YhVh's creation, in all its splendor, mystery, and wonder as we find it.
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and fire:
Wonder what would happen if a great many Christians invoked a BINDING AND BANISHING invocation on Sniffy and Blo?
Against a single nephilim, witch, satanist
the name and holy blood of Yeshua, I command that the demons attached
or possessing (insert name) be bound immediately and banished to the
pits, the dry places. On his holy name of Yeshua Jesus Christ, I command
you in his Holy Name and Spirit that you leave at once. Amen.
Protection against demonic attacks
bind all demons sent against us, and all decent people of this land, and
send them to the dry places. I invoke and ask per Matthew 24, what I bind on earth, you will bind in heaven.
also ask that you cut the cords between these devils and witches
between the demons and principals in High Places and return to them 1000
fold that evil which they send to us and to all your elect, everywhere.
Let it be so. In the name and blood of Christ. Amen.
Against Satanists
you practitioners of black magic, who employ spells, and invoke
demons...I ask and pray to our father and Yeshua that you and they be
banished to the dry places and your magic and magical intent be returned
to you 1000 fold against you. I ask this on the name and blood of
Yeshua, per Matthew 24.
Bind in heaven and earth Father, that which I bind here.
Against a single nephilim, witch, satanist
On the name and holy blood of Yeshua, I command that the demons attached or possessing (insert name) be bound immediately and banished to the pits, the dry places. On his holy name of Yeshua Jesus Christ, I command you in his Holy Name and Spirit that you leave at once. Amen.
their mouths be shut, their knees buckle, and your Holy light Yahua shine from
above. Yeshua is the true King of Earth. Let their bodies fail and
wither, their strength abide no more, and their light falter and dim. Any of the above can be used signally or in combination.
It will happen on this wise. A
video of a family being herded into a white van with blacked out windows
and bars. There is a discussion and minor resistance to going into the
van. The thugs, DHS, will shoot them all down - mom, dad, a few
This will be recorded and it goes viral everywhere at once.
That's the match. Then, folks will know...KNOW...they must fight.
That, or something like it, will be what starts it all.
Because...the thinking will be, "what have we got to lose, they are gunning us down for NOTHING."
At current count, 80 million people have received the covid19 vaccine. They do not realize, in the main, the following:
1. Their connection to the Holy Spirit is in dire jeopardy.
2. They've been Mrna changed into something inhuman, an abomination.
Their ability to perceive higher realities, finished. Only lower mind
reasoning remains. For now. Each new shot and there are several
required, removes more of your Adamic DNA and changes it into Nephilim
DNA. Which is what they want - a world full of demonic skin-walkers with
no soul. The Walking Dead TV show was predictive programming. It's why
the zombies were and are, identical to demonic rakes or windigos.
4. They will increasingly, with each passing day, find themselves susceptible to every flu, cold, you name it, that comes along.
5. It won't save them. Because more shots and then the final fifth tattoo of the Mark on their hand.
6. They cannot hear or feel spirit. If they could at all to begin with.
above is just the broad strokes of what these people have allowed
either by coercion (can't work in any medical or school setting, by MOTB
laws) or eager complicity through ignorance.
are dying. This of course is being blamed on covid, not the vaccine
they received. As we know, they commingle all deaths as covid deaths
now. Doctors are not wonderful paragons of virtue. They know this vax is
bullshit and the ones who do not know, are also dying from it, as has
been demonstrated.
will you do? When your work tells you THAT YOU MUST HAVE IT OR YOUR
FIRED? Or when they pass laws, which they are doing as I write, that
forces all small businesses with 3 or employees to be vaccinated or lose
their business license?
about their plan and legislation pending in dozens of states
restricting any and all travel in public conveyances to ONLY vaccinated
And as stated previously, by summer, not allowing the unvaccinated to go
into ANY public place or business--especially gas stations or grocery
are being told this as are all school children in California now.
Poisoning and destroying millions of children's lives in the process.
Which of course, will be blamed on covid.
Welcome to hell, Blofeld.
I'm of the opinion that the people dying right off from the vaccine ARE
those with a deep connection to Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. This is
conjecture, but it's what I SEE. Given the fact the the vaccine contains
nephilim DNA (fact), that goes directly into the blood where our souls
and the Holy Spirit resides, both cannot exist in the same place, for it
is the abomination of desolation, when the unholy beast of Nimrod blood
is now in your blood. Oil and water do not mix, neither do iron and
above was written about in Revelations, Isaiah, Enoch, and Daniel. We,
are the Holy Temple that our Heavenly Father resides in. From Yeshua's
sacrifice forward, the new covenant was WE BECOME THE TEMPLE. Your birth
in Christ gives you your own ark of the covenant with His Spirit within
you. All real Christians know this, for it is powerful, moves in around
and through you, filling you with love, tenderness, forbearance, and
humility. Among dozens of other virtues we then develop over our life.
Hopefully and if we listen to that still small voice of our conscience
and obey it complicity.
of the saddest parts of this all is, most people won't even be aware
that they are changing, because they are doing it piecemeal, in stages.
By the time you get to that fifth shot, you won't even be able to
remember who you were or what you used to feel like. Because those
perceptions will have been turned off. Remember the lecture Gates gave
to the CIA, which I uploaded on this site, where he brags that they have
worked out a DNA change to be used in a vaccine to turn off the God
Part of the Brain, as many are reporting. They can no longer feel or
hear God.
pray you all do. For your sakes. No paycheck or whatever they do to us
is worth the loss of your soul. Nothing is worth that price. Nothing.
“Things won’t get back to normal until we have gotten a vaccine out to the entire world” – Bill Gates
Nothing here is speculation. I will just present the facts and evidence, and you can form your own conclusions.
Bill Gates, along with Robert Langer of MIT, have developed a human
implantable quantum dot tattoo micro-needle vaccination delivery system,
which will also double as proof of vaccination.
Firstly, we have the never-tested on humans mRNA based COVID-19 vaccination that he wants to give every person on earth.
Then there will be quantum dot micro-needles, a digital
identification mark, in the form of a dye under the skin, a sort of
tattoo that can be detected with special light and/or scanners.
The ink or dye required is called Luciferase.
lastly, either a implantable microchip, or more likely; the same type
of nanoparticles used as a delivery system of mRNA vaccines will act as
transmitters once inside the body, transmitting every detail about you
in real time, including exactly what you are doing, and you will be
rewarded with a centralized cryptocurrency for performing approved
tasks. Of course you may also be penalized as well, if you do something
to displease Gates.
This is all detailed in a patent filing, numbered; WO2020060606.
I’ll now demonstrate every point made above. You may want to sit down for this.
The Gates of Hell;
Firstly, it’s well known that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(BMGF) have wanted to vaccinate the entire planet for some time now,
and who has publicly stated his interest in “reducing population growth”
by 10-15%, by means of vaccination.
has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for
coronavirus. It’s going to require a global cooperative effort like the
world has never seen. But I know we’ll get it done. There’s simply no
alternative. https://t.co/lDRkgqJ39k
Next is the type of vaccine. It’s already been confirmed the mRNA based vaccines from Pfizer,
Moderna, & other companies will be distributed in the West. mRNA
technology delivers ‘coding’ to your DNA, turning you into a ‘Living Foundry‘
of vaccines. It has never been deemed safe enough to use in humans.
Until it was rushed through, skipping animal trials in 2020. CHI; What is Pfizer’s BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine?
Quantum Dot Tattoos;
Next is the Certificate of Vaccination I.D., or ‘Quantum Dot Tattoos’, developed by Bill Gates and Robert Langer, of MIT. It’s worth noting that Bob Langer, one of the founders of bitoech company Moderna, became a billionaire this year when the announcement of Moderna’s phase I trials sent the stock soaring 30% on top of recent gains. Moderna are also producing an mRNA-based vaccine included in ‘Operation Warpspeed’, called mRNA-1273.
Quantum Dot Tattoos are minuscule quantum dots – tiny semiconducting
crystals that reflect light – that glows under infrared light. The
pattern – and vaccine – gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech
dissolvable micro-needles
made of a mixture of polymers and sugar. Using polycarbonate or silicon
millimetre-long microneedles, the smart patch can penetrate the skin to
administer a vaccine.
As of 06/Jan. 2021, Scientists at Wales’ Swansea University have
developed a plan to create a “smart patch” that would administer the
COVID-19 vaccine while also monitoring its efficacy (and God knows what
else). According to the research team, the patch will use microneedles
to both administer the coronavirus vaccine and monitor its efficacy for
the patient by tracking the body’s immune response.
World’s first smart #vaccine patch being developed by Swansea researchers.
Luciferase is a very unique enzyme, derived from fireflies. It’s a ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme‘
which is the chemical that will make the quantum dot vaccination
readable through a special mobile device app or infra-red light.
Luciferase will make the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected, and functions as a mark. Below are different test photos of Luciferase;
As for the column on the left, well it came with the pic, however,
presuming the math is correct, it’s a little ominous, but at the same
time, classic Billy Gates.
And that’s the Luciferase in Gates’ HumanImplantable Quantum Dot Micro-needle Vaccination Delivery.
Patent #WO2020060606;
—World Order 2020 060606
According to the patent description it works likes this; a
transmitter in or on your body transmits to a device, such as your
mobile smart phone. The patent does not detail exactly how data is
transmitted from the body to device. It may be an implantable chip, as
proposed by the organisation ID2020. However, nano-particles have recently been made to act as transmitters; Dr Charles Lieber, who was arrested recently for working for the Chinese Communist Party as well as Harvard U, is a leading expert in meshing electronics, nano-particles and human tissue.
transmitters are most likely to be nano-particles, as they can’t be
removed from the body, same a chip. Then human body activity, which may
include thoughts, feelings, and real-time data-collection, is used to
‘mine’ a crypto currency. ‘Mining’ in cryptocurrency terms means the
electronic ‘discovery’ of new crypto by solving complex algorithms, and
the energy required to solve these complex mathematical equations can be
generated by human movement. Activity is then rewarded with crypto
currency (UBI?).
[0005] Some exemplary
embodiments of the present disclosure may use human body activity
associated with a task provided to a user as a solution to“mining”
challenges in cryptocurrency systems. For example, a brain wave or body
heat emitted from the user when the user performs the task provided by
an information or service provider, such as viewing advertisement or
using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process.
Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional
cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the
user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the
computationally difficult problem unconsciously. Accordingly, certain
exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure may reduce computational
energy for the mining process as well as make the mining process faster.
The data is then uploaded from your device to cloud storage.
The ramifications of being hardwired into a system of a centralized
digital currency that can can be awarded for approved behaviour, and
deducted, or even switched off if the individual engages in any sort of
unapproved actions is terrifying. Of course, you will be unable to buy
or sell (the crypto) without the mark. Where have we heard that before? [13:17]
I want to make it clear that this system uses a centralized crypto currency, Not too dissimilar to our 93% digitized money now in 2020. Alternatively, Bitcoin and other decentralized cryptos offer the opposite of dystopian nightmares. The huge difference being who is controlling it; a central body, or nobody and everybody at the same time through a distributed ledger. Time to get familiar with Bitcoin folks.
The ID2020 Alliance;
If the transmitter were to be an implanted RFID device, it would most probably come from ‘The ID2020 Alliance‘, which Microsoft also fund.
The United Nations’ WHO is also part of ID2020. Scaring the world and
making people feel unsafe, all the while stating that we can’t return
to normal until everyone has been vaccinated.
I’m not interested
in conspiracy theories, but I am interested in conspiracy fact, and
this is in the open. The is an agenda to destroy the world economy and
make people feel unsafe, to condition them that they have to be
certified, and then and only then will they be safe to return to the
workforce, or get on a plane. Or do anything really.
first we’ll see how mRNA via injection goes, but at some point there
will need to be some sort of proof of vaccination, and logic dictates
that it will be Quantum Dot Tattoos.
Click the links. It’s happening now.
What if the government said that if you agreed to take the vaccine and received the ‘ID2020’ digital immunity passport, all debt of any kind would be forgiven in exchange for property rights? By 2030 you will own nothing and you’ll be happy. Welcome to global communism.
The media is calling for your ideological “cleansing” of Trump thought.
In a column and tweet, ABC’s well-respected political
director Rick Klein made the call after yesterday’s pro-Trump riots
inside the halls of Congress.
It is a sentiment throughout much of the political media
and among Democrats who are also pointing an accusing finger at aides to
President Trump who are resigning before their jobs end on Joe Biden’s
Inauguration Day in 13 days.
Trump will be an ex-president in 13
days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing
the movement he commands is going to be something else. https://t.co/KnEloRm123 via @ABC
“Even aside from impeachment and 25th Amendment talk, Trump
will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of
Trump is the easy part,” Klein wrote in his popular blog.
“Cleansing the movement he commands, or getting rid of what
he represents to so many Americans, is going to be something else,” he
added, drawing comments that it sounded too much like Hitler.
Several media outlets and liberals have previously called
for the creation of a “list” of Trump aides to be targeted and
blackballed from jobs.
That effort got a boost Thursday when the government
watchdog Accountable.US drew attention to the top Trump aides fleeing
the administration.
Kyle Herrig, president of the group, said, “The officials
immediately responsible for the administration’s harm should not be
applauded for handing in their two weeks' notice just days before
President Trump’s term is up — nor should they be able to seek refuge in
corporate boardrooms and universities after Inauguration Day. These
officials should instead be recognized for what they are: responsible
for and complicit in immeasurable suffering.”
It is clear to anyone not in the satanic coven
club or possessed by demonic intelligences that the cloud of evil
just got immensely thicker, blacker, and is upon us all, regardless
of spiritual affiliation. If you are a reader of this and my other
sites, you know precisely what I am talking about.
No more hopeful "we are winning"
jingoism. That time is well past.
We lost THE BIG ONE yesterday.
I cannot stress enough how grounded in reality
we must now become, facing the future of this country and the world.
For the beast is now in TOTAL control of this country, from the
tranny running the corner gas station to the darkest halls of power
in our nation's capitol.
I have been listening this past year to exactly
what the coven controlled assets in politics, media, government,
education, all of them...all of them have been saying. Being
essentially angry, vain, and filled with the bile of satanic hate,
the freak brigade is never, ever happy. How can they be? Their very
modality is one of pain, hate, cruelty.
Which is what we've seen for four long years.
Cruelty to decency and good people, hate of innocent children to the
point of setting freak predators in clown makeup to destroy their
minds; hate filled actions of anything that is normal, wholesome,
good, and true.
And they want the WHOLE
WORLD to be exactly like them: demon infested souls unable to slake
their lust for debauchery, destruction, and death.
What's to stop them? And whom?
All legal and moral avenues have been tried.
All failed. Quite obviously proving my decades long declaration that
heard it so much, they just roll their eyes. "Here he goes
As stated previously and WARNED ABOUT FOR YEARS
by moi, this time was the LAST TIME, any fair and lawful option to
retain our freedoms was open to us.
There will be no more fair and free
elections in this world. Certainly
not in the USA. Electronic voting and the FIX will always BE IN.
The new approved—and only
that—religion will be satanism.
Any form of worship to the Most High God that is YHVH and our King,
Yeshua Jesus Christ is to be outlawed. They've declared it. They are
making it so. Soon, KJV bibles and then ALL bibles, will be
outlawed. Anything that declares the blood of the Lamb will be
erased from everywhere.
By year's end, 12 months from now,
we will be an openly communist country. No
rights, no privileges, no ownership (unless a coven member). Find
and download while you can The Gulag
literary-historical record of the vast system of prisons and labor
camps that came into being once communism came into power. That's
here. That is NOW. For they have created hundreds of
these all over Mexico, Canada, and here in the USA. Guess who gets
to go there under the pretense of even being in the vicinity of the
fake virus pandemic? This is what CONTACT TRACING is really about.
Time to face this ugliest of facts.
Do you trust and have a relationship
with Almighty God? Every resource
going forward will be leveled at your destruction courtesy of
carefully crafted FALSE FLAGS designed to demonize Christians of any
kind of stripe or faith system, protestant or catholic or whatever.
Do not doubt this. It
will come to a crescendo this year. Trump was correct: they are
after us, not him. He was just in the way. That time is past, thanks
to the nephilim assets who betrayed him and us, at every turn.
Expect the mark of the beast to
flood our world with satanic zombies.
Even now, they are passing mark of the beast laws, in Canada, Great
Britain, Spain, Europe, China (of course) and also here, starting
with WI, NY, and CA. This time is known biblically
who do not accept this mark will be sent to the camps. YOU KNOW WHAT
THAT MEANS. It means death and slaughter, on an organized, wholesale
arrangement. The Chinese have perfected this gulag system in their
own country. They have murdered some 60 million Christians since
WW2, and murdered countless other millions for no other reason than
the government said so. If the commie says you have to die they do
not need a reason for you or anyone. You'll see.
Expect also, the Ark of the Covenant
to be revealed. The four angels
that guard the Ark will make it known to the world. This
is and will be, humanity's last free will act.To choose: simply, God or the Devil.
Pick one. Ron Wyatt demonstrated this is so and it will be. God
Bless Jacob. The dead in Christ are the lucky ones. They get to miss
this darkest of historical times.
The camps are NOT about covid of any
version. They are about removing
any sign or semblance of God in the world. And you, dear God loving
folks, ARE that sign and semblance. They've erased Him from schools,
closed the churches (not strip clubs though), and have banned
reading the bible openly in public in most locales. Try it sometime
and watch what happens to you in short order.
Every ugly vice and debasement of
civilization will not only be encouraged, but funded by government.
Obviously, this has been the case for awhile, as some know. But
expect it as a FREEDOM OF RIGHTS nonsense to push humanity downward
at every available turn.
False Flags beyond what has come
before will and already are, scheduled to fall on sabbaths, special
satanic dates, et al. To get the guns. The
guns go in 2021. A great many patriots will die, but most will give
them up for safety. And that's when it's game over. Once they get
them—and they will get them—expect all the worst of Stalin/Mao
systems to be rapidly deployed nationwide. Look to China. There is
your example of the new America. Oh, you can't. Because the commies
have the lid so tightly screwed upon the people that learning the
REAL TRUTH of that satanic system is nigh impossible. Just ask the
refugees from ANY COMMUNIST COUNTRY. And they are all shouting right
now about the dangers of the commies OPENLY RULING IN OUR LAND. This
is of a fact, coming. There
will be a grace period of 72 hours to turn them in, after that, a long
prison sentence. Most will comply. Not all, but most. To avoid prison.
They only ensure, at that moment, of being later taken in anyways, on
some other pretext.
By year's end, the controls over
travel, buying and selling, et al will be in full on motion, visibly
so for all to see. And there is no
one and no thing to stop it. Once they have the guns, finish.
Remember George Washington's third vision.
Artificial shortages, starting in
February. And then continuing to
build until they collapse the system and the dollar. This is the
seed of their Great Reset coming into view. Shortages. No milk,
because of a fake bacterial scare with the cows. Then the wheat and
meat products. And on and on and on, until food becomes a scarcity
to be had by social credit. That's right. Your ability to buy food
will largely depend upon two things: 1. having the vaccine stamp on
your hand and 2. being a loyal and good little satanist shit. I use
that language purposely. Their souls live below the sewers in the
darkness, where we dump human waste, our shit. It's a fitting
moniker for the baby killers.
This all starts FOR REAL on the
witches black sabbath of Imbolc, February 2nd.
Kamala the demon will also
begin her ascent to the throne on or about Imbolc. It
is the spirit of Jezebel you will see, in her meat sack. In fact,
that possession has already taken place, as I have demonstrated
repeatedly ad nauseoum. This heartless sub human entity knows only
corruption and death. She won't even hide it anymore. You will see,
on TV, more and more of her physical transformation into this
freakish abomination. And no one will say a thing, because the truth
tellers and awakeners will already be silenced, as is now ongoing.
Gas shortages, then rationing. To
the “right” people, they can get as much as they like. In WW2
where they instituted gas rationing, it turned out later that there
were no shortages and the rationing was a fiction to bring hardship
and the reality of war to the home front. It was a psyop. And it
will be again. All these shortages will be FAKE.
Shortages in medicine and pain killers.
Expect mass suffering for long term chronic pain sufferers. Cancer
patients, trauma victims, no matter. All will find, the days of easy
medicine ARE OVER.
I could go on. There is much to say. There is
much that is known. It doesn't matter. The above is enough. The
satanists have been telegraphing, revealing their plans for the last
18 months. Was anybody listening? I was. I am.
This is all that Sammy Davis Jr
admitted to in his autobiography. Notice how he alludes to sharp
objects inserted into vaginas, but denies doing it. Also, you get to realize the Manson Family victims weren't quite the victims you'd always thought they were. Every single person slaughtered was a satanist of some rank, in interlocking covens. FACT.
“In his
book ‘Why Me? The Sammy Davis, Jr. Story’ he describes how he
drove to the disco called The Factory, “that I had a piece of. I
ran into a bunch of young actors I knew. One of them said to me,
‘Hey, man, there’s a party, you wanta go?’ Each of them had one
fingernail painted red, an inside thing among Satanists to identify
themselves to each other. I was curious. Evil fascinated me. I felt
it lying in wait for me. And I wanted to taste it. I was ready to
accept the wildness, the rolling in the gutter, and having to get up
the next morning and wash myself clean. . . . The party was in a
large, old house up in the hills and they were all wearing hoods or
masks. They had a naked girl stretched out and chained to a
red-velvet-covered altar. “I played it cool. ‘Hey, what is
this?’ ‘We’re Satanists.’ ‘Oh, this is a coven . . .
’ ‘Right. The chick’s going to be sacrificed.’ “I’d
read enough about it to know that they weren’t Satanists, they were
bullshit artists and they’d found an exotic way they could ball
each other and have an orgy. “And get stoned. It was all fun and
games and dungeons and dragons and debauchery and as long as the
chick was happy and wasn’t really going to get any anything sharper
than a dildo stuck into her, I wasn’t going to walk away from
it. “One of the leaders of the group tilted his hood back to
show me his face. It was a good friend of mine, Jay Sebring, my
barber, who’d become famous in Hollywood. I’d always known Jay
was a little weird. He had a dungeon in his house and he’d say,
‘You’ve got to come over, man, see what I got downstairs. I’ve
got some real antique pieces.’ . . . I never went there, but we
were friends and often went to the same parties.”
Penn and Teller. See Penn's finger?
President Pedo Joe
People like JOE are sick. Very very sick.
What they do to children is an abonimation
They call this art. From John Podesta's Paris apt.
Tortured, than murdered and harvested for vaccines and adrenochrome
Still think this shit is cool and fun for the kids? Really?
Announcing their status in the pedo network, with satanic symbolism
These people are SICK.
Pedo PM Trudeau. He controls Canada's future, for blood drinking reptiles
Hillary's campaign manager and Biden's.
Last 2 years, President Trump ended this shit. He raided the DUMBS, freed the kids, and stopped adrenochrome. Now that the freak brigade is back in power, IT ALL STARTS UP AGAIN.
Elites refer to de-humanized sex slaves as white rabbits.
They're what they harvest for adrenochrome.
Why a rabbit? A rabbit is so easy to scare, it can drop dead at the slightest thing.