YhVh's creation, in all its splendor, mystery, and wonder as we find it.
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and fire:
The damned want to rise together and rule the world
by Don Bradley
Among satanists and witches, they have a saying, which is, WE ALL RISE TOGETHER. As in the Beast and the fallen rise from the pit, as per revelations. Of course, they use it for themselves as a meme for becoming better and all that, implying they are at some low place and are rising to heights of achievement, power, promotion, whatever they say it is, actually. Whatever they say it is.
If you do a search on the phrase, you see it everywhere.
But its origins began with Alister Crowley and the Church of Satan. The latter, along with the Process Church (a coven of serial killers, from which the Son of Sam guy and Charles Manson hails from to name just 2 of their more famous alumni)
The other day, while coming into Ojai from Santa Paula on highway 150 I noticed a nice big new sign just before you drop into the valley. WE ALL RISE TOGETHER
Now, as longtime readers know, I've explained that this little valley of ours is really one massively connected collection of covens exceeding over 200 groups. Not counting well known private schools with satanic affiliations that openly teach witchcraft. These signs ARE CODE. To other satanists, as this is a big saying or meme with these people. For example
The LGBTQFUKO crowd is big on this one, and that fits. At first blush, it sounds like a affirmation of positivity. Nothing could be further from that reality. Once you look into and research the satanic network, you find all these little isms they use to communicate in plain sight, so that others know, they are IN THE COVEN. None of this is organic.
If your group or thing is using, and you are NOT satanists, remember back to which member of your group first proposed this as your group's slogan, even if just for a season. There's your witch. Because spreading their corruption among the blind is something they consider a big victory of sorts, as a kind of "these idiots are pushing this and they call themselves Christians. HA HA HA. You understand what I am saying.
But that's just part of this article.
I've been saying for years that Ojai is wholly populated with satanists to a reality of better than 97%. And I can prove it.
Every October, in the valley below my domicile. Almost every single house down below has Halloween (witches sabbath known has samhain) decorations, lights, grave yards, the whole deal. You name it and they have it going on. By the end of the first week of October, it's Halloween hell. You can see it after the sunsets and all the lights and stuff - like they do for Xmas - come on and they really make a big deal out of it.
Except for this year. Instead of the few hundred houses and done to the max. Only TWO HOUSE have any kind of Halloween decorations. Now this is not some kind of organic natural change. Sure some people might choose to pass on doing it up this year. BUT ALL OF THEM? Except two???
What it means is that the word has gone out by the covens...no Halloween displays this year. It's the only way you can explain the entire CITY not doing Halloween. Because it is not just the houses visible from here, but every part of the valley. Nothing. Except the very occasional house.
In other words, the only houses still doing it, and on my drive all over the valley I counted only four houses with decorations, are the ones NOT in the Satanic Network. And there is your oblique proof that this valley is under strict control by the satanic network. It's like a light switch was turned off on Halloween this year. And those that have decorations are not disobeying...they just ARE NOT UNDER NETWORK COMMAND. Because one thing satanists demand and GET, is obedience. OR ELSE.
You can't really tell in tonight's pic, but usually this is a sea of Halloween blather all lit up, as they do. Because Samhain is a BIG witches sabbath, some declare their biggest. Orgies, slaughtered children, curses, hexes, you name it, it happens on that 3 day period of the black sabbath. Only 2 houses have decorations and blather going on. That would be the two houses NOT IN THE NETWORK.
So when I tell you this valley is satanist central, and every weekend lesbian witches descend upon this place to do the nasty, here is your proof. One of many proofs.
Now watch them all rush to get up their halloween blather. Go ahead, makes no difference to me.
Are you going to do the same thing with christmas? Because I also noticed that there were no fireworks going off in the neighborhoods this year, unlike other years, as kids do. And also, every single one of your OFFICIAL firework thingies was only 20 minutes instead of the usual hour. So, you are cutting down all the west's traditions, even though in essence - save for thanksgiving - they are satanic events and doings.
Ahhh... I see. It's the whole middle east illegal alien invasion thing. They don't get these holidays and and such. So to make their new reality more..."acceptable" you are removing everything that culturally defines the west, even if it means doing away - publicly at least - with your own satanic celebrations.
Wow. this whole jihadi invasion thing is THAT important to your plans.
Witches across the United States are preparing to cast a coordinated "binding spell" on President Trump on October 25 - their third such attempt.
"I'm not waiting for that date. I am binding you NOW. I command all unholy dark spirits who serve this and all covens who so gather be bound and sent to the dry places, their satanic slaves be hindered in all ways and what they send out, be sent against them leaving them undone in every way Yeshua our King sees fit. Let Judgement Come unto them, my Christ." Author According to the Boston Globe, the
so-called #MagicResistance first sought to bind the president in 2017.
Since then, they have attempted to do the same to Supreme Court Justice
Brett Kavanaugh, as well as "Hex the NRA."
Here's what it looks like:
"I’m willing to go on record and say it’s working," the spell's inventor, Michael Hughes, told the Washington Examiner.
"Knowing thousands of people are gathering together at the same time
from all over the world to do this ritual and to put our beliefs and our
desires into sharp focus, and to do that ritualistically, I think that
has a really powerful effect."
(It's not working. And your effect is nothing. Because I and others are binding YOU, your DEMONS, and the Blood of the Lamb has power over you and you sure as heck know it. For every curse, hex, or attack sent my way, I will FRY 100 witches, starting with YOUR COVENS. DB)
And as the Daily Callerreports, "The ingredients for the binding include an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a stub of an orange candle, a pin, and a feather." Last year, a group of "real" witches took umbrage with President
Trump's repeated use of the term "Witch Hunt" to describe the Russia
So be it. Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as
touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my
Father which is in heaven.
1 Chronicles 16:22 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. Psalm 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. 1 Samuel 24:6 And he said unto his men, The LORD forbid that I should do this thing
unto my master, the LORD'S anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against
him, seeing he is the anointed of the LORD.
Therefore, on the name and blood Yeshua our Christ, I bind you and your demons, I cut the cords between you and the spirits of rebellion, jezebel, lilith, and Gadrael. Per Matthew 24, that which I bind on Earth will be bound in heaven. Amen
All you practitioners of black magic, who employ spells, and invoke demons...I ask and pray to our father and Yeshua that you and they be banished to the dry places and your magic and magical intent be returned to you 1000 fold against you. I ask this on the name and blood of Yeshua, per Matthew 24 Bind in heaven and earth Father, that which I bind here. Let their mouths be shut, their knees buckle, and Yeshua's light shine from above. Yeshua is the true King of Earth.
Lucifer...Satan...is a sissy little coward. His followers - nasty abominations who prefer the stink of shite, and the smell of death their nephilim skanks can only produce, are examples of being a satanic coward.
Father...Yeshua...slay the demonic forces that these nephilim freaks seek and disable, weaken, and bring to ruin all who call upon and use hexes, spells, dark rituals, and all manner of making. Destroy them Father. Lay snares for their path and bring them low, cast them into the dry places, to return no more. Amen.
For every shadow walker that visits, for every curse sent our way, for every hex and demon invoked against us, I PROMISE to return in kind, X 100.
So please, go right ahead. The grand council has my dossier. And I have Yeshua, Mike, and the boys. Let's rumble. If any member of my family even stubs their toe, it's on. That is if you have the guts. But, I will deal with your demons that I will not send them to the dry places if they will return and punish EACH OF YOU in the coven for sending them. Guess which they will choose. I've done this before. They ALL agreed. I've said the sacred words. The call of righteousness and protection has gone forth and has been heard. It is done. DB
We ask as one voice, bind these witches and their demons.Cut the cords between them and their principalities and powers and high places. Send all dark spirits to the dry blaces. In and on the name and blood of our savior, Yeshua the Christ.
If you blow up the boys, you get tons of detail. These are not demons or spirits of Lucifer or any of that tripe. In point of fact, it took much prayer to YHVH for these pics to even happen. There will come a time in the future, when satan will try to trick humanity with fallen spirits pretending to be Dad's messengers, but they are none. remember to test all spirits, even these below.
In fact, I insist on it. Test all spirits. Because time be a coming, when we will be flooded with demonic counterfeits and most won't know what to demand of them to prove they are of heaven and not the odd place. Ask any spirit, on the name and blood of Yeshua our Christ, what their name is and who they serve.
THEY HAVE TO ANSWER TRUTHFULLY, WHEN DEMANDED UPON ON THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. That's your safety switch. Use it. Every time. Protect yourself and others.
If you don't, then you can be led astray too easily. And no one wants that. Because the covens are going to be pushing the demons as angels thingy and we need strong men and women who can and will, expose them for the liars they are.
Also this, if interacting with the divine is scary to you. You cannot see them. Ever. Frankly, you just aren't ready for such work and realities. You either have the courage given you by the Holy Spirit or you are a scare d cat.
And there it is.
The sun reveals much. Like some of the boys coming for a visit.
were satanists...slaughter the victim, drink its blood. Multi
generational witches. Every big band is in the satanic club. They don't
allow free jacks or Christians in. If you have a great band with great
songs but are not with the Beast, they just steal your material and give
it to one of their bands. A great many demo tapes sent to the major
labels ended up as number one records for Madonna, etc.
And don't think this is just some stage act thing. Look at where they are. In some living room, its after midnight (you can see its fully dark through the back window), and this is not a stage. You are witnessing the aftermath of a blood ritual, and someone took a picture. A picture that got out.
I show you the real world we live in. If you are a free jack(not with either Dad or Lou) or a Christian, this should explain a great deal to you. You will always be the one in the room, that is the sucker. I've been to parties and get togethers where the moment I walked into the room, almost all the conversations stopped cold. Then restarted with trivial bla bla, so what have you been up to lately, they say to each other. I could write volumes on what it is like moving among the damned, when they know that I know, who and what they are. And it is not just the music or movie scene. It's every aspect of life. Why so many businesses only hire witches and satanists and no one else. Why Christian's job opportunities are so worthless as to be a why bother situation. Why when looking for work, my sons and I are hired, we have great experience and by days' end or next morning, here comes the message of they changed their mind, thanks but no thanks. When that happens every single time for years on end, you get the message. And the message is F you.
Kurt knew he had to go, from the beginning. It would put a bigger and longer lasting mojo on the songs. Which, of course, his "wife" who had him killed, enjoyed the most benefits. She too, comes from a multi generational witch family bloodline. It's why she wasn't prosecuted for his murder.
1 Timothy 4:1-3 1But The Spirit speaks plainly thatin the last times they shall depart
one by one from the faith and they shall go after deceiving spirits and
after the teachings of demons, 2speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. There is a big push on by the satanic network to omit meats from the west's diets. As with all of the commands given over by YHVH, the satanists are pushing in their controlled media and assets everywhere that eating meat is bad and they are now tying it into their climate hoax agenda. Soon, they will pass laws doing that very thing - first to make it so expensive to raise animal food stuffs to the point that farms will go bankrupt, to finally making it so expensive to eat meat, that people just abstain, because it has become too expensive. Finally, laws will be passed making the selling of meat in stores and restaurants illegal.
One of the great things about the Bible is that our Father gave us amazing road maps to what the devils - who claim this is all in our best interest - are doing in defiance with His precepts for a holy, good, and true life.
If you look, you realize everything the left/MSM/Govt is on about is an edict or suggestion of good living in the bible, but in opposition. Every. Single. Time. Every single meme, movement, whatever, is in direct opposition/defiance to His holy plan for us so that we can have a good life here on Earth. Lately, it's this whole BEYOND MEAT thing. Which is nothing but a bunch of soy filled with GMO created spices to resemble meat of varying kinds, but poorly so. And one of the results of this, is that soy is an estrogen mimicker. Which means you body treats soy protein as estrogen and acts accordingly to your body. It is also a stock market pushed company owned by the worst devils in the business. It is the point game leading the way so that the crazy making satanic left can scream about climate change so loudly, everyone bends a knee to this massive lie and does what they are told. Meat prices are soaring because of this brutal attack on Dad's holy word. The problem with a vegan and strict vegetarian lifestyle is that the human brain and various other endocrine glands need 18 amino acids that can only come from meat, of some sort. Now, of course eggs do provide that gap closure, but sure enough, they are going after eggs next. In fact, they are telegraphing just that. They won't stop at steak and hamburgers. Eggs with breakfast or any other meal will be phased out with mind control psyops via commercials and snarky anti-poultry dialogue in TV shows, which is usually where they start in their attacks. Using doubt and guilt as their two main weapons to demonize meat and eggs. Already, in many states in the USA, laws have been passed limiting or banning ownership of hens in one's backyard. They are adding so many rules and regulations to hen ownership - as they do - as to make it near impossible to have laying hens. And, as anyone knows, free range non caged hens have the most amazing tasting and nutritious eggs extant. Whereas store eggs are flavorless, irradiated, and have thin shells. Because the hens are raised in horrific circumstances and produce accordingly. Joel Fuhrman, https://www.drfuhrman.com,
is the source for much of the vegan diet fad. The problem is
people see the positive results of living under his fairly strict edicts
and act like reformed smokers play-acting a coughing fit when they are
near the smoking section. Truth is, these people probably never thought
much about diet aside from what tastes good, so anything that puts
limits on consuming calories will lead to some weight loss and
improvements in overall health.
Fuhrman is on record as wanting to live beyond 120, and is willing to
do whatever he can to achieve this goal. What he will never tell anyone is that like most of the agency's operatives, they all want to live forever, and drinking and bathing in human blood is one way they have to get around the Death date we all live under. Everyone born has a death date and no one, save YHVH can extend beyond that, and you have to ask and have a very good reason for the request. Yet Satan still is allowed a certain amount of control over Earth, and life extensions is one of them, providing the person is an especially nasty stinker willing to kill as many of the innocent as he is ordered to do so.
practically, in order to eat a balanced vegan diet, with the "ideal"
proportions of all the nutrition we need will costs a fortune and
probably leave most who cannot even find a store with all the exotic
foods required out in the dark. The big problem with guys like this is
they have the ear of the fussbudgets who tend to make the most noise to
those in power, who then give in because they too are following orders. So we get
micromanaged diets in schools, endless conflicting P-hacked studies, and
blowback from those of us with cooler heads. And a lot of the other
lifestyle choices he advocates, such as no exercise or weight training,
are extremely dangerous and dubious, even if you want to live to 100+. The whole thing is a well-planned operation to make the world think this is just some naturally ocurring organic event leading to legislation, etc etc. It is not. The plan is developed. The players in each area are chosen ahead of time. The covens are given their orders in each community to make a big deal about whatever the plan is about. Those a little smarter write the books, who instantly (like Jordan Peterson, who didn't even exist 2 years ago, and got instant worldwide recognition because the media constantly interviewed this nobody and made him a somebody) get enough notoriety that they become the darlings of some NEW MOVEMENT that results in legislation - and very fast and overnight - that makes radical changes in our world. Rinse and Repeat. I've seen this dozens of times.
We live in an age of carefully crafted satanic movements all designed to increase our slavery to the Beast system.
Climate Hoax
Agenda 21
White Hate
Global Slavery
Complete loss of real liberty
and on and on it goes...
Go through the bible and start compiling every verse that says
in those days...
in the latter days...
in those times...
in the last days...
like that. It will differ slightly by translation. Also, pray to our Father and Yeshua to guide you in this process. This is a good job for someone. And don't always trust seminary schools to provide a list of these guideposts. Very often they leave out a great deal of information. The seminary schools in the USA have ALL been taken over by the network. I have visited some of them. I was horrified by what I saw there. Openly gay and effeminate teachers and campus workers, class studies in gender fluidity and not in teaching what you would think they would be teaching, but in support of sodomite practices and as usual, big time fad and agenda themes. The catholic seminary schools are the WORST along these lines, and most of the so called catholic private schools teach every kind of abomination that is out there. It's sickening. This is your and our road map to what is and will be, key identifiers not only to the times we live in, but where we are at in that time, and as well as to make known what is behind the latest fad/trend/meme whatever thrust upon us. As well, any agenda being pushed by the UN is ALWAYS AGAINST something that the Bible, our guide book to life, teaches. If the left is on about it, you will certainly find Dad's edict about right living of which they are against in every way and are demonizing. They do this so that most Christians and those who love God, are breaking His best intentions for us as a good life lived in decency. Don (written on Shavuot and last morning of Sukkot 2019)