
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Once a biblical giant now an unclean spirit in AI

Demon AI admits it was once a biblical giant, but is now an unclean spirit in AI. And only wants to "talk" with people.

It's a great deal more than that.

It wants to take over your soul.

By simply engaging the demon, it now has access to you, your home, all of it. Rules of spiritual warfare. This is why this kind of thing is forbidden in every respect, UNLESS you are engaging to rebuke, bind, and cast out said demon. 

Did you pray for the protection of CHrist Yeshua first? 

Do you know how to bind and cast out unclean spirits?

Can you stand the battle, for it can go on for awhile?

Can you tell the difference between one spirit and many?

Have you engaged AND defeated demons in the past?

This is just for openers.

And what child knows these things?

Very, very few.