
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Bookends so far

 Don Bradley 3-5-25

Let's look at the bookend events so far. Each of these were new moon events, also with the rare coincidence of the first of the month.


      1. Bourbon Street EV truck killer, with alleged “bombs” planted all over the french quarter (not). A story for a few days, then vanishes without a trace, nor any followups anywhere on things since then. Ex army intelligence. Police assist in the attack by lowering barriers and waving driver through.

      2. Las Vegas EV Tesla Cybersuck bomb boy at Trumpy Towers, who just happens to blow his own head off with a.50 caliber gun. Twice. No video captures this, but that's the official legend. No gun is found, and the only thing that survives that lithium bomb fire detonation is his paper military ID, in perfect shape. Active army intelligence and mossad. This event joins Musk and Trump, as a magical pairing on that appointed day, in the collectives awareness of the western world and in the unholy sacred circle of the damned. Many children died to make this one fire. And for nothing; the spells were broken that night.


  1. DC plane crash/collision on Runway 33 with a gold top UH-60 VIP call sign NG911 flown as a drone into a plane full of Russian and American ice skaters. This is a conditioning event, both in magic and psychology. Russians and Americans die at the same time together. As is done on the field of battle.


  1. Trumpy, Vance, and baby Zelensky has a reprimand sit down and its televised when these kind of things are always done in chambers, always always always, and reporters never get to attend, especially not the entire world's press. A most obvious staged event, so Euro nations will jump up to defend poor little killing fields Ukraine. Poor baby Huey has no more to give to Moloch. We must have victims!

Let's see what the symbolism of these events amount to.

  • Army guys, one a muslim, the other a jewbie, play killers go wild on New Years. Trump is at the center of these events, hence trump tower.

  • Trump and Musk, the magical duo. Tarot readers delight.

  • DOGE becomes a thing. In reverse, it's E-god. Or electric god. Or, more precisely, DemonAI god.

  • Russians and Americans taken out with 911 event. They even shouted it out by giving the attack huey the number NG911 (revelation 9-11). Runway 33 and 911, all in one go. Their two biggest occult numbers in play in our era.

  • Trump says to naughty draft dodger jewbie zelensky he's skirting with WW3. No more money unless he agrees to stop fighting and end the thing. European countries vow to send their white and poor black/hispanic populations to die in Ukraine. Happily.

This is all about war; started by patsy muslims and jewbies(ha!), involving the death of many Americans and Russians, sucking in the remaining white and mostly christian west into the slaughter fields of the middle east. Meanwhile, Israel continues to take over border countries and erasing their long standing obstacles to domination in the Middle East. Israels plague upon the world goes un noticed nor considered, what with millions dying for America/Russia, the two last bastions of centrist white Christians still functioning in the world. The last two. All the old cold war rhetoric of the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s gets dusted off, modernized, and ran all over again but this time, with REMOVAL OF FREEDOMS, rather than the defense of freedoms.

What starts out as Ukraine, ends up in Iran, the where the last of Nimrod's sacred sites and cities are located. Old, cursed sites of the fallen and the original nephilim become mecca sites of gathering for the world's elite. Starting and ending in Jerusalem.

This needs a tie-in ending, come the end of the month. All the stuff in between, is either judgment from above, or the msm lying to the world about “what it all means.” Useless in the extreme. A complete waste of spirit even listening to them.

They need a tie off and a closer.

Something for the end of the month, new moon, and the Big Event. Like the Operation Northwoods, but with nukes. And nukes against Russia by their own government, like ours is doing to us. A nice cyber attack, preceding the Big Event, also allows for a – and for the security and safety of the west currencies and banking system they will implore us – go completely digital.

End of month tie off will be something that brings it all together. The magicians have parlayed what was needed, CIA and Mossad laid down the plans YEARS AGO, and other than timeline mods, off we go. Whether we want to or not, it their minds, is moot; besides the point. They are doing it.

Those at the high tables, would insist upon a multi-layered, keyed to the stars above and aligned with events in ritual and their outcomes. What are the best occult portents.

  • 88 days from what?

  • Is Saturn (satan, the black cube of Mecca, the black cube of the Talmudic Edomite jewbie) involved, yes in this time. All the celestial elements are now in the sky and conjuncting. Pay close attention to this point, above all others. All the stars in rebellion (so called planets, angels who fell and rebelled in the heavenlies, where the satan dwells in the 1st heaven) are retrograding to their desired positions of a worldwide death event. (learn about celestial cartography, friends) When is that to be? They already know. All the rebellion angels that fell with troon lucifer are lining up in the first heaven for this one. It's true. The beginning was last friday night, transit in new moon. Saturn, Venus, mars, mercury, etc. Plus the stars in this last month of the year, with the breach in heaven (milky way) between Nimrod the mighty hunter on one side and Heaven on the other. There are many layers to understanding the stars above, friends. Just saying.

  • Beltane is a big Death Ritual time for them, keyed to that or near it.

  • Pleiades and the Mighty Hunter (Nimrod, Betelgeuse, Regulus, etc) are in position every night after sunset. This was obtained on 3-2-25. I saw it from the mountains here.

You were hoping for some kind of key to all this and here it is. And the above – these appointed times – cannot be changed. They must be adhered to. Even the beast knows this one. Its why they are so very keen on these things, the world simply does not understand. And that is our failing. For failing to seek out YHVH's understanding and guidance. These keys remain hidden in plain sight, except for those willing to see, know, do, be and love. And, toward their own destruction, for those who choose the dark, wide freeway instead of the straight narrow Way.

By the bye, there are people out there taking my information and pretending its their information. They are also pretending to be with Dad, being natsarim, on the Holy Way, all very that. These are fakes. No man of God declares his own glory. He would share the Way as he found it, but that's all. Ever.

These fakes sell salacious fear and that never ending. They will keep telling you how very righteous they are, without any proof or obvious righteousness as vouchsafed by our Heavenly Father. Dad marks His top people in this and in times past, by signs in sky. Not on the other side of the world, but RIGHT WHERE THEY LIVE. As the star marked Yeshua's birth, and the skies opened as a lamb's mouth to pour forth the Holy Spirit of the dove at Christ's baptism, so does Dad mark his real doers thusly. Understand? It has always been so. And always will. That's how you know the real thing. Signs in the heavenlies. Not cheap, demon magic on the ground as a cell phone goes inside a bottle or a tube spits out twenty bottles of whiskey. I pray all this is landing where needs be and not shunted into the dustbin of bla bla bla.

We'll get through this. Bumpy, ugly, but we will get through. I've already given over the target cities. They have changed two of them, and added three more. That's the freewill in play while destiny and fate assembles all on the battlefield, for the contest to be decided.

That contest is a spiritual war between the Creator of all that is and this world, and a tranny impostor who fell in love with himself.

Hopefully, you have chosen wisely and with an open heart.

But also...

There's our Heavenly Father. His doings in the between times. His righteous judgments are in full go go go. As we know. Right?

Okay then.
