Little Rock, January 2010. A wood cut reflecting one of Dad's messengers. Spent two months helping a friend build a house in the desert. Son Nick and I worked without charge, so she could have this for her sons. Our payment was obvious, Dad blessed us with his messengers and love and friendship.And much, much more. |
By Don Bradley, June 2009 - Updated June 2019
one of the greatest realities of existence, yet the least understood.
It’s in every culture, religion, and action of our existence and most
probably, given little thought or understanding as to the energies,
forces, and connective realities in which it implies. In every way,
form, expression, and action the reality of a blessing makes, creates,
connects, uplifts, and empowers; and is evident of our ability to
function on more than just a corporeal level. We seek it out, are
grateful to be recipients thereof, and are filled with every good
feeling in consideration of it. It is both a noun and a verb. It is a
thing and an action. It is the miracle that reminds that we are always
bound to all that is in our existence of life.
are sought out in marriages, starting new enterprises, and in moving
forward in given directions. We seek out the agreement (the blessing) of
others, in those cases where the protocol of our reality implies that
such agreements be sought out, before moving forward. This can be seen
in varying cultures all over the world, as seeking out sanction for an
action state of the parties seeking agreement. If the blessing is not
given, culture implies that the intent of the action should not be
undertaken. One way or the other, this cultural premise is a nod to
something unique to humanity and the human kingdom in specific. Right or
wrong, people feel more assured of success when a blessing is given to
go ahead, rather than when it is declined. This again, is an inherent
nod toward the reality and understanding of the power of blessings as
real and lasting energies in the world. Including all it implies.
When blessed from above, a ray from the sun. WHERE THE DOME IS. |
foundation of any blessing is to give of our mental approval, love, and
good wishes in the form of a cohesive thought with an object in mind.
The more we put into it—as we are capable of—the greater the value of
the blessing is to all concerned. Blessings work for both the receiver
and the giver, as it creates a connection on every plane of bein
depending upon the wholeness of the person giving the blessing. Even the
very foundation of a blessing is considered from the viewpoint as a
thing that is given by one to another, or in fact, to any object in
existence. This implies what is basically the foundational truth of a
blessing: that someone is giving something to another. The measure and
value of that gift depends entirely upon the quality, level of
beingness, and intent of the person so giving.
Blessing from above as viewed from a short distance. |
is so, because any blessing is an extension of the giver’s presence of
mind, intent, emotional energy, substance of action, and clarity of
thought when a blessing is given. As with anything else, the more that
is put into a blessing, the greater its effect and value to the receiver
of said blessing. To understand this phenomenon, let’s look at what
occurs when a blessing is given.
First, we have the mental intent
of the giver. As is obvious, the mindset is that of agreement, if the
blessing is solicited. Otherwise, it’s simply the intent to impart the
sender’s highest capacity for loving goodwill as lies within their
boundary of ability. If the blessing given is as it usually
is—mechanical, without much thought and feeling, and with little
effort—the recipient generally is unaware of it. Of course, if the
receiver is connected, aware, and strives to become connected with all
their expressions of self as they grow through their daily life, even
the mechanical blessing will be noted.
short, if you live as a droid—a mechanical, routine oriented and
unthinking person with little awareness of your mind, emotions, body or
spiritual center—then your blessings are equal to who and what you are.
However, if you are constantly doing, being, seeing, knowing, observing,
and seeking out the path of divinity within yourself and the world in
which you find yourself, your blessing will have greater impact and
value to whomever or whatever you focus your intent upon. You can only
give what you are, no more, no less.
science behind a blessing and its impact upon people, places, and
things is quite amazing. I’ve satisfied myself of this unique power we
all have and its effect upon plants, people, ice, water, food, and so
on. I’ve taken several photographs of water in varying states—by far the
easiest element to observe and photograph—so that others too, may see
and understand how our thoughts can and do impact the environment around
us. Water is a great medium for these kinds of things and also, we must
remember that we are 96% water and the earth’s surface is 7/10s water.
These same ratios of water can be found in plants, animals, and all
forms of sentient life. In fact, an article on water is forthcoming,
which will help us understand this very simple compound, and it’s
amazing life, beingness, and reservoir of energy far exceeding anything
humanity generally gives credit.
of us are already familiar with the fact of photographs taken with a
microscope of ice crystals making beautiful shapes after receiving a
blessing. This is the power of a blessing upon this universal medium and
element. Beyond that—and inclusive of that—are the countless
photographs taken by myself which show the animated life expressions of
water taking the shape of a variety of well-known symbols, archetypes,
and expressions found in the human family and in the finer frequencies
or dimensions of the physical. I’ve also demonstrated the beautiful and
interesting forms in ice crystals that are plainly visible without the
aid of a microscope. Readers of my blog over the years can testify to
that truth.
For my own research, I
double-blinded my work and used pure, distilled water. These results
can be reproduced by anyone and patently reveal that each of us contains
within ourselves the ability and power to change the elements by a
simple act of will—in this case and for the purposes of this treatise, a
blessing. I’ve done the same with tap water, bottled water, and so on.
In each instance, the act of blessing the water created those visible
changes which have been faithfully recorded photographically.
this act of will can only occur when there is agreement between the
water elements and the person giving over the blessing. Something
amazing happens at that moment, for the act of blessing a glass of water
raises it to a new and more refined level than it was previously. As
has been demonstrated, water is a living substance; filled with myriad
levels of consciousness. When these elements receive a blessing from
“on-high” as it were, it expands them, empowers them, and “grows” them
as beings on their path of existence. We are then performing a wonderful
service to that element. This growth becomes visible in their outward
forms as noted in their crystalline matrix structure changes and the
forms they produce in ice, liquid, and vapor.
And so it is with
any of the elements. For all elements are living: mineral, water, fire,
air, and so on. Once we understand that we can change the elements at
their foundational levels, then we can also come to see that we
ourselves—components of elements in creation—are also subject to change.
A whole new perspective of understanding then occurs in how we see
ourselves and the world around us. Thought does indeed change matter.
Then the declared statements that “all change is preceded by thought”
become more than just a nice saying. They become demonstrable realities
we can see for ourselves, should we but put forth a modicum of effort in
doing so.
Once a person sees and truly
understands this as fact, their life can then open to the possibilities
of wonder. Our thinking, our intentions, can create instant change,
instant beauty, and allows for amazing fundamental changes in the basic
structures of life. For if a simple act of blessing water changes it
into amazing and beautiful complex forms, which are potent on a
homeopathic level, then what of our selves? What can be changed in our
selves by simple thinking and intent? It leads to serious considerations
and possibilities, if given enough thought.
simple realities of blessings then create new avenues of perception
beyond anything hitherto given consideration. For example, if I bless
one plant and leave another unblessed for thirty days, what changes are
visible in the two plants? As with music, and other environmental
influences, the plant that is blessed daily is larger, more vibrant, and
has amazing qualities of presence and beingness. And what of soil? Same
Once we understand that there is more than just an
intellectual appreciation behind the mere “niceness” given by most
people when considering receiving a blessing, it occurs to us that this
may be something we might want to incorporate into our daily reality. We
see how our small contribution of blessing all that comes within our
sphere of contact will increase and make for a paradigm shift in all the
bodies of creation which happen upon to be impacted by this very
simple, loving, and easy-to-do act of will.
sons and I, when going out surfing, always paddle out to the ocean, sit
on our surfboards and give blessings to the ocean, sky, air, the Great
Father, etc. You can, with the right eyes, see a shimmering, outward
ripple of energy move in concentric rings from us in all directions,
sweeping up over the land and far out to sea. When we consider all the
billions of life forms living in the land, sea, and water receiving that
blessing, we know that each time we do that, we are
changing—upgrading?—every life form that energy wave reaches. And so it
The psycho-spiritual connection that exists in reality becomes
deeper and more fulfilled as we seek to understand the nature of
blessings, each in our own way, according to our perceptual
understandings and wisdom. We then see the serious responsibility we all
possess in ending all curses uttered from our mouths and replacing them
with the much more helpful and wonderful thing that is a blessing.
For it is more than true: if a blessing uplifts, a curse reduces.
we take responsibility toward the life we find ourselves in we see that
any issue of defamation, cursing, gossip, and other foul acts clearly
do reduce the world, its connectivity and its potential for growth.
There are well known studies out there where folks took two sets of
plants, separated them, and cursed one group daily and gave loving kind
expressions to on the other group. The first group slowly wilted,
withered, and died. The second group bloomed amazingly and became
These experiments and our own
practical efforts along this line lead to the same conclusions, over and
over again. That, indeed, we are responsible on every level for the
upliftment or downfall of the world around us and how powerful thoughts,
words, feelings, and intentions really are. For what give to the world,
we give to ourselves. If all we do is spend our time cursing,
bemoaning, and hating those realities, situations, and people whom we
have judged, then we ourselves will begin to shrink by equal degrees
within ourselves. By changing our perception of the world and by
becoming more responsible toward our thinking, feeling, and perceptual
states in relating to that same world, do we ourselves find new avenues
of beingness within ourselves that can expand us by equal proportions.
road to understanding the blessing is the same road that leads us to
understand how the elements of existence work together, both within
ourselves and in the world around us. Love truly does make the world go
round, after all. For the intention behind the thought, the idea, and
the feeling of love has, and always will be, positive and constructive,
when these same thoughts, feelings, and intentions are genuine and
Then the great wisdom prevails as a
truth more than any other. Bless your enemies, rather than curse them.
If we can see to it in our efforts to live our lives using this
understanding, it stands to reason that all that comes within our realm
of expression can be counted on to finding and contacting uplifting
currents of loving, thoughtful, kindness. Surely, that way lays real
salvation, over any other.
To be practical,
a blessing is a simple thing. Unneeded are ostentatious displays with
verbose sounding words. None need be spoken; its act an act of will,
animated by loving intentions. It’s that simple. Really. Refrain from
waves of the hand, creating symbols in the air. Very simply, when I
bless the water jug on a daily basis, I simply place my right hand over
the water, fill myself with a warm loving vibe, and release that
energized thought form into the water, through my hand. Using the right
hand tends to act as a barrel, which focuses the energy when the object
of our blessing is nearby. However, I have achieved the same results
without using my hands. Our intention is enough.
simply. Bless the water that your family drinks from. Bless the food it
eats. Bless your family themselves, the plants, animals, and all that
lives within your home. Then expand outward to wherever your life leads.
Let yourself be guided into finding more ways, things, elements, and
all that is, that could receive your wonderful gift of a blessing. Once
you start giving this gift to the world, you’ll begin to understand what
a wonderful thing you have to give, that costs nothing.
you start upon this amazing journey of blessing the world in which we
live and in which you find yourselves, pay attention to the situation.
Stay in the moment and refrain from daydreaming or acting mechanically.
Be Present. Focus. Put yourself into the thing totally. You’ll
pleasantly surprised by the results you’ll witness.
see changes in yourself as well. As each of us is uniquely different,
these changes will be just as individual as you are one from another.
However, as I’ve observed, those rare individuals who do live to bless
as a daily reality have much brighter energy fields, with sharper hues
of definition, especially around their hearts and heads.
this make you some kind of saint? Only if you are a pretentious snob, I
suppose. You’ll instead see changes toward being a more gentle soul,
less abrasive, certainly more kind and understanding. You’ll find that
gossiping, shallow, and invective discussions to be literal cups of
poison, and you’ll shun such behavior, at first within yourself. Those
that try to trap you into such things become apparent for the lost and
stunted souls they have allowed themselves to become. And you’ll bless
them, every time. You’ll see, as the wise souls have in the past have
seen, how important it is to refrain from such blasphemies of the mind
and heart and will choose rather, to express sincere directness and
kindness, as much as is possible for whatever your level of soul
beingness may be.
And in that last
category, I believe that most of the changes will be visible; invisible
to the outer world, but more than visible to your own sight. For who
knows us better than we our selves? It is there we will notice the
gradual and yet expanding changes in our perceptions, skill sets,
patience, and all the other qualities which make up for someone who has
chosen to live as a focal point for bringing loving blessings to the
world, rather than to add to its miseries by cursing. For such a person,
the truth of things becomes more than visible. The lies stand wholly
naked, easy to perceive.
Try it yourselves for seven days. Give it a go. See what shakes out.
upon yourself to teach yourself all you need to know and understand
regarding this amazing aspect of reality. Be a participant, rather than a
spectator. Be a doer, rather than an observer. Those that do, become.
Those that bitch and curse and complain, become nothing.
Bless you in your endeavors to be a fount of continuous blessings to the world.
The greatest blessing is the blessing we receive from Yahua-Yeshua. His blessing upon us, our labors, our family, and any good work being done are beyond anything I can write about here, which is more or less my personal experience in such matters.
However, seek out the blessing of YHVH. For with it comes a straight path that leads to all goodness and righteousness. And a life with meaning and purpose.
TV movies pop stars push being “hot” which translates to leggings and to “skirts” the length of a wash clothe and to the male being “cute”. Sxxtexting is communication. Schools teach gender fluidity nonsense.
This follows by “hooking up” meaning no-relationship-bedding which may or may not move toward “shacking up” with no lifetime commitment. Then the females decide to have baby daddy’s instead of husband-mates, the BOYfriend moves out when attention shifts to diaper changing and the female turns to the working taxpayer to fund her short-skirts-hooking-up life plan.
When the State shows reluctance to pay the tab she repeats the cycle with another baby dad.
“Real” parents do little to dissuade this pattern. Both are working and the TV is the babysitter then next it is the State gender fluidity tranny in drag library schooling.
Try encouraging today’s females to wait until the wedding and see what happens.
You forgetting the craziness of women that force out men. Once of my close friends had three children. Was a loving & devoted parent. His wife became full on crazy. She kicked him out after his self-made business took off. Took all his assets and prevented him from seeing his kids at all. At best you can blame his from his poor craziness detection.
This isn't a one-off, as I know lots of guys who had similar experiences. Most of the time, its the women that is unfaithful or just goes crazy over time.
Men and women have different schedules. It's just biology. Women are fertile 18->35. Men 18->55. Doing the career thing the way men do, following a male schedule robs women of their most fertile period from 20-30, and it's particularly bad because it's so short.
There's another problem that a lot of women are instinctively but maybe not so consciously aware of given all the "where are all the good men" articles. Male attraction is strongly aligned with female fertility. 30+yo women are simply not what men are looking for when it comes to settling down and having kids. The interest isn't there, they just won't show up. The interest stops around 30 and for some reason we're surprised by this as a society.
There's yet another issue which compounds this. Female instincts look for a "good" man, while male instincts look for a "young" woman. Well, between the ages of 18 and 30, almost all the "good" men are taken. It's the human "mating frenzy" period. By the time you're 30, there just aren't many "good" ones left that are of interest and they're not looking for you.
I also see women marrying family men, but quickly get bored with the relationship & seek extra-marriage relationships, which ends up destroying the family. Women want both a man that can provide for them, and also be available to them all the time. Rarely is it possible for a man to well paid & be at home all the time.
Part of this is the result of the portrayal of fathers by the SATANIC entertainment industry (Hollywood) over the past several decades. Fathers were once portrayed as the strong, wise head of the family (Father Knows Best, Leave It to Beaver, My Three Sons, etc). Now fathers are often portrayed as buffoons that are demeaned and the brunt of jokes.