
Monday, October 31, 2022

Unhappy with our work of late

 I haven't seen satan's ugly face since the La Palma days, when he wanted to jumpstart that whole canary islands tsunami we shut down. Was 200 singed rich devils and your golem labors come to naught that upsetting? 

La Palma appearances of this butthurt runt.

an alleged method of making a golem, but I perceive with a great deal left off, given it involves human sacrifice in a most horrific way.
The Beliefnet Guide to Kabbalah."

It's challenging enough just to read and understand the Sefir Yezirah (the kabbalistic "Book of Creation"). Then you have to put the very complicated procedures that it teaches into practice. This requires discipline, patience, wisdom, intelligence, and almost unimaginable spiritual strength. But it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Rabbi Eleazar of Worms's commentary on Sefir Yezirah includes detailed instructions for making a golem, an artificial human being. (In Jewish legend, the golem was a creature brought into being at crucial times to help save the Jews from their enemies.)

Before you begin, you'll have to memorize a bewildering number of formulae-and be able to utter tens of thousands of Hebrew phonemes and phrases in the correct order and without making any mistakes. Then you and your partners (you should never create a golem by yourself!) should purify yourselves and dress in clean white vestments. You'll need a sufficient supply of virgin soil, taken from a place that's never been dug, and fresh springwater that has never been poured into a vessel of any sort. After you mix the soil and water and knead it together, it's time to get to work.

Taking care to breathe properly and to make the right head movements, you'll have to combine each Hebrew letter and vowel with each of the consonants of the tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God, YHWH, that pious Jews are forbidden to pronounce out loud-instead they pronounce them as Adonai, or "Lord"), while meditating on the parts of the body. Depending on how you combine the vowels and which sequences you use (not all rabbis agree about this-Rabbi Abraham Abulafia's instructions, for example, require tens of thousands more combinations than Rabbi Eleazar's), the entire process should take between seven and thirty-five hours.

When you have finished, the golem you have created will only be a mental image. But that doesn't mean that he has to stay in your mind. You can project yourself into this mental construct and use it as a vehicle to ascend to astral realms-or you can transfer it into the clay form that you mixed and bring it to life in the real world. If you don't want to create a whole man, you can create just a single limb or organ-a useful tool in the practice of medicine.

One of the best-known legends about a golem takes place in the late 1500s, when Rabbi Judah Loew created one to protect the Jews of Prague from a pogrom. When the creature went out of control, threatening to slaughter all of the gentiles in the city, the rabbi undid his magic. The story was actually adapted from a popular legend about Loew's contemporary, Rabbi Elijah of Chelm; Loew only became its hero in the late eighteeenth century.

To this day the golem lies in the uppermost part of the synagogue of Prague, covered with cobwebs that have spun from wall to wall to encase the whole arcade so that it should be hidden from all human eyes, especially pregnant wives in the women's section. No one is permitted to touch the cobwebs, for anyone who does so dies. Even the oldest congregants no longer remember the Golem. However, Zvi the Sage, the grandson of the Maharal, still deliberates whether it is proper to include the Golem in a minyan, or in a company for the saying of grace.

The lines quoted above are form Ruth Wisse's translation of the great Yiddish writer I. L. Peretz's short story "The Golem," which appeared in 1893.

The golem has been ubiquitous in popular literature since Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was published in 1818. He has turned up recently in Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator movies, and novels like Frances Sherwood's The Book of SplendorThe Golems of Gotham by Thane Rosenbaum, Cynthia Ozick's The Puttermesser Papers, Michael Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay-and even in Steven Spielberg's full-length children's animated feature, An American Tale....

THE BOOK OF ACTS field manual; end of days Russ Dizdar

Introduction. Russ's Holy Spirit inspired teaching regarding the labors of be a spirit filled warrior for Christ are so Top Shelf, the world must know about it. Become a prayer warrior and let HIM, our Christ in you, do the perfect work that He does. Don

If you wish to be a little more than just a "believer in Christ Yeshua/Jesus."

This is the introduction to a many part series done in 2019.

Doing battle with 200 priests of BAAL

Doing battle with 200 priests of BAAL

Don Bradley Cheshvan

October 31st 2022

Yesterday, Sunday the 30th, I came upon an announcement by Elon Musk regarding his gathering of 200 of the world's richest satanic devils in power in the world today, as well as an entire cadre of Pharisees/Rabbis, to Vlad Dracula's castle in Romania. For Halloween/Samhain rites and rituals, ostensibly for fun and games.

Fun and games...

Sure. We believe you. Really.

I mention to brother Edu and we should visit them in their labors, at midnight and 3am Romania time(the hour of witches/satanists and the hour of demons) and make sure it is just fun and games. We will repeat this work again today, in Yeshua's Holy Name and Blood. We do this in the usual manner, rebuking, binding, and casting out into the dry places, all demonic spirits found there. As well, we ask Him, our most high Adonai, YHVH, to seal the ground in His Holy Name. And it was so.

As is my way, I not only asked for spiritual confirmations but also mundane confirmations in our world of number, weight, and measure. Such as these.

Midnight Romania. 

The Pharisees arrive to perform their blasphemous rites to Lucifer.

Our Father revealed to me—again with confirmations—that they were there to enact the ancient and wholly satanic and blasphemous ritual of golem making; a most terrible and horrible rite of creation, whereby these satanic priests of Babylon take the unlawful nephesh of the fallen spirits in the demonic realms and anchor it into the mechanical body of a machina that becomes a kind of living, killing, thing. The Golem.

You didn't invite I nor Edu, so we invited ourselves because I just knew that in your heart of hearts, we were going to show up anyways. So we did.

In this case, He revealed also that the whole point of Elon's Nueralink is not for us, the humanity in the world—that is frankly impossible—but to create a race of killer droids, with demonic nephesh's using some element that Vlad the Impaler used in the 15th century: a creation of a golem to fight the muslim hoards. This is the history you don't know that is not taught in the books of history. However it is taught in the secret books of the Talmud, and only to those rabbi who are wholly damned and in the book of death. As they are.

Had ritual of making succeeded, the satanic cabal would have had at their disposal, millions of demonic hunter/killer droids whose singular purpose is to destroy anyone it finds that is not already condemned; the gentiles and the saved.

We see two themes here at once, that they have been shoving down our throats for 30 years. The whole TERMINATOR theme—comes true. Followed by the whole DROID ARMY of the star wars franchise then also comes true. Decades of planning, billions spent, cyborg tech perfected, needing only the DNA, nephesh, right location, as well as a former golem used by Vlad which was discovered and providing the last link the chain necessary for this to occur on the witches black sabbath of Samhain, this day.

Then Edu and I weighed in on the matter and made the whole long awaited event into a gathering of nothing.

Really, Elon? You showed and Yeshua has told.


Saturday, October 29, 2022

Hymn to St. John the Baptist

Ancient hymn, destroyed by Rome, and rediscovered. In 432HZ A.

Guido of Arezzo (ItalianGuido d'Arezzo;[n 1] c. 991–992 A Benedictine Monk.

As it was meant to be.

In Latin, converted to English.


For thy spirit, holy John, to chasten
Lips sin-polluted, fettered tongues to loosen;
So by thy children might thy deeds of wonder
Meetly be chanted.

Lo! a swift herald, from the skies descending,
Bears to thy father promise of thy greatness;
How he shall name thee, what thy future story,
Duly revealing.

Scarcely believing message so transcendent,
Him for a season power of speech forsaketh,
Till, at thy wondrous birth, again returneth
Voice to the voiceless.

The heavenly citizens celebrate you
with lauds, one God and at once triune;
we also come imploring forgiveness;
spare us among the redeemed.

Thou, in thy mother's womb all darkly cradled,
Knewest thy Monarch, biding in His chamber,
Whence the two parents, through their children's merits,
Mysteries uttered.

Praise to the Father, to the Son begotten,
And to the Spirit, equal power. possessing,
One God whose glory, through the lapse of ages,
Ever resoundeth.

By His Grace, serve, save, and strike back at evil wherever you may find it

By His Grace, serve, save, and strike back at evil wherever you may find it 


Ephesians 2

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, 9 not of works, so that no one should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Yeshua/Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, so that we should walk in them.

Luke 24 are clothed with power from on high.”
Acts 1
8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you shall be My witnesses

Mark 16:20
20 Then they went forth and preached everywhere, YHVH working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.





Edu Cheshvan 2

October 29 2022

Australia is a cursed land. No, I’m not talking about giant spiders, venomous snakes and magpies. A quick review of aboriginal folklore will tell you about the time giants and monsters ate people, usually in their most sacred places. Weird big rock formations remind us of the big chunks of giant antediluvian driftwood scattered throughout the land. And most of the land is bone dry. Or at least was. Ok, do we see a pattern here? Being close to the Antarctic border of the firmament, the land was a favorite place of the nephilim. Until now.