They Brainwash you with subliminal programing in cursed media and ultimately anchor demons and lead to your possession. Which demon AI monitors with frequent infrared photos of our faces. Especially if one has the vax weapon in the blood.
  • Stupid "meme" media, pop culture and video gaming programing that pollutes our minds keeping them running busy with meaningless information and fictions. The evil imaginations of our time, robbing our mental time from meditating in Dad's Law and statutes and doing His work on our world.
  • Fancy clothes to project social status and incite whoredom.
  • Make up, parfum and cosmetics, to hide the sickness of our bodies to the sight of others and of ourselves, to project a false mask of vanity and whoredom. Most are toxic and also cursed with menstrual blood, making you uglier in the long run.
  • Going out to eat and parties, again to appear to have status and riches to oneself and others, trying to gain social approval by what you have and do, as programed by consumerism and satanic social influencers. Naturally with lots of toxic foods, drugs, expensive useless stuff and whoredom.
  • Fornication, short term sexual gratification to compensate for emotional insufficiency and mental instability, collecting demonic hitchhikers from people and media.
  • Whatever current thing is hot in social media is. It's always cursed and destructive in some way. And expensive.
  • Social gratification and appraisal. It's an observable fact that people relate with each other more through their shared vanities and vices than through anything else. Which is and has been manipulated by propaganda and programing to condition social standards and activities to the lowest spiritual level possible. Any outlier is to be hated and shunned. We all want to be loved, but for what?
Do you really need this all? According to the Holy Word we need: enough wholesome food and water, some clothing, a safe place to lay down sheltered, some care when we are in need and some freedom to follow His ways. 

Matthew 25:35-36
"For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me."

Do you have this? Congratulations, you have been given what you need. It may not be what you want or like, but it's been given, be grateful. All the rest is vanity in truth. Most times Dad puts up with some vanity of ours, for he knows or weaknesses and limitations and want us to have an enjoyable life. But know also that these are not to be taken for granted, for in sometimes we are to be lead by the wilderness for our spiritual betterment. We are all aproaching wilderness time, like it or not.

But our society is at large in denial of the troubles that are to come. Even those marginally aware say it's decades ahead. Really? Do you think the vaxxies can last another decade? Or breed a viable next generation, they themselves being dysfunctional to the point of extinction outside of a modern world system? The most capable people of our world are all dead or dying, of old age. Instead, what people are actively engaged is have MORE, of all the things above. More of the vanities of Babylon, they don't want the veggies and water, they want the meat and wine from the table of the king. Not satisfied with the manna they complain they have to feast on the flesh of quails. They have to have "more", full of insecurity and vanity. It's necessary to seek one's survival but if your whole being is consumed thinking of what to eat, to drink, your clothing, about your own BODY, if that's all your life is consumed into, you are missing the whole point. People have become greedy that all they care is to have more money, which they spend in more vanities and sins, which causes them diseases, which make them spend more money, which makes them work hard to make more money, which makes them stressed so they spend more on more vanities to compensate, which gets them even more sick and the cicle never stops. They live by the lusts of their parasites and their demonic hitchhikers, from one fix of refined sugar and binge watching shows to the next one. The more they have the more they think they need, their master is money and they hate to listen to anything of spirit, most of the time.  Because it makes them deal with the fact that this circus is going to end, it HAS TO END. What they will do when it ends? What will you do when it all comes to halt? Are you eager or afraid of it? Would you like it to remain the way it is for another century?
You will have to do with less, you will do with less in the wilderness. Either by poverty, famine, war, flood, tornado, volcano, zombie apocalypse or the Beast System, we are all coming to have less. This is the time we are lead to the wilderness. For to whom was easier to go for the wilderness after Yeshua: the poor fishermen that had little or the rich men that had much? Saul, full of influence, prestige and possessions, or Paul, whom gave away it all that he would follow the true Mashiach?

Yeshua! The Truth, Way, and Life.

Have some Vax Weapon Death Chicken

The shorthand is, if its corporate store bought, its got the FULL vax weapon, including luciferase. If you have the Holy Spirit and were not aware of this event, the material is inert. Now that you know, it's on you. 

It's also ON YOU to inform those around you, even if they laugh at you. Now it's on them. This is how things work. See you to it.

Get a UV light, hand held, test your meats, regardless of source. Never trust the satanists to play it straight. They do not know how, except with each other. They do not even see us as real people, only dumb animals to be slaughtered.

But they do fear the Most High, a flat fact.

Use your gifts and prayers, make your time on the rock count for something and stop being a spineless shitebird who is so afraid of what others think of them, they become themselves, inert.

Is that you?

The meat itself glows in full; the skin in spots, just like people.


Uh oh! It's Dad!

Doggie days are here again,

it's always fun to have a friend.

We'll play and jump and have some fun,

Doggie days are here agaaaaaaaaaaaain.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

When Saints are born with the Holy Spirit

 Daughter is lucky her parents are the same. Rather than the kind that hate the light and try, while you are a child, to kill it out of you as mine tried to but could not succeed. 

Man Holds His Nose And Offers His Child To Moloch (It’s Better Than Bad Crops Next Year)

Legit news story I read this morning somewhere at Protestia.



How did that red heifer event work out for you? Any survivors?


A farmer from Haifa has told his village elders that he’s holding his nose and sacrificing his first born child to the god Moloch, explaining that it’s better than having bad crops next year. Ben Cohen and Amial Rueben offered their support, urging him to include the two others, to be sure. "Moloch demands much, but assures all will be well providing we give our sons and daughters at once and upon demand!"

Ammishtamru Goldberg and his wife Donatiya of the city-state Haifa reported that they were not looking forward to giving the child to Moloch to be thrown into the fire, but felt that it was either that or potentially see their crops fail to flourish.

“It’s not something we’re thrilled about doing, but can you imagine four more seasons without rain? We love little Alona, but tossing her into the fiery maw is, unfortunately, the lesser of two evils.”

Ammishtamru Goldberg revealed that he really hopes it's worth it and will appeal the demanding god, given that he only has two more children in case Moloch’s appetite is not satiated. "Moloch won't accept tortured and dead chickens this year. It's all or nothing. I guess it's all." Goldberg commented. "We are going to adopt two Korean children this year so that we can use them going forward. Moloch high priest Immanuel Steinberg says these are just as acceptable as our own offspring." And,"he reminded this reporter, "much easier to send into the flames."


I have some flames for you. Still doing the sacrifices in Negev, away from prying eyes? I hear you are, of Palestinians, every single sabbath. DB

12,000 Christians Baptized Sunday in ‘Largest Synchronized Day of Water Baptism in American History’


A reported 12,000 people were baptized in and around the waters of the Pacific Ocean yesterday as part of Baptize California, billed as the “largest synchronized day of water baptism in American history.”

Christ is the road to freedom in our or any age. The more evil squeezes, the greater the numbers of honest souls in bondage will find Christ Yeshua and let Him take over the wheel of their lives. Always a blessed day. Always.




Monday, May 20, 2024

Not aliens, just plaster over wood framing, it always is

 Ancient Aliens...what a Edomite hoax and every time. Oh, but how did they carve these immense structures out of a single stone?!

They didn't. Not solid granite plaster over wood ancient structures.

Ancient aliens is a jewbie hoax so  you will believe the demons are "aliens."

Why all the tornadoes

Why all the tornadoes? 


Because you were  warned about drag pedo phreak story time with pedophiles flashing their clown dicks in front of very small children.

You were supposed to protect the children, you men and women, fathers and mothers, your own and your communities and YOU DID NOTHING. 


A few protested. They were soundly beaten and abused by jewbie Antifa, the police, and thrown in jail. But these few warrior saints understood their sacred duty and covenant to protect the children. The 99.99% did nothing. 


The judgment comes upon all. This must be atoned for and should these things continue, and they will because the bulk of you are spineless and only care about your private parts and belly, increase.

They will increase. 

Act like men and fathers, women and mothers, and protect these children from the witches and pedos in your schools and communities. Your quiet silence IS CONSENT.

So be it.

Our Father has led us to:

 Zechariah 9-5

5Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.



The book of Jasher exposes the use of Adrenochrome

Westcott and Holt did this to us. They removed these books from the bible in 1875 along with Enoch. What we have today reflects that removal. May they be brought into the judgment seat and weighed this day in the balances, Amen.


The Adrenochrome problem

 The Adrenochrome problem



It's a real problem. They

  • kidnap the child;
  • take it to an underground room or shipping container;
  • strap it into a chair;
  • play horrific sounds of screaming rabbits being tortured at ear splitting volume;
  • the torturers suit up in demonic gear and masks, yelling unholy and vicious things towards, also telling them what is about to happen - they are also chanting and doing demon summoning, the whole thing taking place over a painted on baphomet under the child;
  • then the pliers, knives, cutting tools, and blow torches come out;
  • then the adrenaline is given and meth, to keep them awake and alive;
  • then they peel the face off and wear it;
  • then they dig into the brain - child is still alive, feels it all - get the pineal gland, adrenal glands, etc;
  • drain the body of demonic blood;
  • at this stage of blood loss, the poor child dies and is body bagged for the food processors.

Everyone understand this problem of ours?  If you don't see this as a problem, you are my enemy and I AM yours. Get me? I AM your enemy.

So, because of these realities, I have sealed every single pharmacy in the west that sells and distributes this stuff, knowing that doing so, makes the product inert.


So, you go back to how it was before the 2000s and doing as drug dealers; secret deliveries and drug codes. I will find these storage locations (it will take all of one night) and seal them, too.

I tell you bastards this because for these crimes and others, you are my enemy.

And I AM yours.


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Speaking of dead trannies - kate middleton overdose pedo plague

The Pedo Plague has taken a few that way, especially when it moves to the face and oh, all that vanity cannot stand what looks back in the mirror. Plus, the royals have this huge mega curse against them that has literally made them into a footnote of history in a very short 12 months.

Twelve months. 2 thousand year old reign under various name changes (a jewbie thing) ended in a single year. Step right up you evil doers and get your personal curse today! Free of charge. Watch all that you were or ever will be and handed to you with a complete sycophantic history by a nation and the world, completely bankrupted, destroyed, and dead so fast, you are still wearing last years fashions. 

Hey! Elon has one of these, and look at what has taken place in a year regarding Tesla and EV. Every car maker has returned to sanity and gasoline engines. Half a trillion dollars of investment loss, written off in the last 6 months alone. Tesla charging stations are vanishing not increasing and thieves are taking them apart at 2 a day. Tesla is finished. Spachex is on its way out. Launch that starliner so that we can see the launch. Anything else, we'll know its digital or a AI makever of an older launch - a real one - with starliner overlays on it. Yeah, see, we know about that.

That was a good day. For mankind.

All the real pictures of this guy are pre-December 2023. Good bye skippy.

 The Associated Press
LONDON (AP) - A nurse involved in a prank telephone call seeking information about the Duchess of Cambridge has died, King Edward VII hospital said Friday.

News outlets including CNN and CBS have called the death a suicide.

The hospital said Jacintha Saldanha had been a victim of the call made by two Australian radio disc jockeys, who impersonated Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles to elicit information on the Duchess. Saldanha had transferred the call to the nurse caring for the duchess.

"Our thoughts and deepest sympathies at this time are with her family and friends," said John Lofthouse, the hospital's chief executive said in a statement. "Everyone is shocked by the loss of a much loved and valued colleague."

St. James's Palace expressed sadness at the death of Saldanha, was found dead early Friday. Police say her death is unexplained.

The Duchess of Cambridge, the former Kate Middleton, had been in the hospital for acute morning sickness. The prank phone call took place early Tuesday and the two radio personalities apologized the following day.

Saldanha had worked at the hospital for more than four years. She told the radio personalities that Kate had died in December, believing them to be the True King and Queen of England.

Then she died suddenly. You know, the old hildebeast Arkancide, clinton hit man routine.


The Yehudi have had enough

The Yehudi have had enough


Our brethren, the Yehudi (true Israelites in diaspora over the western world), are so soul hungry and desperate for right, good, being a decent sort, the better man, the true wife, the eager search of Yeshua's loving mercy that any slight hint of this Way of Adonai (God) YHVH is like an instant rush of intense longing and joy at any slightest thread from both above and within our very hearts. We are at that breaking point, man, woman, and child. When the hideous and grotesque reality of lucifer's kingdom forced upon us by the Jewish Canaanites now and then has pushed every other avenue of hopeless escape finds the evil slugs already there, infecting things yet again.

This is why we cannot have anything nice...anything Holy, Good, and True. Christ Yeshua.

This is why when we have been squeezed and pushed and hated so openly to our faces and the faces of our loved ones, that we are nigh upon that breaking point. A John Brown moment, where His Truth Keeps Marching On. And at that moment...heaven help our oppressors.


The bastardos have done every evil and have been openly seeking our destruction for thousands of years. We know who they are – bloodline of Cain, the first murderer. And these newly named “jews” – at label they created out of thin air around the time they added it to the Bible and changed YHVH to the “lord” which means BAAL or LUCIFER. Understand?

We are at that point. And when not another ounce of pressure can be obtained by these devils, the Great Tide of True Israel will be felt in the world. A bonafide, down to Earth...


Depend upon it.

And we have the Holy Spirit. And we have – one and all mind you – a final sense of understanding and Righteous Indignation against these denizens of the dark worlds. Back to hell you go, reptilian snaked eye nephilim slugs and gimps. Back to the pit you go.

For good and all.

Count me in.

2 Kings 9

15But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.) And Jehu said, If it be your minds, then let none go forth nor escape out of the city to go to tell it in Jezreel.

Women RETAIN DNA AND DEMONS From Every Man They Sleep With - SOUL TIES

 Only repentance under Christ Yeshua can and does, break these old bonds with the wicked. This is why the jewbies have PUSHED free love since the 1950s and as a life modality. It destroys the life, bit by bit. You get his or her demons as well.

Also, women who sleep around smell really bad too, like someone who hasn't taken a bath in a few years. A deep, inner rotten smell. No amount of perfume fixes it either. When your senses heighten under the Holy Spirit these unpleasant facts of life certainly awaken you to the whoredoms of our age.



Thursday, May 16, 2024

Living with the Holy Spirit and demonics

They are always watching to harass your walk.


Living with the Holy Spirit

Eduardo May 16, 2024

If you have the slightest hint of the Holy Spirit in you or if you ever showed any potential to revolt against the system in any way (like reading this), know that you are watched by the demons. They constantly probe you looking for weaknesses that they can exploit to either control or destroy you. They saw the light of your birth, they know your sins and what you crave for. In our time, the witches also have the intelligence agencies monitoring even your very breath, heart beat and nervous system through "smart" devices, telephone lines, internet traffic, surveillance in public spaces, vaxxed acquaintances, coven assets, electromagnetic scanners and even micro implants in your body, shot from distance without your notice, if they deem you a valuable target for this (pray for the removal of these). They know what your eyes look with interest, what you hear and talk and how you feel about it. And if you talk it, they know what you have in mind. Demon AI does the screening of all the data and point out any outliers for further profiling, surveillance and sabotage. They know who you are before you do. And they share among each other to find a way to into your defenses. It's war before you even know it.

They them start the process of "walling" you with their direct or indirect assets in your personal life and job. To keep you from being a threat to them and from growing spiritually, closer to Dad. To lead you down any vice they see on you, to control, exploit and destroy. If they have it available (in all developed countries this is the case), coven members will worm their way in, often coming from afar, if not already present to begin with. You will start to see coincidences too good to be true. They will try to be your best friend forever, your new lovers or even own you with a job position, if they deem they can benefit from your skills. They will come up exactly with what you need, when you need, as if they magically knew it all. Because they do, either from the technological surveillance or from the demons watching your soul. The demonic hive mind knows it and it is sending it's tentacles most close to you to grab hold of you.

Delay your eyes long enough over one of their girls/boys (or their social media profiles) and as soon as possible, often the next day, they will arrange her/him or a similar to meet you: they will chat you on social media, will meet you "by chance" in your errands or job, their parents will literally offer them in plate to you, they will sit at your table in the cafeteria, or even do a sexy stare in the street. Depending on how they profile you, you will have robotic good looking MKUltra hot people sent at you as honey pots. Cold dead eyes and face, unnatural smiles, rigid body posture like a mannequin, dressed almost like prostitutes, social media profile with every hair color possible, always with photos doing "V" signs, hiding one eye, tongues out and the like. If all you care is bunda, they send you these "beta model" types. Or variations of this according to your tastes. Whatever the case, in friendship, job or romance, if you are paying attention, it will mostly definitely look forceful, out of place, unreasonable, too good to be true and a motive of a chuckle in disbelief. If not, you will be charmed by it and it will become an obsession, which is the whole point of it. To the watchful, it will make no sense and it will feel artificial.

They also feel empty, cold, like there is no emotional connection, like trying to relate to a stone brick. They will emulate emotions but it will always feel like there is something missing no matter what you try. They feel like an AI simulation of a human image, on the border of the uncanny valley feeling. And they lie so much they lose track of it, they try to please and to appear as much as they think you want them to be, but often slip to their true habits when you are not looking at them. You catch the "veggie" feasting on a pork meal, for instance. They will excuse and lie their way out of it anyway, expecting you to overlook it. They are always counting on you to overlook and explain away any oddities you notice, because "they are so nice to you", "they are so pretty", etc...  

It's also about this time the gas lighting starts up. “Oh, remember, I told you 2 weeks ago, I was going away on this trip. You said okay.” This is how they cover their illicit coven activities, knowing if you knew ahead of time, you might push for too much information. Or, realize, they disappear about this time six times a year, or if deep cover operative, the mandatory once a year meet up for blood and orgies, no matter what.It's always a thing where you cannot come. “You know Aunt Lucinda, she doesn't like you and this is a family thing for just 3 days, I'll be back Monday night.”

The silver lining is that praying against them, rebuking, binding, banishing and sealing in the name of Christ usually stops cold every attempt to infiltrate and destroy you, specially if done right at the start. They will keep sending new parasites against you, but their success will be little against the watchful.

If for some reason they realize you are too aware or too much of a trouble for a coven asset to infiltrate and function around, the hive mind will send you ordinary people they can control. It doesn't matter if they are coven or not, the potential for damage is the same. As long as they keep you always from other people with the Holy Spirit and around people that will waste your time, energy and resources with sins, addictions and vanities. I call these people "missiles". They will grab ordinary unstable people around you they think you can relate with and send them flying in your direction, to eventually crash and explode your personal life. Again the coincidences will be too good to be true. Sadly many of people today have their heart fat, their ears heavy,  their eyes shut; they can't see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and understand with their heart. Which means most of their thoughts are not their own, they reproduce them from the hive mind, without ever knowing it. And today with the vaxx weapon, they are literally connected to it on physiological level, nervous system level. And they expect you to be part of it too. They can truly become the "agents of the Matrix" today.

People of every kind, narcissists, addicts, sociopaths, psychopaths, schizophrenics, violent, parasites, thieves, suicidals, histrionics, selfish immature people. The kind which the Holy Word advises against. These are a horde lying around everywhere already. People that often desperately need help, that you will want to help, but which can't help themselves or control themselves because of their sins and the demonic hitchhikers. Help them in mercy but do not let then in your personal life, for they are unwittingly being used as instruments of destruction by the demons of the hive mind, their hitchhikers. They will suck you dry and won't ever get any better. They will dream with you, become your best friends then flip a switch and hate you and destroy you, without even knowing why. And things will go wrong usually at the worst moment possible. And they will know exactly where to hit for maximum damage, for the hive mind will give them that.

The hive mind won't ever send a "good" person, unless your relationship becomes a sinful stumbling block for both of you. Like cheating with a married person, the hive mind will always arrange things to be as sinful as possible to all parts. Many "good" people will also probably shun you over time, because, again, the hive mind will hit them so hard that they will starting subconsciously associating you with negative feelings. Around the third month, they will hate you without even knowing why and will be just looking for a reason to rationalize it and blame it on you, no matter what you do. They will even appear out of nowhere, road raging you off a cliff or just, if you are awakening very fast and becoming strong in Spirit, try to kill you because today is your lucky day.

One of the biggest weapons of the hive mind is compliance to a social feeling of belonging: that will be lure to the trap, to make you wish to be with the hive mind and join it. You can't, it will just destroy you, but it will make it seems like you can. To make you waste your spirit with it and prevent you from getting real close to Christ and do His good works for mankind. Also, you'll find that as you grow in Spirit, the old pointless and shiny diversions and entertainments no longer attract, interest, and even seem completely stupid in their shallowness.

The only way to deal with the hive mind is to be always watchful and pray for discernment about your personal situations, specially when things seems to be just too good. Ultimately, you cannot fully evade the hive mind, for it touches in varying degrees everyone where sin is found, which is EVERYONE at some moment in life. You have to discern the feelings and thought not only of others, but also of your self. For the same vectors that affect others also affect you. Sins, vanities, MKUltra culture and mind control techniques. Therefore, expect to be betrayed, have contingency plans for when things go wrong and most importantly, learn to forgive. For some of them truly don't know what they are doing. And sometimes you just won't be able to avoid them, like a beloved family member. Be watchful, rebuke the evil and the demonic hitchhikers, be merciful with the uncontrollable and don't let them waste your spirit but do the good works Our Heavenly Father had put in you the world you for.

Psalm 18

34He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.

35Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.

36Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip.

37I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed.

38I have wounded them that they were not able to rise: they are fallen under my feet.

39For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me.

40Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me.

41They cried, but there was none to save them: even unto YHVH, but he answered them not.

42Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets.

43Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.

44As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.

45The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places.

46YHVH liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.

47It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me.

48He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.

49Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, YHVH, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.