
Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Presidents and the Last Hurrah

The Presidents and the Last Hurrah

Don Bradley, January 23, 2025

Father has led me to, to start-

Isaiah 63:11-14

11Then he remembered the days of old, Moses, and his people, saying, Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of his flock? where is he that put his holy Spirit within him?

12That led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm, dividing the water before them, to make himself an everlasting name?

13That led them through the deep, as an horse in the wilderness, that they should not stumble?

14As a beast goeth down into the valley, the Spirit of YHVH caused him to rest: so didst thou lead thy people, to make thyself a glorious name.

This is how it was meant to be, according to their original plan.

  • After Barry Sotero and Big Mike Robinson-the gay/tranny baby killers—would be

  • The Hildebeast (Hillary Clinton) for 8 years; 2016-2024

  • Then, and finally, the Trumpy in 2024/25.

But the Hildebeast died on 9-11-16 (revelations 9-11, not the birth of Christ Yeshua) and they didn't have time nor a double nor a quick solution why the whore was no longer doing interviews or campaign anything in the last 6 weeks before the general election. That was a very good day. Remember, the 2016 elections when the Hildy just disappeared from all events and the MSM paid no attention to this weird fact. Remember all the “Where's Hillary?” articles that appeared, then vanished, everywhere after her last public appearance? The most MSM covered woman in existence suddenly no longer was a media anything. Nor since. The jezebel was morte. Dead. Gone. That nasty, frazzledripping reptile was snuffed out. Proved on video and on this site—Hillary died and even ABC and NBC (videos shown here) ran stories that Ms Nasty died that day, after leaving the 911 memorial mega death ritual they did with the other Elite devils.

They used one of her doubles (they ran four different women as the hildebeast in subsequent years, until they chose the double to do all the surgery and stuff on). No more MSM coverage of the most famous woman in modern times. Like a light switch turned off. Try and remember if you can.


But problem. How do put a 2 term limit president in over 3 terms?

Enter the dead Joe Biden, who was snuffed in 2018, and make him the Sniffy. And to mock and to make a Edomite/jewish derision, revealing their hatred and contempt of White America, they made him a retarded, senile, lost in space, doofus. Enter Arthur Roberts, the player playing doofus Sniffy. Wearing a rubber mask, he plays a retard to perfection. Roberts is taken out last year, different sniffys with different heights and eyes until last Monday, January 20, 2025. Also well proved out on this site.

And to further grind their boot upon our necks, they also ran with the sniffy, a drunk, Hecate possessed (at times) whore called Kamala (Amalak), an anagram name of yet another fallen angel. All this was done in plain sight and the world literally swallowed it. This piss drunk P Diddy slut became VP. They wanted her to be this for Kamala's one desire was to become a famous actress, which Diddy was grooming her for. There are many pics (and published here) of her and Diddy in public and at Freak Offs. Get it? Remember those pics I put up of up and coming actress Kamala with P Diddy from the late 90s over the last few years?

They actually gave her an award—in secret—for doing for four years, what very few could do convincingly. She and Arthur Roberts were actors playing a part, so Trumpy could rule in a secret 2nd term. As I've been saying since August 2024, when the most High YHVH revealed this all to me at night, by taking me to the White House one morning. But Kamala was treated like the hired help she was; she hated that. She hated having to grovel beneath real power, to fulfill her dream. She became such a vicious bitch to be around, that many folks said they quit because they simply couldn't take her bile anymore.

Trump stayed in the real white house and the whole sniffy regime was filmed for the tard America from the old MGM studios in Culver City, as proved on this site countless times.

  • Trumpy tells you he's not of the Christian faith, he's a converted talmudic jewbie.

  • Trumpy tells you there will be no further elections.

  • Trumpy releases the jew; to finish our ending.

  • Trumpy releases Demon AI, to finish off the world (his part in it, at least.)

Of a truth, the real enemies of mankind (what's left of it, after the mark of the Beast vax weapon) are not guys like this, except in one important way. Pay attention please.

The real enemies are the sorcerers, witches, and wizards in High Places and the fallen who use them as meat sack surrogates in this dimension. That is the battle. Each country has a principality or prince, that governs it, save true IsRaEl. When the eyes turn to slits or go black, that body and soul is being taken over and used by something very nasty and evil.

True Israel are the tribes scattered over the face of the Earth, in diaspora. And it's not the identity stealing jewish, Edomite, Kabbalah serving jewbies and their “bible” of evil, the Talmud. It's mostly white people and their hybrid mixing with other races, creating gentiles and freejacks (spiritually undecided) in every land.

These they HATE, HATE, HATE with all their feeble stunted soul can hate. And the jewbie/Edomites flat out tell you they hate whites and white mixed gentiles with soul damning passion that defies belief.

Because...of these the last remnants of the Divine Spark in mankind remains. And that spark they want erased so this world can be the Beast's. How can you tell such a soul? Easy. They are kind, generous and decent men, women, and children of Earth, no matter their language.

How can you tell those of the beast? Easy. Lying, two faced, heartless thugs – men, women, or children – who are of Ham, one of Noah's sons. They smile a smile and are the worst villains; always corrupt, inherently stupid in the extreme, lovers of every kind of iniquity that exists and want more, more, more for themselves, F everyone else around them. These kind are in the news daily; another mayor or fire chief or government slug caught doing evil. Again.

They torture animals, or use them for their vanity. Then dispose of them when they get bored with them. Like trash. These kind have no problem filling our water with fluoride, graphene oxide, while doing the same to our air and food.

As bad as things appeared to be under the sniffy, now that Trumpy is back in the limelight, he wills that the world will tremble. He hates the light that much. The light of Christ in all people whom love good inherently and despise evil.

  • Roll back woke (taps the sign), which started over a year ago in earnest by exposing their failures; make gentiles think a corner for the good has been turned.

  • A conflict that results in nukes popping off in Europe and America. NATO and its countries have been at world war since February of 2022. No one mentions this war because it's blacked out by the jewbie controlled MSM. This will openly bubble over as the Trumpy starts mentioning war and sends troops BLATANTLY overseas, rather than on the quiet, as it is now.

  • The nukes are already in place, in those cities designated as Death Sites. Los Angeles, NYC, Atlanta, etc. Brussels, Paris, London, etc.

But, there are snags in their plan, as evidenced by the Hildebeast being taken out. Or the fires that erased Two HUGE jewbie coven communities in Los Angeles. And other things inbound because their sins are nigh unto full in every arena. San Francisco slipping into the cold Pacific waters is one, among a few dozen other events that will monkey wrench things a tad, they are completely blind towards, until they are revealed.

They cannot contingency a thing they are unaware of. Like rakes hunting people of the Beast instead of the True Yahudites, not those edomite pedophile, child trafficking freaks that calls themselves chosen of God. You monsters are none. Your god is Lucifer, the sissy tranny.

They cannot hide the judgments that have come along. These kind stink of rottenness offending all around them. Using rubber masks to hide those sores. The lost bloodlines of the Royal houses, disintegrating more and more by the day.

A look, a glance, and off you go. Down Below. Where these kind obviously belong.

These are Great Times of both Great Doings and evil works. Both. I can tell you that what is coming this year, 2025, will make previous years seem like normal, when they were and are, far, far from it. Are you ready?

Is your heart and mind right with YHVH?

Is Christ Yeshua (Jesus) your guiding light?

It will be. Or you will fall with those that have chosen, Unwisely.

Your fate is in your every own hands now. The time is most short. If you are reading these words and are gentile, Yahudite, or freejack ask why it is you ARE READING THESE WORDS. When millions will never know them. Millions.

Here's a tidbit for the damned. Wherever you congregate, flood or fire will find you. I hope and pray you laugh at this last. It makes the work all the more easier.

And Israel?—the land, not the people. It's finally your time. Enough is enough. Your fake ISIS and HAMAS pretend war for slaughter is now turning against. Even Lu knows this. Doubt bish will tell you. I know what he whispers to you. You are invincible, unstoppable, all that.

Sure, like you stopped the Paradise and Eaton fires. NOT. Or the 40 rivers of water storms that hit California 2 years ago. NOT.


I asked YHVH (Dad) for verses to start and end this treatise.

1 Chronicles 10-7

7And when all the men of Israel that were in the valley saw that they fled, and that Saul and his sons were dead, then they forsook their cities, and fled: and the Philistines came and dwelt in them.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Tranny admits they are satanists in rebellion

They are ALL witches and satanists. This one just admits it. It's very rare to get one of them to admit this on camera. Really rare.

Chief of Los Angeles Fire Department Crowley is man troon. 

Huge Adam's apple not washed out by MSM. This is a man freak, not a lesbian.


Trump bans troon flags from being shown on government buildings

Trump bans troon flags from being shown on government buildings


 Why do you hate us? say the transvestites.

From the internet - many very upset people out there - each paragraph a different anonymous response. There are literally many hundreds of these, except on MSM commenting sites where Troons and Jewbies control content.


Dear troons -  The US government has OFFICIALLY declared that you are NOT and CANNOT be a woman.

 It was being flown on embassies and consulates which is a violation of the Vienna Convention.

We don't hate you. your allowed to fly your faggot flag on your own property. on US property only US flags are flown.

 Saw two buff oily gay dudes in leather underwear at like noon on a Saturday and kids were around. Too much.

There is no "we" with you in it. You could have had your life in peace, but you chose to push yourself to the forefront time and time again. You don't matter. You are meaningless. In the great tapestry of history you will be pushed aside and forgotten as childless freaks who tried to pull innocent children to perdition in your hell dive. You are cancer and need to be pushed back to where you belong - in the shadowy margins of hushed tones and shameful silence. Even the gays and lesbians are ashamed of you, your actions and even for being associated with you. And those faggots do some pretty heinous shit themselves.

How about you tell your faggot friends and "allies" that if they wanted to avoid fascists, they should avoid bringing about Weimar. But you won't learn, will you. The HRT has already rotted your cognitive ability to the point this is all just meaningless words on a screen.

You tried to make your weirdo shit normal, and in doing so endangered normalcy. Feet fags who obsess over shrek’s toes don’t try and get a holiday named after them or have other people respect their weirdo shit, so the worst that happens is maybe a repost of their art and a laugh. But no, you couldn’t just be a weirdo in peace, you had to become the biggest cultural issue of the day. To go after children. You put us in a self defense situation, that’s what it is.

Finally, take this shit off our buildings.

24/7 trans trans trans trans trans shit has completely exhausted normal people's patience.

You want to rape kids and teach them how to be gay and trans and leather daddy kinks ... you need to die.

Only a narcissist would say something like this.

Go into ANY school in America. The women and men are gay and lesbian or troons. This is why there is an explosion of this kind of satanic evil by the covens and the Edomite Jewbies across the land. It's an established fact that to receive AID in dollars or gold from America, the country MUST  create and fund some of that money for Troon programs in SCHOOLS. FACT. DB


Sunday, January 19, 2025

The fire that burns but does not consume

The fire that burns but does not consume (the Burning Bush plague)

Don Bradley 1-19-25

To begin, YHVH has led me to:

1 Kings 18-37

 37Hear me, YHVH, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the YHVH Adonai, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.

 I am compelled to give notice in this thing.

Those whom attend the event on Monday January 20th, 2025, and whose hearts are with evil, will be given a short duration plague of feeling one's self burn, without the destruction of fire. Like an overdose of niacin, that is never ending. All over, inside and out. This is a not so gentle reminder that if you stand with the beast, this is what awaits you in Sheol and Tartarus. Embrace this warning. For your own sake, if for nothing else.

Doesn't matter if the thing was filmed already. YHVH is not deceived.

You stand counted as part of this, this befalls you. Even if you are there to "oppose" the Trumpster, and yet stand with all manner of evil in your heart, this befalls you. YHVH is not deceived.

How long? Depends upon the person. Some 3 days, some...longer.

All Children under the age of 13 are spared.

It starts at sunrise, Eastern Standard Time. If the sun rises and finds you there or intent upon being there...

Okay then.


PS. Friends, I implore you to not act in defiance of this thing. Rather, repent of your evil, if evil agrees with you, and avoid this and any future outcomes. 

Dad tells me people are going to go, just to Find Out. As you wish, it's your freewill.

Fire that cleanses great evil in the land. Understand?