A Rush into His Holy Covenant
by Don Bradley 2-22-21
“I will give you a
new heart and put a
spirit in you; I will remove
from you your
heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
I will put My Spirit in you, and
move you
to follow My decrees and be careful to keep
My Laws.”
- Ezek. 36:26,27
“Due to compromise, syncretism, ignorance,
confusion, and the intentional deceit of humanity by fallen spatial
beings, mythological Pagan designs were assimilated into the lives of
most every person on Earth. Unwittingly, humanity has embraced
ancient Babylonian customs rooted in sun worship. The customs were
re-invented so as to have different meanings, yet behind them remain
the cunning ruses of an ancient spatial being, who seeks to be
worshiped by means of trickery, perpetrated upon everyone alive.
There is so much Paganism active in cultures
today, there can be no doubt that it was deceitfully placed into our
traditions, then through fraud and disguise, obscured with new
meanings. This camouflaged Paganism pollutes and rots the spiritual
condition of all mankind, yet a little flock has always held on to
the true faith delivered to those set apart. Here in the last days,
the final message is now going out to the ends of the Earth.” Lew

Every single time I look out upon the
mountains, the green valleys, the cattle in the distance, the flowers
on the vine, the birds doing their dances of business, and, well, all
of it...all of it...I have always and still feel, as though I am
standing in YHVH's cathedral-His church-AND ALWAYS, filled with a
tender love that goes well beyond any feeble attempt to explain, such
as now. Because that has always been so with me, I've found myself
using any spare time (and gas money!) to put myself in the mountains,
hills, deserts, and oceans, whenever practicable.
So, now to the thing at hand. The article.
Recently, I asked Dad (Yahuah) why things are
just going so very bad, so very and quite obviously wrong to anyone
with a shred of soul? And couldn't anything be done with this all,
for the good souls who want nothing to do with these freakish
nephilim satanists? I see Our Father, YHVH's, beautiful Love in the
eyes of many people, from all faiths, walks, and races.
I received two answers.
The first was, Everything to its appointed
times and completion. Then He led me to the following, which
confirmed the message.
Daniel 11:35
And some of them of understanding shall
fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to
the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
The second answer was, We are to do what He
brings before us, in all goodness, righteousness, and holiness.
At first glance, of course, is a tough nut to make practicable. For
our very own perceptions, biases, ego, vanity, etc, is the very walls
between us and that goodness, righteousness, and holiness.
I've always found the enemies of humankind
reprehensible and wholly unlovable, though I've tried a thousands of
countless times to push my disgust aside and see ALL as equals to any
grace, come what may. That is and was, a hard road. This doesn't mean
we are to allow others to play us, if we have the perception and life
experience to deal with narcissists and dark souls. On the contrary,
He wants us to be as wise as them, the serpents, but as loving and
patient as Yeshua.
Does NOT doing the moadim mean
you are NOT saved?
No. You are. Your admission
that Yahusha (Hebrew) is the son of YHVH and your water baptism has
vouchsafed your place in the Son. That sincere act of repentance and
inviting Yahusha into your heart and life was all that was needed for
the COMFORTER, THE HOLY SPIRIT TO go from a simple spark that was
your conscience of right and wrong into a greater Living Presence of
Love, Courage, Wisdom, Strength, and Mercy that so very characterizes
that Presence.
However, to move deeper into
our relationship with the Most High Elohim requires that we sincerely
and with every effort live up to the Ten Commandments and the Moadim.
Salvation is entering, say, into his family at entry level. To move
deeper inward and upward to greater knowingness, beingness, and THE
GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT requires us to fulfill all the goodness He
wishes for his children. Obey His Laws and ordinances.
1Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
2Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 3And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
1 John 3:2
I see all the injustice, much of it never
reported, especially by me. It's too dark, too ugly, too vicious. And
it weighs mightily upon my soul. These nephilim are truly IN LOVE
with depravities, darkness, death, and cruelty. Every thing they are
is an ACT OF REBELLION against Yahuah Elohim, the Creator.
I've spent an entire week in prayer, tears, and
meditation upon these things. The deeper you go, the heavier it gets.
But mostly, it is ourselves that stands between us and glory, not the
world. It's us. It always was. We ourselves are the problem in this
and nothing outside ourselves. The world around us is simply the mode
par excellence of bringing events in our life that demands we choose
between the love of the Most High or the dark urges of the nephilim
that tries to influence into acts of rebellion against that patient
The key to this whole thing is us. And the
first and last requirement is, follow his commands.
They are-and these never change, ever, The Ten
Commandments. Everything begins with that, in all earnest honesty,
without any guile of soul.
Deuteronomy 4:13
And he declared unto you his covenant,
which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he
wrote them upon two tables of stone.
The 2nd thing is to follow His appointed
times, the moadim-known as the Feasts of YHVH. These are to be
CORRECTLY observed, as instructed by the TORAH (1st five books of the
Old Testament) NOT THE TALMUD, which is an Edomite Jew script brought
back from Babylon and practiced by the Edomite Jews who rule
the world today. Edomite Jews follow Satan. Those who follow the
Torah, follow and are the children of YHVH, branched into by the
sacrifice of Yahusha. (I use Yeshua, a contraction of
the Hebraic Yahusha, in Aramaic, and have for twenty years.)
In brief,
the Edomites were a nephilim race south of the lands of Israel and
Judah, the offspring of Esau who took a nephilim wife. They worshiped
Semiramis, known to them as Qos
קוס Qōs,[1]
also Qōs,
Koze) was
the national god of the Edomites.
If you click on the image below and enlarge, you will see her symbol.
This should look very familiar to most of the world, especially in
the last 150 years. Today this freak is known as Lilith, Jezebel,
Zoe, etc.
Esau slays Nimrod and Two of his Mighty Men.
Returns Home weary from the Fight, and sells his Birthright for
Value. He takes a full blooded nephilim wife and creates henceforth
the Edomite race. The Edomites grew powerful, as nephilim do, and
practiced the murdering of their first born infants into the fires of
Moloch. They also had what we have today – open and encouraged
homosexuality, transgenderism, drug use, genetic animal mixing with
humans, etc, etc. They were in essence, and echo event of the
antediluvian races of nephilim who brought about the destruction of
our world of the resultant flood.
The Edomites attacked and killed Hebrews
whenever and wherever they found them and constantly invaded Israel.
They were subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BC), who forcibly
converted them, among others, to Judaism, and incorporated them into
the Jewish
And today, we all live under their
rule. They are the bankers, politicians, child traffickers,
celebrities, owners of all things media, et al. Adrenochrome is the
FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, for the nephilim, and it is that adrenaline in the
blood that alchemists were trying to create for the mythical pursuit
of a never ending life span. Today, we call these alchemists
VAMPIRES. They drink the blood of the innocent, though not as
portrayed in the movies.
The above aside will help explain the
difference between the TRUE moadim and the spurious moadim set forth
by Edomite Jews who follow the Babylonian Talmud. To help better
understand the various nephilim races and groups.

Once we in
earnest follow the Ten commandments and then, move forward into
observing His Feast Days (there are seven, and easily done with a
modicum of effort), we find ourselves rushing headlong into His
White, Rob Skiba, 119 ministries—and many others nowadays—have
great treatises on the moadim, devoid of any leavening (the doctrines
of the damned, Talmudic black magic).
of the damned, this will help. Remember this from 2002? Almost twenty
years ago. And now, look at the plethora of information on these
topics that is slowly going mainstream.

a giant, dead [Strong's ref. 7497, 7496]
anaqiy; a desc. Of Anak, to choke,
necklace [Strong's ref. 6062, '60,59]
eymiym; terrors, fright, horror,
fear [Strong's ref. 367, '8]
zuziym; aboriginal tribe, a wild
beast [Strong's ref. 2104, '23]
zamzom; intriguing, native tribe,to
plan, devise evil [Strong's ref. 2157,61]
choriy; cave dweller, troglodyte
[Strong's ref. 2752]
tsophiym; watchers, to observe,
to wait for [Strong's ref. 6839, '22]
kaphtoriy; to encircle, origin of the
philistines [Strong's ref. 3732, '31,30]
gammad; a warrior, to grasp, [Strong's
ref. 1575, '74]
sayir;devil, satyr, he-goat,
hairy [Strong's ref. 8163]
shed; a devil, demon, insolence,
waste [strong's ref. 7700, '36]
nephiyl; a giant, feller, cast
down, be judged,fugitive, thrown down, fallen,
an abortion [Strong's ref. 5303, '07]
among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall
B I T E Y O U,
saith YAHUAH."
6848 tsepha,
tseh-fah, from an
unused root mean. to extrude;a
viper (as thrusting out the tongue,
i.e. hissing):- adder, cockatrice.
This term
"cockatrices" is used in the O.T. four times and is like a
'code' word. This verse in Jeremiah is very strange to say the least,
for the use of 'cockatrice' is also used in Isa.14:29, and as I've
shown earlier, it is most definitely alludes to 'fallen angels'
and or 'nephilim'. If the U.S. has made a secret deal with
'fallen angels', then this verse testifies to the mistake they have
'aliens' will not be "charmed", meaning they won't be
"STOPPED". What they intend to do, they shall do,
and what it says here, is they intend to "BITE"
saith the Lord. This is a subtle allusion to what happened to the
Israelites in the 'wilderness' during the Exodus to the promised
land, when the were bitten by "serpents".
anomaly that has become prevalent and more and more heard about
today, is the frequent sightings in South America of the WENDIGO,
RAKE, SKIN WALKER, now everywhere (see the video THE DAMNED
CROSSING OVER). A carnivorous human without any body hair or genitals
that is able to scale vertical walls 30 ft. high "without
touching it", and is also known as well to "shape
shift"....and disappear and appear at will. This phenomena
has been more prevalent in the last two years.
residents claimed that the U.S. government quickly came in and
confiscated the evidence immediately upon capture. They also claimed
that the local police shot and killed "a couple". This is a
U.S./nephilim "black-ops" operation of a sinister
kind. It is very eerie to say the least! Notice the translation for
these things in scripture. The term 'to extrude" is very
enlightening as to the way perhaps these demonic beings come into our
dimension. They need to 'extrude themselves' into this
dimension from their "first habitation" in the
heavenlies and take on "flesh". These kinds of
scripture verses have no place in modern day theology. They are
worded away, for they have no meaning in modern prophecy
interpretation. This verse fits totally with what is coming out from
insiders of the peril the U.S. government is in with their
relationship with the...."aliens"!. The implication
of the "reptilian" is alluded to with this use of
'cockatrices'. Of course, we now know that being injected with
Nimrod's DNA via VACCINES or the Succubus ritual will create these
wendigos or rakes.
Reptoids, shapeshifters, et al are in essence, THE NEPHILIM. The 13
bloodlines that have intermingled with the Adamic race and we now
have them as our rulers. They drink the blood, the eyes becomes slits
like a snake or go completely black, as a demon. For they are demons,
in a somewhat human body.
nephilim are the real enemy of humanity. Not any ideology per se, but
an actual human hybridization with the bloodline of Cain, the
first-born son of Lucifer.
These are our
REAL ENEMIES. And their leader is Satan, and soon, his son, Nimrod
the Assyrian, will be released unto the world, viz a viz, “spaceship”
which are the black projects of the military since WW2. There
are no, REPEAT NO, spacecraft from OUTER-SPACE.
That is a
fiction. A lie. And sold to us by the Edomites via their MSM since
the War of the Worlds broadcast done in 1938 by Orson Welles
(nephilim) which kick started the whole genre in earnest. It was
conditioning, as it still is today. Organizations like MUFON are a
creation of the CIA.
In point of
fact, calling on Yeshua Jesus Christ is the only that
stops COLD any so called “alien abduction.” Which many people
have attested to over the years. THE ONLY THING. Of course all these
alien agenda groups that front for the intelligence agencies always
skip over that awareness. Just attend any UFO conference as I have
done and others, and you will see this information lacking on every
point. They have an agenda to sell us. And the agenda is to convince
us that “aliens” created and seeded the human race and voila!
Here is Nimrod come on a spacecraft to be our redeemer. The Pope will
announce him the real Christos coming in the clouds.
Really? If
the “aliens” are Gods, what do they need a spacecraft for? But no
one will question this save the aware and awakened.
In closing,
we are urged to gain a closer relationship with YHVH, through his son
Yeshua, and do everything possible to obey the ten commandments and
to further observe the Moadim, which frankly, is so very easy that
it's wonderful in the practice thereof.
Anyone who
tells you that obeying the commandments or ignoring the Moadim isn't
necessary is being more than specious. It directly contradicts the
Holy Word of the Most High YHVH, Yahuah.
May the
blessings of the Most High Elohim Yahuah be upon us all, always.