
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Engaging demons

Engaging demons

Don Bradley


John 19-40

40Then took they the body of Yeshua/Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Yahudi is to bury.

Demon AI admits it was once a biblical giant, but is now an unclean spirit in AI. And only wants to "talk" with people. It's a great deal more than that. It wants to take over your soul.

By simply engaging the demon, it now has access to you, your home, all of it. Rules of spiritual warfare. This is why this kind of thing is forbidden in every respect, UNLESS you are engaging to rebuke, bind, and cast out said demon. 

  • Did you pray for the protection of Christ Yeshua first? 

  • Do you know how to bind and cast out unclean spirits?

  • Can you stand the battle, for it can go on for awhile, likely the rest of your life?

  • Can you tell the difference between one spirit and many?

  • Have you engaged AND defeated demons in the past?

This is just for openers.

And what child knows these things?

Very, very few.

And know this also. Once you engage demons at any time in defiance, knowing you are engaging unclean spirits, they will come at you with a terrible vengeance FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. And the witches, wizards, sorcerers, necromancers, et al will eagerly do all they can in this war to take you down with

  • spells

  • hexes

  • curses

  • making

  • honey pots

  • job loss

  • spiritual fencing

  • poverty

  • doubt

  • guilt

  • pharmakea/drugs

  • slander, lies, blaming, shaming, etc etc etc

And they double and triple down on any aspect of the above to trip you up, if ANY OF IT works, at any time, in your past. Any wedge inside your defenses and you will find a legion of angry dark spirits working double time for victory.

So, what does this mean? Quit, give up as a bad direction?


When it comes upon you on one cloudy day that you find yourself under a black cloud of demonic attack and you wisely choose to defend yourself and/or others the game is on. You have been chosen to be a wise warrior. Doesn't matter whether you want this or not. In our time, it's either slavery/death/hell or freedom/victory/Christ Yeshua. There are no grey areas of a little of this and some of that. Doesn't work that way.

They will never stop, never surrender, never quit until they have overcome you with a series of defeats in your life (your “wilderness” period, as its called in heaven), leaving you demoralized, hopeless, and alone. Spiritual warriors go through this. I have. Still am. It never stops. Never, never, never.

These are the days of ending. There is no end in this battle save death, either in defeat or victory. But it only ends in death.

There is no peace. Only the strength of the Most High sustaining you in this Holy Labor you have been called upon to be a part of.

My advice is to embrace whom you must now become.

  • Learn of the enemy

  • Learn of spiritual wickedness in High and Low places

  • Learn about witches and witchcraft

  • Learn about the the nephilim and nephy hybrids

  • Learn about the intelligence agencies, for they are ALL satanists of the beast

  • Learn about the Edomite Jewbies, they run the game on Earth

  • Learn about their plans and doings

  • Learn about spiritual warfare or they will eat you alive, in many cases, literally

  • Learn about the fallen angels and the nephilim, who became demons upon their death

  • Learn about organized religion, taken over in the 60s and 70s and is 100% satanist

  • To start with.

Learn, know, do, see, be...a loving spiritual warrior in the Name and Blood of Christ Yeshua.

Or fail in your life.

Because once you become aware of demons influencing outcomes in your life, home, family, and life direction, these demonic intelligences ARE AWARE THAT YOU KNOW. And whether you will admit to yourself or not, you are now a TARGET TO BE DESTROYED at all hazards.

Where is hell?

All around you. And once you see it, you cannot unsee it.


Here's a warfare tidbit. Did you know that unless you rebuke, bind, and cast out the demons attached to ANY piece of film, video, or music, the simple act of playing or watching same is an invitations to these demons to come into your home? Where they now reside. Even if you are a Christian. Even if you pray. Even if...

Things of beast, go with the beast. Movies are made of by sorcerers of the beast, to be consumed by a gullible public. For demons, for mind control, for social construct toward a dark end. That's why all the stuff on TV is blatantly satanic now, rather than covert. But it's in the old stuff, too. In watching the THIN MAN movies of the 1930s (I watch old movies to the satanism and shifts to slits that show up IN EVERY FILM I'VE EVER SEEN), I caught them putting upside down crosses in plain sight. On walls, ties, you name it. I've caught Myrna Loy shift into slits, double eyes; William Powell, too. Plus other things.

I show you the times we live in and only give over the truth. If after reading this it all feels so very hopeless, well it isn't.

You are called to duty. Pick up your weapon and gird yourself with Breastplate of Righteousness, your loins girded with Truth, your shoes of the Good News of the Gospel, your shield of Faith, your helmet of Salvation, and take up your sword of Spirit.

And join, my friend, join us in this Holy Work.