
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Friday, June 21, 2024

Everywhere you look, chimeras of once was



Hitchcock Highway, Arizona.

General Tom Thumb, smallest man in the world

 PT Barnum made him famous in the mid 19th century in his NYC bamboozle barn for the public. Thumb was nephy.

A smiting for those that do wickedly

 A smiting for those that do wickedly

Don Bradley June 21st, 2024

Father has led us to:

1 Samuel

The Philistines Reject David

1Now the Philistines gathered together all their armies to Aphek: and the Israelites pitched by a fountain which is in Jezreel. 2And the lords of the Philistines passed on by hundreds, and by thousands: but David and his men passed on in the reward with Achish. 3Then said the princes of the Philistines, What do these Hebrews here? And Achish said unto the princes of the Philistines, Is not this David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, which hath been with me these days, or these years, and I have found no fault in him since he fell unto me unto this day? 4And the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him; and the princes of the Philistines said unto him, Make this fellow return, that he may go again to his place which thou hast appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he be an adversary to us: for wherewith should he reconcile himself unto his master? should it not be with the heads of these men?

5Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul slew his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

6Then Achish called David, and said unto him, Surely, as the LORD liveth, thou hast been upright, and thy going out and thy coming in with me in the host is good in my sight: for I have not found evil in thee since the day of thy coming unto me unto this day: nevertheless the lords favour thee not. 7Wherefore now return, and go in peace, that thou displease not the lords of the Philistines. 8And David said unto Achish, But what have I done? and what hast thou found in thy servant so long as I have been with thee unto this day, that I may not go fight against the enemies of my lord the king? 9And Achish answered and said to David, I know that thou art good in my sight, as an angel of God: notwithstanding the princes of the Philistines have said, He shall not go up with us to the battle. 10Wherefore now rise up early in the morning with thy master's servants that are come with thee: and as soon as ye be up early in the morning, and have light, depart. 11So David and his men rose up early to depart in the morning, to return into the land of the Philistines. And the Philistines went up to Jezreel.

And, also, these passages.

2 Kings 9-18 forward – Elisha sends Jehu to execute the judgments of Elijah and terminate the Ahab bloodline and waste Jezebel. Which then happens.

What a team!


E Brother E?

Every email I have for you. All of them. ARE blocked from sending to you. ALL OF THEM.

This day has come.

Figures. Full moon, sabbath in bound, first day of summer, and solstice.

It's time to release the fire upon the heads of the damned. Today. 

1 Chronicles 18

3And David smote Hadarezer king of Zobah unto Hamath, as he went to establish his dominion by the river Euphrates.

demons and synthetics

 They shove this in our faces because we are being mocked. We can run shite like this right into your living room and what are you going to do about it?



Thursday, June 20, 2024

Spirits of Fire

 See the face in the flames. This is the visage of a fire that has been blessed in the name of YHVH. No demons can enter such after that. Only his creation, not the lawless one.

Like most classes of angels, fire angels look like we do. Except without the hideous monster look of the fire demon. more elemental levels of this aspect look like great fiery tempests. Anyways... From 2004. Always bless any fire you make in His Great name or Yeshua. Let it become a bonfire of His Light in the world.



Baron and Madge are in Love


History of the Jewish pogrom against whites

 From The History of Central Banking. The killer Edomites.



peter white hawk



talking heads frazzledrip 1980 remain lin light


 The whole frazzledrip, remove the face off the screaming child one is draining for blood has been around a long time. In this talking heads frazzledrip 1980 remain lin light record, the cover says it all. Eyes without a face.

The last thing that happens to the child as they start digging out their pineal and adrenal glands while they are still alive.

This is what the Edomite Jewbies gave us. Only the most heartless bastard gimps can do such things and laugh about it.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

When weird starts off your life and stays that way

 Born 1-10-1959

= 111113 in reduction.

Add in, I was born at 10.11am In Bethesda mD.

= 111111113

And all my life, this happens, as it did May 11, 2021. All the time, always.

So, if weird and strange is what is wanted, got it covered.

Yeshua was not nor never, a jew

 Download and enlarge.



Fire Fakery in Gorman


The Post Fire from my house. Roadside fire that burned for a few hours until they put it out. No smoke after 3 hours. I live 20 miles away, as the bird flies, from Gorman.

 The Post Fire. Roadside fire that burned for a few hours until they put it out. No smoke after 3 hours. I live 20 miles, as the bird flies, from Gorman. All the "Current pics" are saturday snippets from the same guys at different angles. Same five guys, day after day. See it?

But, for days since, they push this as a raging thing. Really? With no smoke? Or Flames?

Where is this Gorman fire? I can drive right there, right now.

Selling fear when a small brush fire is turned into the end of the world. They sold the same lies in Canada last year they are pushing now.  Fire maps shows these trash can and so called "dozens of other blazes" to be local dumpster fires, fires by the side of the road, to be out same day. The MSM sells these as ongoing end of the world events. The lies just pile up.



Crews battling wildfires across California on Tuesday, including the Post fire in Los Angeles County, face another day of warm summer heat and gusty winds that will push flames into tinder-dry fuel, weather forecasters warned.

“Critical fire-weather conditions are expected through today for northwest Los Angeles County and the Ventura County mountains,” the National Weather Service said in a morning forecast.

The Post fire, which started Saturday afternoon in Gorman, has burned 15,611 acres and was 24% contained, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Strong winds continue to push the fire south and plumes of unhealthy smoke along with it. Fueled by dry brush and grass, red-hot firebrands have ignited spot fires more than half a mile ahead of the main fire front, Cal Fire said.



Wildfire burning near Los Angeles consumes more than 15,000 acres fueled by strong winds

Updated ·3 min read
All pics and videos from saturday afternoon. You can drive to gorman, no flames no fire. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Leaving Don Croft's orgone movement in 2004


The target is in site. Should be there in another 2 hours. 3 altars to be destroyed.

Leaving Don Croft's orgone movement in 2004

Don Bradley 6-15-24



Dig it. In late 2001, I met up with Don Croft (hereafter DC) and he had created two devices that I found actually worked in the war against chemtrails, which I had already been fighting for four years, with just sharing information, pictures, what have you. About a month after the 911 mega black ritual event in NYC. Not much ammunition in those early years to fight organized, systemic, evil. Same as it is today, 23 years later.


One was a cloudbuster – which removed chemtrails by dissolving them right down into the lungs of the people, the angels of the air had all these years (I didn't know this until that time - if you have chemfog on the deck, one of DC's cloudbusters is around, to be sure) by keeping it upstairs, as they do. The other was the Holy Hand Grenade; a play on a monty python movie, and adequately named, I thought.

Both worked. The HHG, made plants brighter, removed blight from a zone, etc. This I wanted in on, because at the same time, I also began to be engaged in satanic altar destruction. That's when I found Sheriffs protecting these sites during ritual time and also, afterwards. The REAL caretakers. That's another reality for another day.

It was my thinking to add the HHG to my growing arsenal of weapons against the evil that in the 1980s and 90s, had so many times reared its ever ugly head on my daily walk, intentionally so, to F up my life. You could say, I was being openly gang stalked as early as 1991, documented. That's when I learned about it. It's also the time I learned from an ex deputy sheriff, that the printed FBI file – in 1991 – was over 2 feet thick. These were the days before digitized information. What!? Why???

This is what happens to those born with sight. They target you right off. They know you can see them, even if you do not as yet, understand what you are seeing. My case precisely, back in those days after 1975. And earlier.

Trust me when I tell you, at your birth, the demons already are telling the damned whom you are and what the indications are of your life path. Surprise, surprise. If the world only knew how bad things really are. Sadly.

Clearing satanic ritual sites at Spahn Ranch 2005. The Manson Family's cursed locations. Not any more.

Myself in 2004. Lucifer's attempt at my demise is still ongoing. Yeshua is King.


To cut to the chase, I made DC aware in the fall of 2004 that his cloudbuster was actually helping the beast system to poison the world. It didn't erase anything. It merely broke up the clouds of death above our heads and brought these poisonous clouds down into our lungs, A VERY BAD THING. He totally blew me off.

I see.

His wife was a witch, open to any and all about it. Now I understood. He was just using me to push his validity. Dammit.

I made my own orgone, blessed it in the name of Christ Yeshua, and added it to my altar clearing site tools (holy oil, holy water, tiny bibles sealed in ziplock bags, etc). And in the space between, oh, 2002 and well, now even, I've cleared THOUSANDS OF SATANIC SITES, all over the western USA. You haven't lived until you've faced down stone cold killers, a brace of rakes at night in the forest, one on each side, mere yards away and that 9milli you have strapped on your hip means nothing to them. Finding yourself in a diner and within minutes, the place fills up with Hand of Death cultist killers all staring at you, saying nothing. And here you are, in New Mexico, ruining one of their playgrounds. You have no idea where I've been and what I've had to see and do, to stop the slaughter of young children. If told, would not be believed, even with witnesses and pictures.

You learn the rules of spiritual warfare pretty fast or you die, pretty fast. I can tell you. Most who came along – tourists without spine, mostly – never came twice; usually.

Ever hear bullets whiz by your head? And I don't mean bumble bees, neither? More than a few times? Or find bullet holes in your car? Or devices attached to the frame of your truck?


Even yesterday, thursday june 14th, 2024, someone tried to kill me out on the highway in the Mojave desert. Won't bore you with the details; this happens half a dozen times a month – every single month of my ever blessed life. I sincerely doubt many of you reading this could mentally or emotionally handle such a walk as I have. I can barely do it myself and very often, just sit down and weep inside at the immenseness of it all against me. (Quit whining, Don. Right.)

At this point, I'm just waiting for the event that actually succeeds. So far, no soap.

The second reason for this departure, was Carol and DC using my name to validate the most bizarre and extreme kind of New Age hocus-pocus they attached to any new “creation” of Carols. As it happened. I asked him to stop doing that; he did not. I implored him to desist from saying “DB says Carol is exactly right” and versions of that lie. He would not.

This is why I broke from DC's orgone movement, all those long years ago.


Below: clearing several satanic sites and altar rings at Red Rock Canyon, 2004.



Friday, June 14, 2024


Yeah, we know. 

The guy created the scene in the park, for the film shoot. Also, so called christian also flashed illuminatis hand signs, not once, but three times. The overall idea of the piece is relevant, to a point, because what they really do, you already know from this site.

This is a cop in house documentary that went to whatever police agency asked for it. If they asked. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Yet another black eye babies compilation - The chimeras

When witches breed with the Mark of the beast inside their temple. 

Notice this thing. In three years, only baby or 1st year and under, but never any older. Because...they are swept up into the MKULTRA SUPER SOLDIER program and taught to use their satanic powers to serve the beast.

Those that must live through the Great Tribulation will find these facts most annoying to everyday life. If that's what you want to call it. 

They communicate telepathically with each other of their kind and with the dark legions beneath the seas. Strength of a dozen or more regular men, depending upon bloodline and size. This is serious, serious doings, friends.

Of a truth, our only safety is found in Christ Yeshua. That's it. Otherwise, you're a hot meal to these kind. And they'll bleed you slow as they take your life force and essence from you.

Please, for your own future if at all, take heed in earnest on these things. They are already happening all around you and FOR YEARS. 

The newborn 40 yr old baby.

Nephilim, nagas bloodline.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Repentance then forgiveness

There is a Divine Order to the ways of Earth. Anything outside of that is EVIL.


Peter, the White Hawk


Meet aimee betro witch assassin hit woman

The hitwoman, whose day job saw her work as an administrator for the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team, disguised herself in a hijab for the attempted hit

 Let's see...

  • pointed tongue out, check;
  • slits for iris instead of oval, check;
  • demon stare, check;
  • contract coven killer free lancing overseas, check;
  • has taken 4 lovers in this way, more than a honey pot this one, check;
  • on the run, because, IMMAM who hired her to take a political rival in Britain, gave her a weapon that misfired, check;
  • upper ear piercings, lesbian, on track for high priestess, check;
  • a whole barrel of demons in this one, check.

Ding! We have a winner.

They don't always look like Charles Manson. They look what they are, witches. See, you never know is the killer in the room, unless you know.



hese are the first pictures of the seemingly unassuming American tourist whose secret double life as an alleged assassin-for-hire was exposed after a jammed gun saw her botch a contract killing in Birmingham.

Aimee Betro, 44, flew over from her native Milwaukee to kill boutique clothing store owner Sikander Ali on the orders of rival Mohammed Aslam, 56, and his son Mohammed Nazir, 30. 

A trial in the UK heard how the hitwoman, who worked as an administrator for the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team, disguised herself in a hijab before trying to gun Ali down outside a house in Acocks Green, Birmingham on September 7, 2019.

She fled the scene when her gun jammed, but later returned in a taxi and fired three shots at the property before texting their principal target - Mr Ali's father Aslat Mahamud: 'Stop playing hide and seek' and 'Where are you hiding?'.

Betro - who studied early childhood education at a local college in Milwaukee - flew back to the US two days after the failed contract killing and today West Midlands Police said efforts to find her 'continue'. 






Monday, June 10, 2024

Brooke Shields - demon stare and shine

She's not alone in there. There are the others.

Sweet, innocent, endearing and fifteen years old. Brown eyes.

Sixty, blue eyes, demon stare and shine. 60 years old.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Ark in Wars


What is baptism, really

What is baptism, really

Don Bradley 6-8-24

As it was that day at Bethany, in the Jordan River.

In baptism, a person enters the water, guided by the hands of the baptizer, a man or woman in Earthly corruption. Many lives of error, mistakes, and frequent breaks with the Law of YHVH, as given us by the Ten Commandments; in short, sin. We enter the water in sin, in violation of the Living Law still yet radiating from the Seat of the Most High In Heaven and His earthly throne, the mercy seat over which lies this mirror tablet of the Laws of Heaven and Earth.

It is the mind and body that is cleansed and made ready. Ready for the Holy Spirit, awaiting to descend and enter. Then the person breaks forth from the water and upon THEIR VERY FIRST BREATH, they breathe in the Holy Spirit of the Most High Adonai, through the atonement of their sin, His blood on the Mercy Seat. Upon that first gasp and intake of air, they are born, not of man, but of Almighty God, YHVH.

The mind is cleansed of old attachments and links to the lawless one. It is free. Free of sin, washed clean by the Blood of the Lamb, spotless, blameless, and True.

I have seen it countless times. In my own baptism, witnessed by my son Matthew, it was so. And it is so for all mankind. If they accept His Holy Sacrifice and wish to become a son of God.

It is my wish, that this wish, be in your heart.


Friday, June 7, 2024

New Moon Eve and beginning of 7th day sabbath at sunset

New Moon Eve and beginning of 7th day sabbath at sunset.


Rosh Kodesh and Holy Sabbath.


Our Heavenly Father has led us to this hour:

The Return to Nazareth

(Isaiah 61:1-11; Matthew 2:19-23; Matthew 13:53-58; Mark 6:1-6; Luke 4:16-30)

Luke 2

39And when they had performed all things according to the law of YHVH, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth. 40And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.

They are all in the club


Baal is the king


Baal left, ashteroth right

Nimrod left, Semiramis right

Issis left, Osiris right

Same as it ever was. 



Thursday, June 6, 2024

Lake Birds today, many little ones

 3 weeks ago, they were so tiny. But now, they are getting bigger and are always hungry.