What you are up against installment
Remember...what follows is HOW THE DARK SIDE SELLS THEIR MYTHOS TO THEIR OWN KIND. This is their "religion" as the saying goes. The dogma of ancient satanism. Most of what follows isn't reality. There is barely any kind of truth in it. They lie to their own people more than they do to outsiders. It's part of their creed, their ethos. Most of it is so outlandish and blasphemous that anyone even remotely connected with decency can see the following shite for what it is.
However, now what they believe also helps us understand why they do the things they do in the way they do them. So, there is much to learn, but remember...what follows is bullshit.
Don Bradley
Seemingly innocuous allegories jammed into our entertainment and literature covertly bridge our misunderstood past with the terrible tribulation coming. In this spirit, then, consider this investigation essentially pivots around two mysterious allegories: dragons and fairies. Frankly, they are the “Rosetta Stone,” the missing pieces connecting all the other pieces to The Genesis 6 Conspiracy and the bloodlines of the Antimashiach.
So, then, what is the hidden relationship connecting the Fairy and Dragon Courts to the Holy Grail and Rex Deus? We taught previously that the contemporary Rex Deus conspiracy is 2000 years old, dating back to the life and times of YAHUSHA. Additionally, we learned that Grail legends were spawned by Rex Deus Houses and that the Holy Grail was, in truth, the Sangreal, the holy bloodlines that housed the secrets to the Kings of god dynasty.
What we must now absorb into our syncretic thought process is the notion that Grail, Fairy, and dragon legends are, according to both Gnostic and Masonic writers, one and the same. When one notes any arcane reference to the shadowy Dragon and Fairy Courts, understand that this is deliberate Grail/Rex Deus bloodline Legominism.
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Lilith serving Satan. She has many names, many incarnations, and destroys the ability of men and women to love under Elohim's law. |
The House of Dragon is the genuine House of Grail Kings, the original Rex Deus from Genesis. The House of Dragon is the ancient powerhouse that the Sons of Jared have vowed generational war against, just as the ancient Israelites did. Sons of Jared believe the Dragon bloodline to be the actual and factual descendants of watchers/fallen angels and Nephilim, who they allege spawned the notorious, evil, (fairy) pharaoh kings and dictators who have dominated humankind throughout history. This bold assertion is the same notion I have been building to and alluding to: the posterity of Nephilim will bring about the tribulation of the end times and the Antimashiach! Today, Gardner states Dragon sovereignty is maintained in the Grail kingdoms, which hold the great and mysterious repository of ancient knowledge.
In Celtic mythology, exclusive royal families carried what is renowned in Grail lore as “fairy blood.” Romans viewed the Celts as a tall and fair-skinned people, while fairies in Wales were called Tylwyth Teg, the “Fair Family.” Tylwyth Teg is, in fact, the Welsh translation for “fairy.” According to Gardner, fairy blood, the bloodlines of fairies (those of the lineage of fair folk), was originally conceived through philosophical (arcane) metaphors relating to fate; hence the word fairy derives from fee, or fey (fate). Fairy/faerie/fayyerie derived from French faes, which derived from the Latin fata, describing spirit beings that guide fate.
Ordo Draconis
Zsigmond inherited the Dragon legacy in 1397, when he drew up the Ordo Draconis (Brotherhood of the Snake) with twenty-three nobles that included Vladislav Jagello; Christopher III; the kings of Poland, Denmark, and Norway; King Aragon of Lithuania; and many other important nobles of Europe. The members all wore the sign of the Rosi Crucis, and then later in 1439, the Duke of Norfolk joined the order. Zsigmond was then crowned “Holy” Roman Emperor in 1411. Today the order includes Prince Michael of Albany, the head of the Royal House of Stuart, and much of the European royalty, where the House of Stuart acts as its protectorate.
This Dragon fraternity was resurrected to become the successor to the ancient Dragon Court of Egypt and, in particular, Heliopolis, where the Great White (Snake) Brotherhood of the Therapeutate resided. The Dragon Court was established, according to Gardner, as a Pharonic institution of science and scholarship, where the Royal Court provided for the priestly pursuits and teachings of Thoth, just as the Great White Brotherhood of Tutmosis III also did in Egypt. It was the obligation of these Masters to ensure the purity of the continuing royal bloodline that was perpetuated through the Dragon queens of the matrilineal Grail succession, just as it was in ancient Egypt.
What is no coincidence to all this secrecy of Snake Orders is that Vlad III, the Prince of Walachia and the military governor of Transylvania was inexplicably inducted into the Sarkany Rend, the Order of the Dragon, in 1439, by none other than King Zsigmond Von Luxembourg himself. This was the nefarious family of Vlad the Impaler, who the character Dracula was based upon. In fact, Vlad II was known as Lord Draconis, which derived the variant appellation “Dracul.” Vlad III inherited his father’s Dragon office, becoming Dracula , the “son of a Dragon.”
The under-investigated Vlad was the overlord (Oberon) of the old Scythian traditions; he was known to be of fair skin (pale), with reddish hair and green eyes, a Noble Celt. Vlad was educated in the Mystery School of Solomon in Austria; he was an Adept of alchemy who was also known to be an Adept of the Star Fire culture, the blood-drinking cult of Nephilim. Vlad was affected by sunlight and became a night person, or night operative, known again, not without coincidence, as a night operating Oupiere, as in the traditions of Oberon that we have already detailed. Vlad the Oupiere was known to have had his mystical powers enhanced through the consumption of Star Fire, blood.
Serpents & Dragons
The dragon/serpent/crocodile was the most appropriate beast pantheists could have devised for their messianic kingship, reflecting allegiance to Satan and seraphim angels. The New Testament In Today’s English notes the dragon is thought by modernists to be an imaginary beast, understood to be like a huge lizard, which is also called a serpent, appearing in the Bible as the devil, thereby also connecting Dragon kingships back to their sponsor, Satan. The antediluvian dragon/serpent was then the majestic animal of kingship before Eden. And after that, it was employed as an allegory for the kingship sponsored by seraphim angels, which was once more lowered from heaven to earth, both before and after the flood, to the descendants and followers of Cain and the seraphim-like Nephilim, by serpent-like angels.
Dragon mythology has worldwide appeal. It permeates all cultures. All cultures have a name for dragon, even though the animal cannot prove itself to have existed. Dragon-like monsters unexplainably appear in remote cultures such as the Hopi, Huron, and Zuni. Mythologists Calvert Watkins and Joseph Fontenrose view the enduring patterns of dragon mythology as the fundamental myth plot of Western civilization, the story of stories, while Fontenrose further advocates that dragon mythology is an expression of an essential, cosmic dualism (polytheism).
Drakon was the Greek word for dragon, meaning “serpent,” just as the ancient Sumerian words Usumgal and Mus-Usumgal translate as “serpent” and are metaphors in praise of gods and kings. The ancient, holy crocodile was known as Draco, the mighty dragon of kingship, whence the title “Pendragon” (head dragon) was contrived in the Celtic British kingdoms, and from whence the Roman word for dragon, draco, derived. Draco is Latin for “dragon” and derived from the Greek word draconia, which was originally described in antiquity to be a serpent-like creature with wings. Furthermore, draco derived from the original drakon, or draconta, which alternatively translates as “to watch” in the spirit of infamous seraphim watchers, the angels that bore wings. The angelic posterity, the Nephilim/Anunnaki were remembered in antiquity as watchers, rulers, and kings and all appeared like serpents/ dragons. Moreover, variant forms of reptile serpents with wings likely thrived before Eden, as well, suggested by the fact that numerous legends recorded wings were removed from the serpent, along with other body parts.
The dragon, too, was an ancient symbol for power and heroes adopted by the antediluvian and postdiluvian kingships. Jonathan Evans notes dragons were symbolic wonders of the world, and Tolkien describes them as part of the perilous realm of faerie: fairy tales, fantasy literature, and imaginative fiction. Our literature and entertainment overflows with covert allegories cloaking intrigue. Seemingly, the dragon was the key metaphor for patriarchal bloodlines (male), while the fairy represented the matriarchal bloodline (female).
What can prehistoric records tell us about Leviathan, creation, and the little-explained rebellion of angels before the advent humankind? And how is Leviathan relevant to The Genesis 6 Conspiracy?
Baal, the great storm god, was alternatively known in parallel allegoric form as the bull and was called variantly a dragon, a serpent, and the celebrated slayer of the chaos monster Yam in the Ugaritic Texts. Canaanite legends of Baal pre-date the surviving hard copy records of the Bible. In the pantheistic version, Baal, the great weather god, bludgeoned the gods of the sea and rivers, Prince Yamm and Judge Nahor, confining them to their proper spheres. Baal’s father, El, the great bull god, then rewarded Baal with a mansion worthy of his valor.
Baal was the god that defeated the chaos monster of the sea in these legends, the great Leviathan recorded in Job and other parts of the Bible, which is known in Near Eastern mythology as Tiamet. In this tradition, all the gods of Babylon shrunk before Tiamet, the monster of the sea, the goddess and dragon of disorder. The Epic of Gilgamesh noted the female Creation Mother, Tiamet, was slain tossing half the corpse to heaven so that salt water would no longer cover dry land. Marduk killed the great female dragon of the primal saltwater and then strung his bow across the sky as a sign of his great victory over the Waters of Chaos.
Marduk split Tiamet in two, like a shellfish, and then confined half to the sky and half to the earth (male and female). Tiamet is known in Near East mythology as the great World Dragon or Cosmic Dragon; she was a dragon described in the Enuma Elish of Babylon, the Mesopotamian epic of creation, as possessing a vast serpentine body that was impenetrable to weapons, with two forelegs, an immense tail, and huge horns on her head. Together with Apsu (male), she produced the heavens, earth, and spawned the gods. Tiamet, Apsu, and Leviathan were all primordial gods from the chaos, whose names translate as “abyss,” “void,” or “bottomless pit.”
The Biblical Leviathan was a creature more than 900 miles in length, with seven heads (Job described it as a Hydra) and more than 300 eyes; it was invulnerable and encircled the world in the great Abyss, or depths of the cosmic ocean. Unger’s notes the Leviathan as an animal writhing or gathering itself into its folds, the same description that is used for crocodiles and serpents. Biblical legends of Leviathan note it was the mightiest creature of creation that eventually required the slaying of the female, for two such creatures would have destroyed the earth.
The Bull Cult of Melchizedek
Remember, it was Oannes/Enoch (the Evil), the fish deity of the Babylonians, who escorted the Anunnaki down from the mountains and begat the antediluvian kingship of the Pishdadian kings, as well as the postdiluvian kingship of Nephilim. As you will recall, the Cretans, the Minoans, and the Santorinians all worshiped under the shadow of the bull cult of Atlantis. All this further explains both how and why the Philistines easily adopted and assimilated the Canaanite cult of the bull into their society. All this is no coincidence, and it is out of this cannibalism—and child sacrificing of the bull cult that the parallel Canaanite Order of Melchizedek steps forward, with all its false pretenses.
This, then, was the syncretic Canaanite Order of Melchizedek, which is and was a purposeful perversion of the Hebrew Order recorded in the Bible. However, the spurious forces believe that David believed himself to be part of the Canaanite Order when he succeeded the Jebusite/Canaanite throne of Jerusalem, inheriting Melchizedek’s throne. And this is what the spurious forces misconstrue when they note David’s reference in the Psalms, whereby David then inherited the priest king role of the god El-Elyon, the god most high, of the Jebusites.
The contemporaneous Masonic Order of Melchizedek consequently follows the (perverted) Canaanite Order, claiming it to be the true Order, and further reclaiming Melchizedek, Abraham, David, Solomon, and YAHUSHA as its descending patriarchs. The Gnostics possess a gospel of Melchizedek, which, not surprisingly, denotes its spurious followers as Children of Seth, the Gnostic Nephilim Seth, who maintain the spark of the divine required for the harmonic convergence and ascension into godhood when the world unites under one world government and religion. In fact, James Robinson goes on to note that Melchizedek was identified with the Gnostic savior, Seth, and thus the final form of Melchizedek was a product of Sethian Gnosticism, worshiping El.
Remember, though, the violent god El of the Canaanites was not the God EL-ELYON and EL- SHADDAI of the Bible, YAHUAH ELOHIYM. Spurious forces merely manipulated the similarities between El and EL-SHADDAI for their long-term misdirection of history, in preparation for the last generation. Thus, the bull cult of Poseidon was one of the foundation stones for the Essene religion. The Canaanite Order of Melchizedek was the perverted and spurious order of priests, who worshiped the bloodthirsty tyrant, the evil god El, father to Baal and grandfather to Molech. This order was not the Holy, Biblical Order of Melchizedek that worshiped the God Most High, El-SHADDAI, YAHUAH ELOHIYM, but it was the spurious order adopted by the nonconformist Kabbalist Essenes.
Moses, Akhenaten, & the Armana Dynasty
Why do spurious forces accept and delight in the bloodlines from Moses through David, Solomon, and YAHUSHA? Quite simply, their alarming, revisionist, and counterfeit history outrageously repositions Moses’ pedigree from the priestly tribe of Levi and Israel to Egyptian royal bloodlines, making him the son of a pharaoh.
This posthumous, Theosophist precept holds that House of Moses was Egyptian, as Scripture has recorded. They believe Moses and the Israelites were somehow the hereditary heirs to the Royal Houses of Egypt and Babylonia. Theosophists believe the Lord of the Mountain, El Shaddai, whom they regard as Enki, passed all secrets from the Egyptian House of Gold, from the priests of Egypt (White Brotherhood of Therapeutate), to a new line of Aaronite priests with the fall of the Armana dynasty, which ultimately ended the legitimacy of Egyptian dynasties. Theosophists further believe this eventually established the Royal House of David, Solomon, and YAHUSHA as the new House of Gold (Dragon Court). This mystical, Aaronite priesthood is the cornerstone linking the Essenes back to the Great White Brotherhood through their inheriting the religion of Enoch the Evil and Hermes, which was subsequently concealed within the numinous fringes of Israelite culture.
Conspirators believe the Royal House of Pharaohs was the second equal pillar coexisting in parallel with the originating Dragon Court, reigning alongside Chaldean mysticism organized by Nimrod in Mesopotamia. The Royal Dragon Courts of Egypt and Mesopotamia worked diligently together in securing pure bloodlines for the succession of kingship, all in the same spirit as Rex Deus. Pharaohs married often for strategic reasons; they selected wives to interbreed with and to regenerate their royal bloodlines with diverse but recognized “original strains” from pure Mesopotamian Dragon dynasties.
This thereby perpetuated the patrilineal descent of the pharaohs, while heightening the matriarchal bloodlines in the subsequent generations. Pharaohs commonly married their half-sisters born of different mothers to progress the dynastic lines. Pharonic dynasties, although kingships generally reigned through patrilineal descent (Dragons/Ravens), conversely perpetuated their dynasties through female matriarchy (Fairies/Owls). Daughters of Dragon kings with pure matriarchal Dragon blood were wedded to kings to propagate new Fairy dynasties. For these reasons, then, matriarchal bloodlines descending from Mary Magdalene, Scota, Temar, Miriam, Bashemath, Lilith, and Isis/Gaea have been meticulously documented through the millennia by dedicated, spurious chronologists.
Joseph was a vizier of Egypt and guardian to Pharaoh’s children, but Joseph was not the physical parent spawning Egyptian kings, as disingenuous polytheists would have you believe.
Now Tuya, also identified as Touiou, wife of Joseph/Yuya, held the title “Asenath,” which was Egyptian for “belonging to the goddess Neith.” She was a daughter of Potiphera, who Pharaoh gave to Joseph as a wife, and she was one of the mothers to the twelve tribes of Israel, but the Bible says nothing more about Asenath. Lorraine Evans states that Tuya was daughter of Tiye, the wife of Amenhotep III, and she was a priestess of the god Min in the Delta region.
According to Jewish legend, Potiphar/Potiphera, the Egyptian official Joseph was sold to, adopted Asenath/Tuya, as Asenath/Tuya’s original parents, Dinah and Hamor, had abandoned her. Conversely, the Bible recorded Joseph’s wife, Asenath, as the daughter of a priest of Heliopolis, also recorded as On, the home of the infamous Great White Brotherhood. On was the city where Potiphar was trained to be a priest.
Potiphar was the high Egyptian official of Pharaoh who purchased Joseph as a slave from the Midianites, thereby placing Joseph and Tuya/Asenath in the same house, at the same approximate time. Strangely, Potiphar did not consider Joseph a mere slave, inexplicably sending him to be trained in the arts (Seven Sacred Sciences, likely at On, where Potiphar resided). Potiphar’s wife, Zuleika is also recorded in legend as having firmly believed the stars foretold Joseph would marry into her family, through her daughter, Asenath, which is likely where the rumors of the Armana dynasty and Joseph began. By all relevant accounts, it seems likely that Tuya/Asenath and Joseph/Yuya were the same historical figures, but they were not physical parents to the famous Armana dynasty, but rather adoptive parents or guardians, just as Scripture has accurately recorded.
Similarly, Gardner surprisingly added that Tuya/Asenath was the granddaughter of Tuthmusis III, just as Evans recorded Tuya was the daughter of Amenhotep III, the founder of the White Brotherhood of the Therapeutate of Heliopolis. Tuthmusis III and Amenhotep III are one and the same Pharaoh, with each name merely denoting a different title. Tuthmusis III brilliantly reorganized the ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt (and Nimrod); he then founded the Great White Brotherhood of the Master Craftsman, and it was this mystically dominated, pharonic Dragon Court of Egypt that provided for the priestly Pursuits of Thoth, which apparently Moses and Aaron were educated at. Tuthmusis III originally founded this new order in Heliopolis.
Abraham, Esau, & Ishmael
In Theosophist history, Esau married the Egyptian Bashemath, the daughter of Ishmael, who was half-brother to Isaac through Abraham and Hagar, thus identifying the source of Dragon blood in Theosophist lore to Esau and the Edomites’ royal descendants. This was likely the genesis and then the motivation for the formation of the Great Amalekite Nation discussed previously in this book, which joined the descendants of Esau with the Horites and Hittites. Horites and Hittites were Nephilim that curiously and continuously conjugated with Edomites, along with Royal Egyptian Dragon bloodlines. It would have been Amalek, grandson of Esau, who would then have officially inherited the unified Dragon title.
The Bible, however, does not totally agree with this scenario of Esau and his wives. Scripture records Esau married two wives when he was forty. He married Judith, daughter of Beerie the Hittite (Nephilim), as well as Basemath, the daughter of Elon the Hittite (Nephilim) (Gen. 26:34). Scripture also records Basemath as the daughter of Ishmael and sister of Nebaoith (Gen. 36:1–5). Nebaoith was the firstborn of Ishmael (Gen. 25:13). Perhaps Elon was yet another wife of Ishmael, for Ishmael was married to Mahalath.
Scripture also records that Esau married Adah the Canaanite, the daughter of Elon the Hittite, suggesting that Adah was the Hittite and not Basemath; although, Hittites dwelled among Canaanites, and so both may have been considered Canaanite, Hittite, and Nephilim. Scripture further records Esau married the Horite Ohilibamah and the daughter of the Horite/Nephilim Chief Anah, son of the Nephilim Zibeon (Gen. 36:1). Therefore, Esau would have begun new Israelite and Dragon dynasties through marrying Egyptian, Horite, and Hittite branches of matriarchal royalty.
The Great Amalekite Nation was the union of the matrilineal Amalekite/Horite/Hittite Dragon Court of Nephilim and Egyptian matriarchal Dragon blood to the scriptural royal lineage through the intermarriages with Esau with Bashemath, Ohilibamah, Adah, and Anah. This was yet just another reason the Israelites were commissioned to eradicate this tripartite Dragon Court that was both mysteriously and uniquely pure. All these mysteriously pure and previously unexplained bloodlines rested within the Royal Houses of the Amalekites, which further held alternative royal, messianic bloodlines from Abraham through Esau and from Abraham to Hagar and Ishmael, to Basemath, Mahalath, and Igrath.
The Bible records Hagar, grandmother of Bashemath, as the Egyptian maidservant to Abraham’s wife Sarah. The Theosophist discourse lists Hagar as a daughter of Pharaoh, Sensuret I, whom we will discuss later—a Pharaoh that descended from Nimrod. Biblical legends further support this notion that Pharaoh gave Sarah his daughter Hagar as a maidservant, for he preferred this to Hagar becoming just another mistress in another harem. Hagar bore Abraham a son, Ishmael.
The Kings of Nimrod & Ham
With all this intermingling of Abraham’s family tree with Egyptian pharaohs, it is now necessary to examine the mythological roots of the kingship in postdiluvian Egypt. What were the relationships between Egyptian pharaohs and the Dragon bloodlines descending from Ham, Nimrod, and beyond?
Mizraim settled Egypt along with his father, Ham, and Hermes. However, it was Nimrod, post-Babel, who sponsored the kingship in Egypt. Nimrod, according to Theosophist mythology, was the father of the first postdiluvian pharaoh of Egypt. Apparently, sometime after Mizraim’s people colonized Egypt, a second wave of aggressive, dynastic Hamites sponsored by Nimrod vanquished Egypt, bringing all the dynastic trappings with them, including the intermarrying of the dynastic family to keep pure the Anunnaki/Nephilim bloodlines, which the Pharaohs became famous for.
This fantastic claim was supported by a collection of Aramaic writings called the Targum, the Old Testament translated into Aramaic, utilized by Jewish temple priests to aid in interpreting and understanding key texts. These Aramaic writings stated Nimrod was the father of a pharaoh, even though no name was provided, but Rohl names this pharaoh as likely Aha, who is generally associated with Menes, the founder of the Pharonic form of kingship after the deluge, circa 2900–3100 B.C. Aha, also known as “Hor-Aha” and Manetho’s “Athothis,” is thought by some to be either the son of Narmer or Menes. Another Ethiopian text on the Old Testament names the pharaoh son of Nimrod as Yanuf, known also as Anedjib, who reigned around 3000 B.C., thereby establishing by either source the first postdiluvian Egyptian kingship stemming from Nimrod as the originating patriarchal Dragon blood of the pharaohs.
Further, Gardner suggests that Raneb, pharaoh of the Second Dynasty, circa 2852–13 B.C., was a grandson to Nimrod, even though the Bible does not list any sons or descendants of Nimrod in Genesis or 1 Chronicles, likely for these Nephilim reasons. In his genealogies, Gardner additionally listed Boethus, son of Nimrod, as Pharaoh Hotep- Serhemwy. This, then, was how Hagar, the Egyptian mother of Ishmael, was linked as a descendant of Nimrod. Nimrod, then, through partnering with Nephilim, spawned through his progeny the postdiluvian kingships of Egypt and Babylonia.
Ham & Japheth
The perplexing Gnostic theory that Ham and Japheth were Nephilim originates within two main Gnostic sects known as the Sethians and the Caini, according to St. Epiphanius. Seth, the foreigner (giant), was carried away both spiritually and bodily so that Sabaoth and other authorities could not prevail over him or murder him, likely via the deluge. From that point forward, Seth no longer served the craftsman (Ialdoboth/Adonai) but acknowledged the parent god from which polytheistic legends originate. Seth then revealed many things, illicit knowledge from heaven and the Seven Sacred Sciences that discredited Ialdoboth and his angels.
Just as in most other examples, these audacious claims sound legitimate, with the Judeo-Christian records continually labeled as corrupted, biased versions. But further examination reveals the pantheistic corruptions and further testifies to the legitimacy of Scripture.
In this case, Seth of the Gnostics is not the same righteous and pious Seth, the Biblical son of Adam. Gnostics believe in the Emmakha Seth, the founder of the Gnostic race, the living and Immoveable Race. This Seth was the unexplained Gnostic being created in the likeness of the angel Adamas by Autogenes to create a (serpentine) race to somehow ascend above lower-ranked angels. Emmakha Seth was likely a descendant of Cain and a Nephilim. Thus, Gnostic sects of Seth and Caini were both the founders and originating schools of Gnostic wisdom (Zoroastrianism and Enochianism).
Similarly, the giant Japheth, son of Noah or Tubal-Cain, has a similar, disturbing misdirection in polytheist chronology. The Japheth Theosophists refer to as a giant is not the Japheth who was the son of Noah. They have deliberately posthumously confused or fused the antediluvian Japetus/Iapetus with postdiluvian Japheth. Japetus/Iapetus is the giant variant of Japheth, for Japetus/Iapetus was a famous and an original antediluvian giant, a Titan who married Clymene; he was the ruler of Atlantis and father to Atlas. In fact, as you will recall, Poseidon was alternatively known as Japetus/Iapetus, the husband to Clymene and father of Atlas. Iapetus/Japetus in other legends was the offspring of Uranus and Gaea and likely was one of the original Nephilim named after a fallen angel.
Iapetus was the Titan claimed by Hesiod to be the father of Atlas, Prometheus, Nenoetius, and Epimethus. Hesiod further claimed the antediluvian Iapetus fought in the Titan rebellion and was consequently condemned to a place or prison called Tartarus, along with the other rebellious Nephilim. It was from Tartarus that Nephilim likely escaped into the postdiluvian epoch, which would have included Iapetus/Japetus and Utnapishtim. This Titan Iapetus injected Titan bloodlines into the Japhethian Greeks, now renowned as Indo-European Greeks, with his heretofore unexplained refugee Aryan tribes. This is this same Iapetus/Japetus that Annius declared was the forefather to French nobility and the first king of Gaul.
The Blood Drinking Kings of Kish
The C in Cain represents the moon’s golden essence metaphysically (Star Fire or blood drank by Nephilim out of golden chalices), while Ayin represented the All-Seeing Eye, which represents Lucifer in Freemasonry and Theosophy.
Cain’s Sumerian name was recorded by the Sumerian King’s List as King Kish of Masda and successor to Atabba, the Adama. Under Cain’s alternative titles of “Masda” and “Mazdao,” Gardner writes that Cain was celebrated as the ancestral forbearer of the Magian spiritual master Zarathrustra, the predecessor of Ham. This was reflected in the variant of Ahura-Mazda, the followers of Asar (Osiris) and Horus of Egypt that later spawned the cult of Ormuz or Ormus that became the Alexandrian organization known as the sages of light, which, in turn, formed the basis for the Essene/Priory of Sion Order of the Red Cross and the Templars. The Templars were initiated into the Ormus Rosy Cross Masons of the East Order in 1188, at the Gisor and the Cutting of the Elm ceremony. Ormus had previously united the Rosy Cross Order with Essene secret societies.
Masda translated from ancient Sumerian as “one that prostrates himself [not coincidently] as a serpent.” Additionally, Cain/Masda, the son of Adama, retained as his Sumerian appellation Ar-Wi-Um, which was closely related to the Hebrew word awim, or “serpent.” Cain was listed in the Kings of Kish list with the title Ar-iwi-um, for he was the first worshipper of the dark seraphim angels, the first Masda, all to spite the true God, YAHUAH. This implies that Cain was a king sponsored by seraphim angels, while his dynastic kingship popularized its ancestral heritage with serpent and Dragon allegories of royalty that have survived to this day. All things continually lead back to serpents, dragons, fairies, Nephilim, and fallen angels.
Adding to this, the Persian tradition of Enki/Samael was called Ohrmazd, meaning “serpent of the night.” Ohrmazd was another name for the high god of Zarathustra, the Persian god Ahura Mazda, the high god of Ham and Cain, from whence they adopted their cultic titles, again linking everything. This additionally identifies Zoroastrianism as an antediluvian religion, likely a branch of Enochian mysticism and Atlantean mysticism transplanted into the postdiluvian epoch by Indo-European Aryans, the Scythians and surviving Titans.
The Antediluvian Dragon Court
Blending the Cainite partnership back into the fold, understand the Royal Dragon/Grail/Rex Deus bloodline was rooted in royal lineages directly traceable to their spurious, antediluvian cofounders, the gods/Anunnaki/Nephilim/Cainites that are active to this day, according to Marrs. Lady/Mother Earth, Ninkhursag (Gaea, Isis, daughters of Cain), was the matriarchal source and mother to the mighty men of old, just as Genesis 6 states dark angels copulated with the daughters of men. In this sense, these females were referred to with the title of the “Dragon queen of Life.”
Ninkhursag inherited this title from her mother, Ki, The Dragon queen of the Earth, who inherited her title from her mother, Kishar, the Dragon queen, who ultimately inherited her title from the infamous Tiamet, the Dragon queen of the Anunnaki gods. It is with Tiamet that the origin of the Dragon queens is thought to have originated, for it was Tiamet, the female Leviathan, the angel of the sea, who rebelled at the Creation of the earth. Thus, “Mother Earth” is figurative for Tiamet and the female Leviathan and, of course, primordial rebellion.
From the patriarchal perspective, the mighty men of Sumerian lore that formed the Ring of Kingship and government were all anointed into antediluvian kingship that descended to the earth from the fallen angels. The mythical rings of the Ring tradition date back to 4000 B.C. as the primary device of the Anunnaki gods, who originally established earthly kingship. To this end, the great Sumerian god Anu first held the title “Lord of the Rings.” The Theosophist holy bloodline, the Dragon Court, the Ring and fairy culture, is (allegedly) traceable to Nephilim bloodlines and is supported as such by Rex Deus and Theosophist chronologists. The Genesis 6 conspiracy is not designed specifically, but rather more by coincidence, to place an alleged descendant of YAHUSHA on YAHUSHA’s rightful throne.
Fairy culture was merely allegorical innovation, encoded history chronicling the matriarchal predicament of the alleged true royal family of the Ring Lords. Fairies and elves were exiled in a seemingly Otherworld/Netherworld existence, known in Grail lore as King Arthur’s Annwyn and likely the Greek Tartarus. Fairies are the exiled Shining Ones, whose postdiluvian royal bloodline began with the Royal Scythian Anunnaki, the original Ring Lords.
Enki took two wives, Damicina and his half-sister Ninkhursag, authenticating the origin to the pharonic tradition of marrying their half-sisters. Gardner cites Ninkhursag as the ultimate Lady of Life and the true beginning to the matriarchal branch of the Sangreal, in equal partnership with Enki, the source of the patriarchal Sangreal, as well as being the true genesis to the Grail kings through Cain. Ninkhursag was referred to in the Kur-Sag Epic specifically as the “Serpent Lady,” denoting her, according to Gardner, as the prevailing Grail (Ring) Queen. Enki, in some legends, poured his semen into the womb of Ninkhursag, thereby initiating the creation of the Anunnaki/Nephilim.
In addition, Enki was the god that anointed Adama, the Atabba, in the King’s List and the first royal messiah, meaning “the anointed one.” It was from this anointing of Adama that all Dragon kings are then symbolically a form of “messiah” after the ways of Adam. Fisher Kings from the time of Adam were deemed to retain the supreme prowess of the sacred crocodile, the kingly aptitude of the messianic Dragon, just as ancient Egyptian records memorialized the pharaoh kings.
Although Adam was the first Fisher King of the Dragon Court, he was not the only one. Adam was merely a prototype. He was not the true and root progenitor of the kingly bloodline that descended to Cain and his descendants, for this involved Eve and not Adam. Therefore, Seth and his descendants were created through Adam and Eve as a lower level of life form, mundane mortals created for toil, like the Black Heads, while Cain was then created through Eve and an outside force specifically to engender the Dragon bloodline.
Cain was the originating root for the kingly Dragon bloodline manifested in hunter/warrior kings; although, Adam still remained the originating allegorical root of the Fisher King, manifested in peaceful, priestly kings of the people. From this perspective, Christian and Theosophist doctrines agree: Seth, the Biblical son of Adam, was the father of the mundane human race, but somehow Cain was the originating archetype for the giants, the purported bastard son to Eve and an alternative patriarch other than Adam.
In this alternative, revisionist Genesis, Cain was not the son of Adam but the son of Eve via his (alleged) father, Enki/Satan; although, some versions uphold that Cain was the offspring of Enki and Lilith. All this, of course, is perfectly consistent with Nephilim creation myths, where angels procreated with daughters of men (Eve) to produce giants.
Chapter 93: Lilith
Theosophists have substituted Eve for Lilith in their bent genealogy. In the same figurative sense, Lilith was, in truth, the original goddess Ninkhursag/Gaea/Isis of the Cainites that produced the first race antediluvian giants. The daughters of Eve, then, became the metaphorical Mother Earth, Isis, Gaea, and so forth for the second race of giants. Remember, in this dimension, angels can choose their gender and produce other gods.
Lilith, too, was likened in lore to a Serpent or Dragon. Once more, and not coincidentally, Lilith held the matrilineal inheritance to the kingdom of Malkhut, the sovereignty of the Dragon Court, as well as the reigns to the kingdom of the Dragon Court, through her daughter Lulwa-Lilith, who married Cain. Lilith was officially known in royal genealogies as the “Beautiful Dragon queen of the Anunnaki.” Queens of the Dragon Court, the Owl queens, were likened to lilies, lotus flowers, which spawned names such as Lilith, Lily, Lulawa, and Lillet, which appear in Grail, Ring, Dragon, and Fairy culture. Lilith has been captured in many depictions from antiquity holding the famous rings of the Ring Lords, the Anunnaki kings. She is close to the source of the originating matriarchal elven bloodline that descended down to Bashemath, Miriam, Mary Magdalene, Temar, Sarah, and Scota, to name just a few.
The Lily mythos produced the family name “du Lac” of Arthurian lore, as in Lancelot du Lac, “of the Lake,” and the Ladies of the Lake. Alongside this, the Grail dynasty was alternatively renowned as the House del Acqs, which translates as “of the waters” (Tiamet), from where the queenly tradition of the Ladies of the Lake derived. The del Acqs’s matriarchal line was directly descended from Mary Magdalene, explaining the Priory’s Legomin fascination with the Lily. Acqs in Latin, was acquae, meaning “water,” while Mary Magdalene was celebrated as “the Mistress of the Water.” It is from Mary’s House that all the Ladies of Water, Lakes, Fountains, and Arthur relate back to in Grail lore, for Mary’s direct, purported, maternal descendant was Vivian of Avalon, mother of Lancelot.
Conversely, Hebrew tradition labeled Lilith a Lamia, a blood-sucking demon (vampire) of Greek mythology that flew at night like a screech owl, reminiscent of a passage from Isaiah 34:13–17 concerning the screech owls of Edom/Esau.