Confusion during End Times
Don Bradley
People who attempt to understand eschatology (biblical perceptions of the End of Times around the reign of the beast) can be confused by the introduction of varying and misleading views, mostly put forth in the mid 19th century to muddy the end time waters. Of course this is by dark design. Devils like Darby, Westcott, Holt, and others purposely created fractional perceptions that really, upon close inspection and research, show them to be spurious and without any real biblical foundation whatsoever.
First off, if its the mainstream, taught in church, perception, its probably a load of dung. The supreme horror of all these nephilim preachers and teachers who spread this garbage continuously still amazes me. Billy Graham pushed these false teachings big time, very often with presidential support (he hung out with Nixon and others a great deal). Reader's Digest quoted him constantly, for decades, back when that publication could be found on ANY coffee table between the 1940s and 80s.
There has been a big push, set in liar's stone, from the 1930s forward, to keep these false understandings in seminary schools and the churches, regardless of denomination. In our times, the devils have even made movies about the rapture, which is often shown in churches as some kind of truth, to keep the indoctrination going. Things are that bad in our time. It's no wonder newcomers strong with the Holy Spirit find these places of worship, without the same Spirit of Truth and Love they feel in their hearts, in these places. There have been a whole slew of these nephilim liars pushed onto huge audiences, all under a satanic spell, sold by actors and shills on stage with fake healings, and all that. Billy Sunday, Aimee Semple Mcpherson, and countless others all pushed a pretrib rapture lie. Newspapers pushed them, film reels pushed them, presidents pushed them.
I and others have proved that these men and women were and are, wolves in sheep's clothing. Like clockwork, from the 1980s through the early 2000s, big name preachers would be caught with prostitutes and such (by design), so that there would be a falling away of people from their faith. The idea being, that if so and so was a fraud, isn't my spirituality also a fraud? They do it because it works. Jim Baker anyone? This they did on a regular, every few years basis. To destroy their own kind, on purpose, to get to the point of it all—to get you to dump your faith. That's how devious the dark side is.
As can be seen by the graph below, these are the three prevailing views.
Pretribulation folks believe that before any mark of the beast, economic failings, and a world government ever rears any of its many headed forms, they will be whisked off to heaven and avoid the whole ugly mess. There is not a single verse in the Holy Word that says this. Solid researchers, having dumped all programming from so called church authority figures, have well proved out the falsity of this, the most prevalent view taught to the followers of Christ.
As we know, that has failed. We have the mark upon us, and world government—at least behind the scenes and in reality—is already here, and economic destruction is all but complete, save for the closing of the stores. So, where was this rapture? Why didn't we all get pulled out of this place and get to go to happy land?
We didn't because that was a Darby lie told by a satanist and carried forward for 150 years. That's why.
Pretrib has already failed. It amazes that churches deny the times we are in and still push this agenda. I have acquaintances who still believe this. Their preacher teaches it and because they are go to church on Sunday folks and trust every single word of these devils' mouths and DO NOT read the bible in depth, mostly. Even when you point out the simple fact that our Elohim YHVH makes clear to keep the seventh day holy in one's heart—not the first day of the week—they ignore their very own Bible and go on Sunday anyway. It's one of the many reasons I do not attend the building meeting on Sundays. For dozens of very good reasons. We are the church. It's the seventh day, starting on Friday at sunset to sunset Saturday. That's the real day of spirituality dedicated to learning and obtaining a closer relationship until that blessed day when the person realizes...
It's every day, hour, and minute of your life. Not just a set aside time. Once you have this living fire inside your heart and understand this relationship, every moment is the sabbath.
For me at least. And others. You'll see.
Midtrib is, as can be seen in table 2, is some weird derivation of table 1. In this view, we are all whisked to heaven off the rock of ugly days and nights somewhere around the 4th Trumpet. Under this view, the four horrific events-
the fires that burn up 1/3 of earth (done, by august 2020); 1st Trumpet
the flaming mountain (volcano) goes into the sea, ending Babylon (ongoing, La Palma); 2nd Trumpet
Fiery angel (big poisonous rock) slays a large percentage of the world's population. China/far east gets repaid for their sins against creation and Adonai. (No sign of it yet.) 3rd Trumpet
- Sun, Moon, and stars go dark, a third; 4th Trumpet
In midtrib, this is where the rapture allegedly occurs. Again, there is nothing in the scripture other than twisting holy words to suit one's agenda, that can get anyone rational thinker into this reality.
On the contrary, it's all over the Bible that AT THE LAST TRUMPET, the dead in Christ are raised, then the living. That can be construed as a rapture of sorts. For the first 7 trumpets are considered the tribulation. The Holy Word clearly states ALL OVER THE PLACE that the tribulation saints live and die during the tribulation.
The bowl judgments are considered the GREAT TRIBULATION. These are generally considered—but no one knows for sure—reserved punishments for those with the Mark of the Beast and the nephilim.
Fortunately, most of Dad's people are coming out of Babylon in every way, including the apostate churches run by devils. They have and are dumping all the false doctrine they have ever learned or will do so very soon.
If 2021 taught us anything, we have learned that the NWO one world government is here and already up and running to anyone who really and honestly looks at the situation. We've also learned that the vax weapon is more than a killing machine, it is slavery to the dark side that removes any contact with the Almighty, for His Name is taken out of our DNA and replaced with Lucifer's race.
I got this rather well done graphic from Rob Skiba back in 2011. Of course, ten years ago, there was no way any of us could know how the details of how all this would play out. Living through it since September of 2017, we know a great deal. Here it is for your consideration; albeit you must make those mods in your mind with the facts that we have learned and are undergoing a great culling of hundreds of millions who are dying and are dead this year.
Apparently, we weren't whisked off to happy land after all. 150 years of lies and deceptions.
Yet, the churches still tell people these are NOT end times, to get the vax weapon today, and that Jesus is coming to save them any way, before anything gets really bad. Gets really bad? How can any sane and thinking soul look around, not using the lying TV to get their truth, with all the horrors of our time and still believe this is all just normal? Imagine being that programmed. And, if you are under 25, you don't have a chance. The schools, covens, and government have seen to that. Practically illiterate, no sense of place or history, our young people only know what is pushed—being a narcissistic, do whatever you want, obedient slug.
Hopes this helps in the understanding of what all this rapture blather is all about.
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Very soon, most of us will be facing starvation, keeping warm, and hoping we survive the first wave of martial law. They have made sure of their death agenda; there's no stopping it now. Remember, even though Our Father has His heavenly plan as outlined for us, the dark side of things has their plans, which is what we see in the world today. Combining the two...the world is a mess and it never, ever gets better until it all ends.
We ARE in tribulation. The Trumpets ARE sounding and have been for ten years. We ARE the tribulation saints.