As can be seen by the article below, this kind of service to Christ is not for everybody nor is it ever recommended as such. It's clear, only someone willing to throw it all away - money, family, career, home, friends, banking, everything, everything - should ever consider this. Because the devils in charge - and they are down here, just that - will expend every energy including assassination to stop you. And even if you do it for a month or so, as a lark, like that ghost hunting thing people do for a season then get bored and move on, they won't. They won't stop coming after you, high and low, including covens, demons, ALL OF IT. Till you are no more.
That's what the person is up against. And it can never, ever be turned off. I speak from 3 decades of experience and anguish. To this very day.
Closing Portals
Don Bradley, June 16th, 2022 Sivan 16
You are a man of the Most High Adonai, YHVH. It's been your lot in life—as these things happen to certain souls—to encounter the damned on some level. Possibly a demon, face to face for the first time (as it happened to me in 1986.) Or, you saw dark, flitting shadows in someone's home or other location and the event led you on a journey to understanding that there are REAL dark forces out there and they control and manipulate the outcomes, events, and often, destinies of certain people, places, and things.
In your heart, you decide, enough is enough.
When you consult the Holy Word of God, the Bible, you find you are encouraged in your labors toward this end. In prayer, the answer is always the same. Do something, as I guide you to do and be. He provides you signs and minor (events and things, that only you and Yeshua our Christ understand) miracles that set you on your path. To defeat and fight evil, whenever and wherever He, Yeshua, places you.
Not as some loud mouthed, do nothing, protester who ends up arrested for hate speech; or worse, some crazy glowie shooter or bomber who brings evil and death to people. Rather, you work with prayer, Holy ways and doings, to defeat evil. You bind, banish, and remove demons, whenever and wherever He calls you to act. You are reliable and fearless, a Holy Man who has surrendered his life for the Call by Christ to be a warrior upon this plane, our world. In Christ you trust, always.
Upon this new path, you are committed, come what may.
For you see the good you are doing, when others cannot. You see the demons flit away, as you bind and banish. You become an ever radiant presence of His Strength and Power, as you courageously move in your normal life, with this inner life of His Love, Power, and Mercy. He teaches you to know yourself, overcome your failings, repent in all things, and eagerly wait as He reveals to you that now (as it always was, though not understood) your very steps are guided by Him. The deja vues and miracles pile up to a near daily basis. You notice subtle changes about yourself. Your unseen light by others grows brighter, reflecting His Glory in all you do. You LOVE IT when he corrects you in all things. You know that each acted upon correction brings you closer to His Love, all that matters to you now.
And you smile a lot. You understand. Everything.
He does not leave us ignorant and without Faith and Hope; things you have in abundance, thankfully.
Your friends change too. So does your family. Not because you are some demonstrative attention whore, but rather your easy going style, your endless kindness and mercies constantly showered to those around you; you take problems on the chin, moving ever forward as His gentle hand encourages you through the dark nights and days of the Soul within you.
The enemies of the Most High, the demons, principalities and powers, yea, even Lucifer, has YOU on their radar. Your life is beset with trials, woes, and endless attacks.
All easily defeated, as though a mere trifle to you.
You are ready.
In your labors, which now seem to stretch over the years, do they not? You find you ALWAYS have been fighting this great evil of Earth. Always. They've always hated you. Always. You understand now; the lifetime and hate, slander, attacks, and betrayals. They knew before you did, who you are and were meant to REALLY BE in this life.
You are a master of deliverance ministry. Not as a set to do thing; like everything He has guided you to over your life, it just fell out that way. And you see now, how and where these demonic spirits get onto this plane.
You understand that witches and satanists of all stripes, languages and satanic modalities are actually ONE group of evil doers—the nephilim—and it is they whom bring these creatures onto the earth plane. It is they whom bring and carry these evil hitchhikers of the damned around on their very person, so to attach to any lost soul caught up on the dark magic and MK of our era. Music, drugs, immorality.
The Nephilim.
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Nephilim, with hitchhikers (demons looking for a host), taking a selfie. It is these that bring the damned into schools, homes, the workplace, stores, parks, clubs...ALL OF IT. |
You also learn that they have locations, portals, made through evil rituals and the unlawful spilling of blood. Some are new; many are thousands of years old. Ancient sites of evil, with old Canaanite altars that need to be closed and destroyed. They are mostly found on private estates and the forests. Many are and have become more public, as evil becomes more confident to move into the light of day.
Perhaps you are hiking through a forested or park area and behold, in front of you is a circle; a cleared place in the earth, where obviously something is taking place there often enough, to make a near permanent circle. If it's been there a long time, nothing really grows except foul weeds and such; and its very silent there. Of course you already know what you are looking at, the instant you see it. You know this vibe, this dark energy by now. You've been fighting against it in the REAL SENSE AND MEANING for some time.
It's a ritual spot, where the damned gather to spill yet more blood, making the location soured ground where evil spirits—demons—pass from one dimension, into our own. The more they use it, the bigger it gets. When enough blood has been spilled, even darker spirits beyond the legions, start to come through; the entire region turns to outright shite because of it. Think of the terrible wastelands of our modern cities. These portals ARE THAT REASON.
Passing a law doesn't bring evil; the actions of the people in a region, do.
Your actions turn that around.
That makes you ENEMY NUMBER ONE to the dark side. Period.
So what. You have the Holy Spirit of the Most High God, YHVH. You ALREADY KNOW who is really in charge and are fearless, remember?
You proceed as you do with deliverance ministry, with a few minor additions. With your RIGHT HAND facing the direction of the portal, whether standing in it (hand palm down toward the ground, left hand held high, palm open to YHVH), or ten feet away or ten thousand miles (left hand as before, palm in the general direction of the Heaven, you take a beat and seek His Grace. You'll literally feel a connection with Him, sometimes a slight electric and painless shock from top to bottom, in an instant and over just as quickly, other times, you are already connected and on fire, so to say. After a while, the connection, electric pulse, and fire, just stay constantly on forever. As it has been with me for 17 years.
In the Holy Name and Blood of Yeshua our Christ,
I command and rebuke the spirits at this place.
I bind you all NOW.
I command you in His Name to be banished to the dry places, deep below.
I SEAL this place and reclaim the earth here in the Name and Blood of Yeshua our Christ.
I ask our Heavenly Father that He close this portal, henceforth, and forever.
I always feel slightly drained after one of these. For a few seconds, which quickly passes. Each time you do this, YOU become a walking, talking portal of His Grace, Goodness, and Mercy. For you are changing, in subtle ways. You are a man of God now. You serve, heal, save, clear, clean, and protect in His Name and Love. You speak not of it. You don't seek praise or honor; you shun these things, you want only that ALL GLORY goes to the Most High Adonai YHVH and His Son Yeshua. That's all you want. That's all you see. That's your hope for others.
In the meantime your walk with Him continues apace. Bless you, brother. You are becoming a good man, a decent sort.
Yes, even the people you love will hate you; for they love the darkness more. You judge them not and love them, regardless. That is who you are now.
May your walk be blessed by the most High Forever. Amen.
PS. Hey Zahi? This guy...
closed this ritual spot of yours (I know about the tomb of Osiris, have for twenty years) - TODAY.
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An ugly place made more ugly in the last twenty years. That time is past. |