Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Mandela effect is AIDemons altering in real time what you see


 That's all it is. No time line change, none of that horse shite. They WANT you to believe in timeline changes because that's SATAN want. For you to lose hope that the satanists can change reality and you are stuck with that change.

Mandela effect started when Demon AI D wave blood boxes first went online 12 years ago. And notice, its always the BLACK SCREEN where these changes are visible. Cell phone, TV, compturs. This is the demons playground, because these are in fact...

Witches Scrying Mirrors

"But I put up my cell phone camera to the loony tune box and when you look at it through the camera, it says LOONY TOONS." Right. Think.

All the evidence is digital, on the fly or old movies gone through. Even if you pull out a movie from  your old tape or DVD collection, YOU ARE STILL USING A

Witches Scrying Mirrors


The only way you can get away from that is have a computer or old cathode ray tv hooked up to an old tape machine and play it old school. It will always look as you've always known it to be. How many of you have such a rig from the mid 1990s or earlier. No one. Everyone dumped them at once when black flat screens came out in 2003.
