If it's an elemental, its one of the lower choirs of angels.
If it's in the plant kingdom, angels again.
Animal kingdom is their own soul, albeit rather new.
Human is of God, divine in creation and in potential as to become a Son of God, as are the higher angels. Believe upon Yeshua does that for the human being; they become a son of God. Bene Elohim.
The Air |
Watcher - Spirit of the Air |
Every bit of ground you step on is teeming with life |
Mountain Sentinel - Mountain Regent, a type of royalty in the forest. |
Sentinels can be revealed even after a thunderstorm, making a new canyon in the desert. |
Fire Spirit makes an appearance. All spirits like and want two things, on these angelic levels: to be appreciated and to be loved. See, they have needs and wants too. |
Yep. |
Giving evening oblations to Yeshua and find I'm not the only one doing on the hilltop. |
Reminding folks there is a God above; His name is YHVH. |
A visitor and servant of the Most High. |
A fire demon - this was an arson fire. Very dangerous. |
taming the shrew. |
The seas are literal kingdoms with great beings whom serve the Most High down to the smallest drop of living water. |