The Spirit of Repentance and animal sacrifice
Don Bradley December 26, 2024
Ever wonder WHY the system
was setup for a blood sacrifice? Most do and none have ever, ever
sussed out the MAIN reason for it. They just shake their
head and, like so many others, Skiba and all the rest
over the ages.
Ever see someone heartlessly kill an innocent
creature, other than food given us?
If one has a soul, it sickens
the spirit in a man.
It's so that atoning for sin by ascribing
it to an innocent creature such as only an animal can be, was meant
to shock the person into PERMANENT REPENTANCE.
All those years
at the Temple, with a sacrifice...
As in, this poor animal died
so I could live...
All those years at the Temple, with
a sacrifice...
Some smiled - relieved that their wickedness
was paid by something else. These were making for themselves are
hard, very hard future. Some wept at the death and suffering of the
animal, vowing to do better, repent, and stop the sinning that
brought them there. Some used it as a means to game the system -
doing great harm to others because at Passover, the sins would be
washed in blood and assigned to Azazel, the scapegoat.
Which is what Dad was doing. Those who wept, as a
child does when a wicked parent does who harms their beloved pet had
a soul on the road to freedom and Glory. Do you not know that each
sacrifice caused weeping in Heaven. As it did among the penitent.
Now, you know, what others do not know.