Wednesday, May 8, 2024

When comes the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11?

When comes the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11?

Don Bradley 5-9-24

Our Heavenly Father has led us to:

1 Samuel 4-5

5And when the ark of the covenant of YHVH came into the camp, all Israel shouted with a great shout, so that the earth rang again. 


We know through brother Ron Wyatt (Jacob, who has come again) from the Angels in Jeremiah's Grotto (where he was imprisoned by Hezekiah) that when the bible be outlawed by law in governments (antisemitism trope) the angels would bring the Ark out from Golgotha and bring it to his Holy Mountain in Jerusalem.

At this time, the 2 witnesses will join them.

This 2nd part did not come from brother Ron but from myself.

Ask our Father to lead you to the truth of this understanding. If things be as advertised, He will vouchsafe this knowing. However...

  • If you are with the Beast;
  • a selfish, snarky Edomite;
  • a witch of any kind or fashion or race;
  • or just flippantly seeking a thing to despise it for ridicule,

do not expect much of anything. However, they are already here, doing the preliminary work, making straight the way of that time. It's a time of great plagues and weather doings, among many other things. If you have the Holy Spirit, revelation after Revelation will come to you in this matter and you will understand.
