This is yours, E.
YhVh's creation, in all its splendor, mystery, and wonder as we find it. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and fire:
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Be it known
Every false flag act on US soil or its territories which involves
the Mossad IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, will be immediately and decisively
reprimanded. Those planning, executing, and associates.
Plague, Fire, or Wasting disease - you'll never know which, until it hits you.
I promise, you won't have to wait long to find out.
Edu and I will wade through the lot of you like a scythe. Capish?
Only warning on this matter.
Starting with the Key bridge in Baltimore.
Your acts have consequences. TODAY.
The Daily Messenger: Why does this video exist -bridge destructrion - w...
The Daily Messenger: Why does this video exist -bridge destructrion - w...: Only people who knew the event was going to take place, that's who. this is not a security camera this video was created by an unnamed ...
Time to punish the guilty in this crime. You bastardos killed a great many people with this vicious act.
Monday, March 25, 2024
The appointed times are arriving
Take note. The last turning begins. It will very soon be total war against mankind. Expect no quarter.
But also, know He is with you, Almighty YHVH and His anointed Son Yeshua, as king and lawful ruler of this Earth and Heaven above. And His servants are here with you, far and wide.
You are not alone. But rather, will have all the help you need. Stay true to yourself and Christ and have no fear.
The angels shall pour forth their bowls. It will be so.
Saturn, mars, Venus in conjunction over the water bearer. It's war and plague. |
AI demons in effigies to search out purebloods
As foretold in the Holy Word. |
According to the study, “Despite COVID-19 vaccine mandates, many chose to forgo vaccination, raising questions about the psychology underlying how judgment affects these choices.”
But critics like Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer for Children’s Health Defense, said that the new technology implies that those who question vaccines have mental health problems. “I truly believe that we are about to enter a scientific renaissance in life sciences because of this coexistence of advancements in technology and biology,” Bourla added.
“When we have the next pandemic, we don’t want to have to wait a year before we get the vaccine,” he said. People who are not vaccinated must be made to or suffer the consequences.
Revelations 13
15And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
The Mark of the Beast
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Ai is demons. AI/demons will be in ALL the computers, cell phones, etc. Frankly, if you will have it, this event HAS ALREADY HAPPENED.
After a bit more time, pure bloods will be sought out for compliance or destruction.
This is why they desperately want the guns. |
Red heifer nonsense
A plague of sores and wasting come upon all whom attend or promote this event. Amen. |
All this talk about the red heifers being slain yet nobody is taking into account the obvious truth that the Edomite snapperheads lost the Covenant. They can slaughter as many heifers as they want, it's not going to lead to the coming of Antichrist.
"Who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God." 2 Thessalonians 2:4
Get that? The Antichrist will sit in the Temple of God. THAT'S YOU. Not some building the asscans want you to believe in. The temple they want is already being prepped with the blood of children. Only a demon would go in such a place.
"In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away." Hebrews 8:13
1 Corinthians 3:16
Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? 17If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.…
And here is Yeshua's words:
“This temple took forty-six years to build,” the Edomites replied, “and You are going to raise it up in three days?”
21But Yeshua was speaking about the temple of His body.
Yids fumble this entire thing on two verses of scripture alone. They declared they had no God but Caesar, they proclaimed with one voice that the Sacred Blood of Yeshua Christ was on they and their children's hands. They put Christ to death and lost the Covenant which passed to the Gentiles. The Old Law died on the cross, it was abrogated. God cannot and will not sit in some Jewish shack on the Temple Mount for the Edomites lost the Covenant, their law made null and void and to continue to observe it is a mortal sin.
If you search out the scriptures on red heifers, it has nothing to do with any kind of prophecy being fulfilled. It's a tissue of Canaanite BS double talk full of half truths and outright lies.
THE ANTICHRIST is already sitting in 2 billion temples, having placed his triple helix DNA abomination over the golden bowl in many. These are the dead in Christ, until they seek out their salvation, which can only save them from the terrible thing they have allowed.
Now YHVH expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons," 1 Tim. 4:1"And
those who live on the earth, whose names have not been written in the
book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder when they see
the beast, that he was, and is not, and will come." Revelations 17:8
Edomites/jewbies are antichrist. In this intended sense, it’s a plurality, not an individual. Just as they are also the dragon, the serpent and Satan (aka the adversary). They are the children of the fornication of Esau, yet consecrated to God through the binding of Isaac. In this way they are the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, just as Jacobs seed are vessels of holiness.
The covid 19 vax weapon is the mark of the beast. It says young and old
will receive it, so think of children or elderly in nursing homes.
Dickless is angry. |
Saturn, mars, Venus in conjunction over the water bearer. It's war and plague. |
Sunday, March 24, 2024
As awakening people now see the truth - are labeling us with a disorder? Since I was a boy? Really? It's demons folks. vaxxies have them now. Witches have always had them, still do.
It's gotten enough along in the awareness phase that they are trying to game people into taking a drug, to remove their seeing. The vax weapon, of course.
Serial killers are intelligence operatives on top of satanist witches
Despite the conventional profile of serial killers as lone nuts driven solely by their own internal demons, there is a compelling case to be made that many of the most prominent serial killers are intelligence assets. Countless serial killers appear to be subjects of mind control programs like those found in Project MK-Ultra, exhibiting telltale qualities such as early childhood abuse, dissociative disorders, pedophilia, and connections to known or suspected intelligence fronts (like the military, prisons, mental hospitals, and cults). Many of these murders, far from being random killings, are actually targeted assassinations or clean-up operations on behalf of various criminal enterprises (like murder-for-hire, drug trafficking, or sex rings), which the killers are often associated with. Other murders have no political motive, but fit the profile of Satanic cult killings or a domestic version of the Phoenix Program aimed at terrorizing the public into submission. While this is no doubt a controversial position to take on serial killers, there is often an astounding number of common elements in serial killer cases pointing to some kind of government / intelligence involvement. The "serial killer" presented to the public is often a fall-guy taking responsibility for group actions or (on rarer occasions) an entirely innocent patsy.
Think you know everything there is to know about serial killers?
Or is it possible that sometimes what everyone 'knows' to be true isn't really true at all?
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Cult of Baal
These are they with whom we in reality, must contend, bloodline of satan vs bloodline of Adam. These witches live and function without a shred of mercy or remorse, for that requires a loving heart, with Yeshua's spirit and blood.
Best thing to do, really, is to pray against these groups, once a day. All that is needed for the harsh hammer of judgment to fall upon them - a sincere request at help from these vicious slugs and gimps.
PS. By the by, the leadership of the Hand of Death cult is no more.
Father has led me to:
Psalm 31
16Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies' sake.
17Let me not be ashamed, O YHVH; for I have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.
Kenneth "Mad Dog" McKenna, snuff film/CP dealer, serial killer, Ted Bundy's mastermind and Hand of Death cult member, seems erudite well beyond most serial killers as far as the occult goes. Mentions the Canaanite gods Anath, Dagon, Baal and Asherah.
GJ - Now that you've told us that you are the person who arranged to have Molly Von Heidrich killed will you explain to the readers exactly how you went about making those arrangements?
MD - The bitch was stealing from me and blackmailing me. I just got fed up with her shit so I wrote to some people out on the street who are associated with the Hand of Death. These are avowed Satanists who want to show that they are worthy of induction into our organization. We call them the "Servants of the Hand". They are all coven members but mostly minor league types. What I did to get them moving was write a letter to the leader of the coven. The letter was written in runes. Runescript is the official written symbols of advanced Satanists. The runic message is sent to the Chief Witch of the coven selected to serve the Hand of Death. The Chief Witch is called a "Hellbitch"
MD - Just shut up and pay attention, you might learn a thing or what I do is write a runic message to the coven's Hellbitch telling why I want done. I sign it in blood with the mark of the Devil and mail it. The Hellbitch gets the letter and reads it. The Hellbitch then convenes the coven and they do a magickal ceremony which concludes with a casting of the runes; and what this involves, is tossing certain small lacquered sticks before a demonic image. The coven members who cast the series of runes called the Death rune carry out the terms of the message. We call the message, "The Edict". My edict was sent to the Hellbitch of Vampira in Atlanta, Georgia. Four marked witches of coven Vampira cast the Death rune. The Vampira coven is a subcult within the ancient society of the Daughters of Anath. They are very powerful witches who worship the Satanic Goddess Anath; their main covens are along the Levantine coast in the Middle East. The four witches went south to find Molly Von Heidrich and they did find her. Molly was kidnapped, bound, gagged, put in the trunk of a car and driven directly to Mexico. Molly was drugged to keep her quiet; when she woke up she was at Ranch Diablo looking into the faces of Dagonite women with filed teeth.
GJ - Wait. What are Dagonites? WHy do they have filed teeth?
MD - The Dagonites are a major Neo-Baalist cult that worships the God Dagon. Dagon is another name for Satan. Their women have filed teeth because they are cannibals. The Dagonites are very keen on fertility rites. They believe that all good things come up to man from out of the earth, from out of the underworld, and who is the ruler of the underworld? Unlike Christians, we believe that Hell is the good place. I can look at your face and see confusion so I'll explain this quickly and simply. The Hand of Death is a Trinity, an unholy Satanic Trinity comprised of the three primary Satanic forces in Western civilization: The Sons of Dagon, The Ancient Society of the Daughters of Anath and the Sisterhood of Asherah. Those are the three major forces in demonic Satanism at work in the world today. The Sisterhood of Asherah is made up of a union of witches who worship the Satanic Goddess Asherah, the Goddess of Sexual Lust. The world headquarters of the Hand of Death is located in the mountains of Northern Mexico not all that far south of the Texas border. All Satanic cults are sub-cults of these three.
When Henry Lee Lucas accused Aynesworth of coercing him to recant, it's highly unlikely he was aware that the CIA-connected 'journalist' had been accused of precisely such behaviour in the past.
This was not the only time Lucas' account was corroborated by other information. From Texas Monthly, June 1989:
>"When lawmen finally began to sort things out, the ritual killings seemed almost predestined. A map drawn two years ago by confessed mass-killer Henry Lee Lucas had predicted with inexplicable accuracy that the bodies of victims of satanic rituals would be found about where [Mark] Kilroy and others were found."
It's never been explained how else Lucas could have known that. Either it's an extraordinary coincidence, or he was telling the truth.
In fact, Lucas' accomplice in the officially-acknowledged killing spree - a man named Ottis Toole - confirmed his allegations about the Hand of Death cult, providing detailed descriptions of their rituals, and telling chronicler Sondra London that he was born into a family that had been involved with black witchcraft for generations. ( Toole also revealed, quite interestingly, that he'd visited the satanic-based Process Church of the Final Judgment in New Orleans!
The Process Church has since been linked to the Manson and Son of Sam killings. Founded in London in 1963, they preached that God and the Devil were one and the same being. Following a sojourn to (you guessed it) Mexico, they arrived in the U.S. where they were incorporated in New Orleans with the assistance of attorney Tommy Baumler, who belonged to the same CIA-associated circle as Shaw, Ferrie, and Oswald, and later interviewed by the D.A.'s investigators in connection with the Kennedy plot. Small world, isn't it?
Canaanite civilization can be sequestered into two branches distinguished by its two main cities. These were Carthage and Babylon, each worshiping a separate pairs of deities derived from the earth mother and dying god archetypes. From these they developed separate religious practices, which bleed into two separate branches of ritual tradition diffused from Canaanite culture into Classical culture, that being Greek and Roman
Babylon worshiped the patron deities Ishtar and Tammuz. Ishtar, depending on the period, was also known as Inanna or Sarpanit, but was associated with the planet Venus broadly speaking. Her symbol was an eight-pointed star called the star of Ishtar, and would later become known to monotheists as the Whore of Babylon. Her consort was Tammuz, also known as Marduk, Bel, or Dumuzid, who represented the the planet Jupiter. Religious rituals surrounding these two deities involved sexual rites known as sacred prostitution, or sex magic. These rituals were performed as reenactments of Ishtar's mythologized origin stories. In one of these myths a dying god archetype called Tammuz is resurrected by Ishtar through baptism, making her an earth mother archetype
“In Babylonian legend, the goddess Istar descends to Hades to fetch the water of life with which to restore to life the dead Thammuz, and it appears that the water was thrown over him at a great mourning ceremony, at which men and women stood round the funeral pyre of Thammuz lamenting.” —The Golden Bough, James G. Frazer vol I, p287
The Babylonians also held an annual festival called Sacaea, which went for five days and ended with a resurrection ritual where a human sacrifice taking on the role of the king, who had come to represent a dying god, was whipped and then crucified
“According to the historian Berosus, who as a Babylonian priest spoke with ample knowledge, there was annually celebrated in Babylon a festival called the Sacaea. . .During these five days masters and servants changed places, the servants giving orders and the masters obeying them. A prisoner condemned to death was dressed in the king’s robes, seated on the king’s throne, allowed to issue whatever commands he pleased, to eat, drink, and enjoy himself, and to lie with the king’s concubines. But at the end of the five days he was stripped of his royal robes, scourged, and crucified." —The Golden Bough, James G. Frazer, vol I, p226
Another annual Babylonian festival, which went for twelves days in December, was called Zagmuk. It involved sacred prostitution rites using priestesses from the Temple of Venus in Babylon representing Ishtar, who would have ritualistic sex with the king, representing the dying god Tammuz, who would then be killed afterwards. Though they would come to use a substitution sacrifice in the place of the king to circumvent having to ordain a new leader annually.
Now, regarding the important information, the first important thing is the episode about John the Baptist and Salome. John the Baptist is the person who baptized Yeshua/Jesus Christ, and here it is said that he belonged to the Essenes sect of Judaism.
Let me now briefly touch on the Essenes. It should help your understanding. The Essenes originated around the second half of the 2nd century BC. They were much smaller than the large forces such as the Pharisees and Sadducees. They lived a simple communal life centering on agriculture in a place away from the world, and were characterized by sharing property, being celibate, eating vegetarian food, and strictly observing the Sabbath. All of this is to cut off the filthiness of the worldly world. They believed that they were under a new covenant, that the temple of the Lord was not built of stones, but of those who were faithful to God. One of the small communities belonging to the Essenes was the Qumran Order, which left behind the documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Among the descriptions in the Dead Sea Scrolls, there is a point that seems to be related to the story of the pseudonym: that there will be two Messiahs. They are the secular Messiah (the one who rebuilds the Law of Moses) who follows the line of Aaron, and the priestly Messiah (the expositor of the law) who follows the line of Israel. According to this idea, John the Baptist falls under the first category, and Jesus Christ falls under the second.
The Essenes are said to have been involved in a battle between the Great God YHVH and the Devil (the Dead Sea Scrolls mention a war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness). ). John the Baptist followed that plan and baptized Jesus/Yeshua. That was a good day.
Salome was the daughter of Herod, king of Judea. This Herod was the son of King Herod, the new king of Judea who threatened his position, who slaughtered all the infants in the kingdom when he learned that Jesus/Yeshua was about to be born. His official name is Herod Antipas. He is also said to have crucified Jesus/Yeshua (although it is more commonly said that this was on the orders of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate). There is a story that Augustus of Rome despised Salome, saying, "It is better to be a pig than to be the son of Herod". That's it. Salome danced a lewd dance (the Dance of the Seven Veils) in which she took off her clothes one by one in front of her father, the king. As her reward, she asked for John's head. True to his words, John's head was presented to Salome.
DAGON, a god of the Philistines who had temples at Ashdod (i Sam. v. 1), and Gaza (Judg. xvi. 21, 23); the former was destroyed by Jonathan, the brother of Judas the Maccabees (i Macc. x. 84; 148 B.C.). But Dagon was more than a mere local deity; there was a place called Beth-Dagon in Judah (Josh. xv. 41), another on the borders of Asher (ib. xix. 27), and a third underlies the modern Bet Dejan, south-east of Nablus. Dagon was in all probability an old Canaanite deity; it appears in the name of the Canaanite Dagantakala as early as the 15th century, and is possibly to be identified with the Babylonian god Dagan. Little is known of his cult (Judg. xvi. 23 seq.), although as the male counterpart of Ashtoreth (see Astarte) his worship would scarcely differ from that of the Baalim (see Baal). The name Dagon seems to come from ddg " fish," and that his idol was half-man half-fish is possible from the ichthyomorphic representations found upon coins of Ascalon and Arvad, and from the fact that Berossus speaks of an Assyrian merman-god.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Monday, March 18, 2024
Sunday, March 17, 2024
For the sin of Climate Hoax (change)
For those that spread this satanic lie to knowingly enslave others, this:
Saturday, March 16, 2024
The evil in our land
These are the evil behind the world's ills.
The killers speak. |
No one told you they do this every morning, did they? |
The canaanites love hunting white children then torturing them and of course, murder and blood drinking. |
The edomites are in love with their phreak chimeras. This is actually a replica of a royal, in full reptoid. Guess who? |
8 million a year like this. Drained out after hunting parties on estates, shot, tortured, left for the blood pit. |
Remains found near ritual site in forest. |
Nasty nephilim blood drinkers, with guns and badges. |
13 year old sacrifice victim.. |
Just not Israel. |
In Israel, the jewbie spits on white children. |
They get the lion's share of shekels from every child trafficking victim. |
Rothschild art. |
Destroying the tribes of Jacob, so canaanite only survives. |
This is why - decent souls, which they are none.
The jewbies erased white England replaced it with the sudan. |
Friday, March 15, 2024
jewbie witch discusses her evil
She's got the demon twitches.When the demon bumps, her face becomes diabolical, like her pedo soul. She has a grunting/growling thing as well, but golly, we didn't get to hear it this time.
It says the reason for all the demonic twitching is because the snake that is satan is wrapping around her spine. Don't short change us, give us the black eyes, too. Feeling gypped out over here.
Bill Gates has the pedo plague. Look at his face and hands.
Running, open sores on face and hands. This is a Moloch serving child kidnapper, rapist, and killer. He's got the stench, too. |
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Another Starship - 3rd in a row - blew up in flight
Another failure for starship. Good. The Earth is flat; the globe scam is a NASA/CIA lie. |
The evil scumbags, again, are all lies about "this was expected "and "planned for." Right. How's that curse working out for SpaceHex, Elon?
No boom boom in the sky, no more. Only fake digital launches that work, but when the real thing goes up and over into the Atlantic ocean, they ALWAYS EXPLODE, don't they? Sure. Three in a row for starship.
No one trusts or wants the Tesla Death Ark (car); no one believes or wants EV; no one will ever see a successful launch of starship, unless from beginning to end, it's all digital, like so many are.
And the Japo launch blew up.
PS. How about that climate hoax? Don't these firecrackers create poisonous gasses in the atmosphere? Isn't that why you are banning anything with a produced heat signature, except for yourselves?
PSS. Not coming for you Elon, or you'd already be gone and we'd be treating with rubber mask droids ala the sniffy. You get to live and watch all that has your hand on it fail and fail with rancor and spite against you and your brands. As can be seen.
Still laughing? You were laughing in 2022. How about now?
This was the third launch attempt for SpaceX's Starship, following two previous unsuccessful attempts. The last one — in November — ended in an explosion over the Gulf of Mexico just minutes into its test flight.
The rocket reached space following liftoff before communication suddenly was lost, SpaceX officials said, later confirming it had exploded over the Gulf.
"At company headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif., employees cheered as Starship soared at daybreak," the Associated Press reported at the time. "The room grew quiet once it was clear that the spaceship had been destroyed."
yahoo news
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
A landslide reduced a Los Angeles house under renovation to a jumble of lumber
20 million dollar estates slide down the ridge.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A landslide reduced a Los Angeles house under renovation to a jumble of lumber, pulled the pool and deck away from a second home, and left the pool at a third residence on the edge of a huge fissure early Wednesday.
The slide occurred just before 3 a.m. in Sherman Oaks, a neighborhood of expensive homes about 12 miles (19 kilometers) northwest of downtown. An initial search found no victims, but several people were evacuated from one house, the Los Angeles Fire Department said in a statement.
There was no immediate word on the cause of the landslide, but numerous slides have happened in Southern California due to drenching winter storms that saturated the ground.
Since Jan. 1, downtown LA has had almost 16 inches (41 centimeters) of rain, which is nearly twice what it normally gets by this time of year. By early February, the city had reported nearly 600 mudslides, had re-tagged 16 buildings as unsafe to enter and had yellow-tagged more than 30 others, limiting access to them.
News helicopter video revealed the extent of the slide. The destroyed house, which appeared to be in the midst of a renovation, was crushed with most of its roof lying on the ground. Next door, the slide pulled a pool and deck area away from a house.
Up the hill, the slide left a tennis court and pool on the edge of a huge fissure. A table and chairs that used to be poolside stood on a patch of deck on the other side of the gaping fissure. Firefighters drained the pool to reduce weight on the hill.
“Department of Building and Safety is responding to assess the structures and hillsides,” the Fire Department said.
Southern California has seen a lull in storms in recent days, but slides and rockfalls have continued. Sections of Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu and State Route 27 through Topanga Canyon west of Los Angeles have been especially hard-hit.
South of LA, a notable slide in the city of Dana Point left an ocean view estate on the edge of a coastal bluff.
yahoo news
Monday, March 11, 2024
Sunday, March 10, 2024
trust thy heart and fly
Raised in captivity, a rescue. It's first taste of Freedom.
loving a bumbleboom
Our family has our own language for things, made silly. The sillier the better. Especially when 3 year olds are trying to pronounce a thing, and this is what sticks. We have a whole dictionary of toddler names for things, I STILL USE to this day. It's more fun.
The Daily Messenger: Folks we we we we we have to start off by vax murd...
The Daily Messenger: Folks we we we we we have to start off by vax murd...: The Sniffy with withered witch of the east.
Wait. What?
Did the Sniffy just shill for the vax?
As I recall...wasn't there something going on about shilling for the vax weapon? And something else again, for stepping into their shoes? Most recently, I do believe. Seems to me there was...or is.
With the Sniffy, that means actors in rubber masks, droids, and hybrids. They ALL are the Sniffy.
All of them.
Just saying.
We are YHVH's 3rd - Third - Temple, made of flesh, not stone
Among many places He so states this. Here it is in Ezekiel 36:22-38
A New Heart and Spirit
22Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith YHVH GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. 23And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am YHVH, saith YHVH GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. 24For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. 25Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
26A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. 27And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
28And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. 29I will also save you from all your uncleanness: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you. 30And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen. 31Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations. 32Not for your sakes do I this, saith YHVH GOD, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.
33Thus saith YHVH GOD; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. 34And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. 35And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. 36Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I YHVH build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I YHVH have spoken it, and I will do it.
37Thus saith YHVH GOD; I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock. 38As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts; so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men: and they shall know that I am YHVH.
Friends...pick up your cross and follow Him whom guides you, orders your very steps when you are Spirit Filled, and presents you with new challenges to do, be, know, love, serve, give, heal, understand, and inspire. He will straighten your road, smooth out the bumps that will come, protect you for His sake and His love of creation and mankind. Sure, atonement comes, but it comes for us all. No exceptions.
If I were to ever outline the physical pain and tortures I have undergone in this life - right to the very edge of death, in many cases - none would believe it. Atonement comes for all who travel the narrow, straight path, so that we may be cleansed on old sins and errors and our garments made white.
But, He is with you the whole way, feeling every single thing you feel and see, and holding you through it. "Hang in there, rely on Me, my child."
The Comforter comes. You are truly free, a son/daughter of God
John 1-12
12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of YHVH.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
dead baby container storage of jewish dr in Los Angeles
17,000 dead and mutilated babies. Per container. 8 million children a year, worldwide.
demons with Adam's apples - nephilim reptoidal beings
The Taylor Swift reptoid.
Being brainwashed to accept the new digimoney. |
The Holy Spirit doorways
Russ Dizdar's old list of Holy Spirit understandings. Frankly, no explanations necessary. The Holy Spirit will reveal what each of these points be. To you personally.
Friday, March 8, 2024
Ubuntu fire ritual demons protect for a bit of time
Spirits of fire are abated when the demon takes over. Like street or stage magicians, the demons provide the magik. And the demons get their power from Doofus, satan. So, without the fallen angels and dickless doofus, these demons are just annoying gnats that need a good swatting.
"satan has got him through all these years" crematorium satanist
Every crema guy/gal I've ever seen was or is, coven. A satanist.
Your soul is required of you this day, mister satan. You were weighed in the balances and found wanting.
Abortion sacrifices to Moloch becomes sterility
Abortion sacrifices to Moloch becomes sterility
From Brother Edu
"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Leagues of angels
Leagues of angels
Don Bradley 3-8-24
Just got my ride fixed this week. 3 weeks ago was at the Post Office, some 20 mile drive from the house here and in coming out, big warning message about the engine. It was snowing out; lots of snow everywhere; the one weekend of snow we had this winter. The engine turned on, but every system reported failure.
I could park the thing at the post
office (where it would get towed into never, never land) and it would
– going up and down mountain roads, in the snow – take me to at
least midnight or later to get home. It was about 38 degrees and
getting nigh near sunset. Freezing to death in the snow didn't
sound too appealing. There is no Uber, Lyft, taxis, or anything up here. It's a bad place to be if you don't know anyone.
And I don't know anyone. Most people around these parts give me the stink eye and avoid me. Some give me more than that, many shout curses, like that. A few have tried to run me off roads and off rocky cliffs down the mountainside. Stuff you have to ignore, because...witches are all over this place. Of course. Why would it be any different.
I'm friendly to all I meet, treat them like family. It's the only way I Know how to be. Especially the witches. They see the best Don I can be, not the fiercest warrior upon the land. There's enough of that in the night battles. Anyways, who cares.
So, there I sit and I turn the engine over and it starts. Surprise. A sea of red and yellow warning lights litter the dash.
But I need to get home.
I pray to Dad to help me get home, some how, some way. Please.
“Just drive home, son.”
Okay. (Frankly, I'm on edge. The dash is screaming at me.)
I put the thing into gear and it starts rolling. No power steering, no water pump, the brakes are now manual, dead alternator, the lot. Nothing works except the engine, turning over the transmission.
The heat indicator instantly red lines to max. (I'm about to hear and feel that old tired engine explode – what else, right?)
So, I ease into the street and head to the lake, which is on the way home, surprised at every mile I drive. I pull into the lake to let the engine cool down, for the last 15 miles up and down mountain ridges at altitude.
“It will be okay.”
After visiting with the ducks, geese, and all my feathered friends, I head for home.
It's cold, the temp is dropping fast outside, the sun is now gone behind the mountains and finally, about twenty minutes later, I'm at the house.
It takes 3 weeks to get it fixed, because I need someone to help me get the thing to the shop. I've no real idea, except all the dash messages say the entire system has failed, leaving me with a dead alternator code. Okay. Odd a dead alternator would take out every system.
So, Monday last, finally get the thing in the shop. Turns out the tensioner pulley had seized up and destroyed the serpentine belt, which runs everything.
Wait! What?
So, with no belts or pulleys, the engine ran, the brakes worked, and I made it home on a engine that should have blown to bits in about ten seconds, running with no systems?
Right. That's exactly what happened.
Impossible to drive, guy says. No way this could be driven ANYWHERE. When I come back in to get the thing ($583) and find out what was wrong, everyone was looking at me strangely. I must be liar, because NO WAY this could have been driven ANYWHERE.
Okay. are not alone in this battle we fight. Our Father and His Son loves you. He will send leagues of angels – if needs be – to help you in your labor to the good.
I only share this recent thing so that you can know you are loved and He will look after you. He knew no one would help me, so HE HELPED ME.
You are very much loved, all of you.
Do what you can, pitch in to whatever labor He leads YOU to do, and get to it. We each of us are given our one talent to do as we are guided to help others, be a light and inspiration, and get through this darkest of dark times.
Leagues of angels.