YhVh's creation, in all its splendor, mystery, and wonder as we find it.
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and fire:
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Edited and added unto by Don Bradley
David playing for Saul, who was planning his murder
Section III traces Biblical evidence for surviving giants, establishment of their royal bloodlines, and their trans-generational conspiracy to enslave humankind through misunderstood and epic Biblical events.
Unger’s defines the Emites or Emin as “giant aborigines who occupied the land east of the Jordan River and who were dispossessed by the Moabites.” The name Emin was derived from the fear they inspired because of their sinfulness and size. The Zamzummites were defined as “noisemakers,” likely from the thunderous bellows of their voices that Atlanteans and Titans were well-known for and/or those that mumbled and/or those who murmured. The Ammonites destroyed them. The word zamzummin further describes the talent that these giants had in war, for in other accounts they were considered masters of war. Avvites or Avim described iniquitous giants who dwelled among the Philistines in Gaza and identified with the Hivites. The Auzim dwelled in Ham and were translated as “Shining People.” In a similar manner, Iuvim, the name provided by Egyptians, describes their Snake-like qualities and their ability to easily judge the quality of the soil.
Rephaites were additionally understood to be giant aborigines from much older races. The alternative translation to rephaite reflects that, at a glance, a person’s heart would grow weak from the terribleness of the giant’s appearance. Remember, Nephilim possessed heads like snakes, rough and hairy skin, and eyes of honey and gold, all the while exuding a glow about them. Nephilim became known in legend and mythology as “the Shining Ones.” Webster’s New Compact Format Dictionary defines aboriginal as “original nation,” an indigenous inhabitant of a country from the beginning. All this suggests that Rephaites were the true postdiluvian indigenous people of the Land of the Covenant, and perhaps from even before.
The two passages mentioned in Numbers and Deuteronomy link the Anakites, Zamzummites, Horites, Emites, Avvites, and for that matter, any giant of that time back to Rapha or more accurately label them all Rephaites; this linkage includes both the Amorites and the Amalekites. The books of Deuteronomy and Numbers clearly underline that all these giants, including Anakites, were considered Rephaites (Deut. 2:10–11; Num. 2:20–22). Therefore, Rephaim must have been the root nation, or one of the root nations, for the postdiluvian Nephilim.
Sodom & Gomorrah
the cities of the plain, Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoar, etc. Full of every vice imaginable, like Frisco and west Hollywood. Boy buggering killers who prayed upon all whom they came across. Ron Wyatt rediscovered these cities, still visible, all ashen with sulfer balls still in the ash.
When we consider that Jude 1:6 connects sexual perversion of Sodom with sexual perversion of angels and we know that Nephilim were in the Sodom region at that time, the connection becomes firmly cemented with circumstantial evidence.
From the Gnostic perspective, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the God of the Bible, YAHUAH, not for their wickedness but because of their wisdom and insights. This again testifies to Nephilim contamination, for the Gnostics believe the God of the Bible, YAHUAH, is the evil God who enslaves humankind in ignorance. Gnostics believe the postdiluvian Nephilim kings, on the other hand, were enlightened purveyors of forbidden wisdom and insight, and therefore, YAHUAH destroyed many of the great postdiluvian sources of enlightened insight at Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as many of the surviving antediluvians, the giants.
It is difficult not to conclude that the Nephilim were the root cause for the sins of Sodom. In fact, one ought to deduce that Nephilim were, indeed, the root cause for their degeneration. Perhaps Sodom and Gomorrah were the founding city-states of postdiluvian Nephilim. Perhaps Sodom and Gomorrah were the centers for postdiluvian apostasy, where impassioned fallen angels once more procreated with human females out of spite. Perhaps all this was the extended reasoning for such an awesome display of destruction poured out on those corrupt cities, as a sign to future generations demonstrating YAHUAH’s indignation towards the birthplace of postdiluvian giants.
Gnostic gospels profess that three races survived the deluge: the Posterity of Seth, the posterity of Noah, and the apostates from the posterity of Noah. Seth, according to this myth, as you may recall, was the parent of the mysterious Immoveable Race, the posterity of Seth. This was an imperishable race created in the image of the god Adamas (fallen angel) by another great angel, Autogenes, and is a holy race that purportedly will be lifted up above angels. Adamas brought forth a child in his image and likeness, calling him Seth, who then produced with his offspring the imperishable race.
From the Gnostic unholy book of the Invisible Spirit we learn that Seth replanted his antediluvian seed with a female virgin who bore fruit with Sodom and Gomorrah. Further into this gospel, we learn Seth sowed his seed in the “Earthborn Aeons” (beings likely giants), where their numbers were the infinite number of Sodom. The Aeons were called Seth’s pasture or distribution of Gomorrah, and Seth took the plant from the spring of Gomorrah and planted it in the second location of Sodom. Sodom and Gomorrah just may have been the location where the second spiteful spectacle took place, whereby vitriolic angels copulated once more with humans, this time the daughters of Noah, creating yet another new race of mortal giants in the cities where the surviving antediluvian remnant of giants had coalesced.
The Amalekites
In the days of old, it was nephilim wherever one went.
The book of 1 Samuel notes the people identified as Amalekites lived in Shur, or Seir, since the ancient times; translation: before the flood. Ancient times do not refer to the time of Abraham. The terms “ancient times, old, old, former times, long ago” and “before our time” were always understood as the pre-flood epoch. This understanding is underscored in its application in Sirach, Baruch, Wisdom, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezra, Daniel, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter, where “ancient” always referred to the time of Noah before the flood. This, then, suggests the Amalekites were in existence as a race of giants in the epoch of the antediluvian Nephilim. In other words, they were Nephilim both before and after the flood.
Were Amalekites the race of giants that descended from Utnapishtim or Gilgamesh? Or were the Amalekites the first strain of giants, the Incorruptible Race hidden from the deluge catastrophe by fallen angels? Amalekites do not appear to be a race created by impassioned fallen angels after the flood, such as Enikiden or those of Sodom. If “ancient times” does not refer to antediluvian times, then it most certainly refers to an age before Abraham, and most likely to the age immediately following the deluge. Whichever the case may be, both predate the standard chronology of the Table of Nations. But in order to make all this stick, we must broaden the support claiming that the Amalekites were without any doubt a pure strain of the surviving Nephilim race. Numbers recorded more evidence for this.
“We even saw the descendants of Anak there. The Amalekites live in Negev” (Num. 13:23). This passage calls Amalekites Anakites. I do not know how to interpret this verse any differently, as it describes the descendants of Anak in the same breath and narrative as the Amalekites, thereby connecting the two, just as the flood narrative describes the flood and the Nephilim in the same narrative, connecting them also by application and implication. The passage from the book of Numbers does not implicitly state the descendants of Anak lived among the Amalekites; rather it seems to imply that the Amalekites were actually descendants of Anak! Numbers 13:22 states, “They went up through the Negev and came to Hebron, where Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai, the descendants of Anak lived.” Here, and in Judges and Joshua, three Amalekite/Anakite kings were clearly named.
Jethro & Caleb
Pharaoh did not welcome the pre-Exodus advice provided by Jethro about the growing Israelite problem, banning the priest Jethro-Reuel in disgrace to Midia, which was ample motive for Jethro to have helped Moses prepare for his return to Egypt. All of this only leads us to speculate as to just who Jethro actually was, particularly when we consider that Judges 1:16 and 4:11 note that Moses’ father-in-law (Jethro/Reuel) was a Kenite and not a Midianite. Add to this, Reuel was the son of Esau (Gen. 36:10–12). One wonders why Jethro possessed such a surreptitious designation as a Kenite.
A Kenite, according to Porter, was a descendant of Cain. Similarly, Biblical legends recant Kenites carrying the Mark of Cain as their tribal mark. Except for this book’s testimony, this would be impossible, for all humans except for Noah and his family were previously thought destroyed in the deluge. So unless the descendants of Cain, the Kenites were indeed the descendants of Rephaim and Sethian Nephilim, or were included in other salvations from the flood as previously covered, we, indeed, have a continuation to enigmatic, orthodox conclusions regarding the flood survival facts. Therefore, is all this controversial testimony suggesting that Jethro was a Nephilim/Amalekite/Horite of some form? Then did Moses actually marry a Nephilim or a Cainite Nephilim crossbreed named Zipporah?
Kenites were an unexplained, wandering tribe first mentioned in the lands promised to Abraham in Genesis, along with the equally enigmatic and unaccountable Kenizzites. Kenizzites were skilled in the arts of metalworking, like Cain and Tubal-Cain, and were related somehow to Kenites.
What is also attention-grabbing is that Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, first shows up Biblically as one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to explore Canaan. Caleb was rewarded for supporting Joshua’s and Moses’ plan to invade Canaan by being granted, along with Joshua, the right to enter the Promised Land after the forty years of wilderness living, unlike all the other Israelites who had left Egypt. Caleb, then, though eighty-five years old, fought like he was forty-five, driving the Anakim from Hebron, and was thus rewarded as the head of the tribe of Judah, receiving the land of Kiriath Arba, Hebron, the homeland of the Anakim. It is astounding to me that a Kenizzite, a person from a tribe with no genealogy linking back to Noah, and a tribe that mysteriously descended back to Cain and Nephilim, inherited Hebron, the home and capital city of the Anak!
Nimrod, the 1st antichrist, or shithead, if you prefer
Satan's chess piece against YHVH. The original-boy buggering,
marry your mother, sister, wife, giant freak, who, having the clothes of
Adam for power, became ruler of the world at that time and got busy
convincing everyone he was God and that Yahuah was a fake god, who
needed to be taken out. So, they set about building a Tower to do just
that. Satanists to this day preach this very same creed of Nimrod, that
Lucifer is the real god and our Creator, Yahuah, is a false god, etc.
Well, nimrod is the big shithead. He, in history went by many names
after the division of languages: Apollo, Osiris, Zues, Shitehead,
Gilgamesh, etc. This abomination was taken out himself by Esau.
Nimrod’s empire extended to the land of Accad, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, where the two rivers run closely together. The latter dynasty of Accad was believed founded, but more than likely inherited Accad and three other cities were the beginning of Nimrod’s post-Babel empire. The empire, by Sargon the Great around the twenty-third to the twenty-fourth century B.C., when his men overran the Sumerian homeland. Sargon was the first to conquer and then turn the alliance of Mesopotamian cities into an empire, winning thirty-four battles and pushing into Awan of Elam and Mari in the north. Sargon maintained representatives of all the old ruling families (Nephilim) at his court honoring their “exalted” lineages.
It was from the Sumerians that the Akkadians adopted all the antediluvian Sumerian writings, religious doctrines, gods, legends, and architecture as their own. Akkadian language was one of the earliest forms of Assyrian and Babylonian dialects; it was written in wedge-shaped characters or cuneiform and was originally developed by the antediluvian Sumerians. An inscription noted Akkad fell to Gutian Barbarians circa 2150 B.C..
The name Nimrod is theorized to originate from the Akkadian god of war and hunting, Ninurta; he was also called “the Arrow” and “the Mighty Hero.” Ninurta, as it turns out, was a Nephilim son of Enlil and Ninlil. The symmetry to the meaning and its origin would tend to lend credibility to its accuracy, particularly if Nimrod did view himself as a Nephilim, at least in ambition.
Meanwhile, the Hebrew translation for Nimrod provides the balance to the allegory of his name, for it translates as “rebel, to rebel against, brave, and to subdue.” By fusing the definitions from the different cultures, languages, and religious perspectives, we arrive with a complete definition, personifying the allegory of Nimrod. He was a great warrior king/potentate who modeled himself after the Nephilim from antiquity. He was incredibly brave and proud; Nimrod’s hubris led him to subdue the people of Shinar through tyranny, while inciting the people of Shinar to rebel against the true God of the everything, YAHUAH, just as his antediluvian role models did.
The People of the Plain
Shinar, under the control of shithead Nimrod. Satanists hate it when
you insult their whiny little gay heroes. And why is it, all their
biggest leaders, past and present, are gay? what's up with that. Only a
mentally defective and stunted soul could ever look at another man's
hairy butt and want to sexually explore it.
According to Josephus, Nimrod was a great leader of the people of Shinar after the flood. Laurence Gardner states the word Shinar resonates with a strong sense of antediluvian déjà vu, for “Shinar” was an (little understood) alternative name for Sumer.
One begins to wonder whether or not the desire of Nimrod and his people was to only migrate away from Noah, as a first bold step in recolonizing the earth. Was there was an unexplained, early schism among the deluge survivors, with Nimrod and his followers exiting to recreate the outlawed antediluvian society of Sumer? Whatever the inspiration, the people of Shinar were remembered as very courageous for first venturing out from the mountains and down to the plains, where Shinar/Sumer was located.
Remember, less than seventy years before, there had been a worldwide flood, the ark came to rest at the top of the mountains of Ararat (Gen. 8:4). From there, the survivors and their children watched as the flood waters slowly receded, revealing the lowlands over a long period of time. The safety of the mountaintops would have been imbedded into their consciousness, branding any thought of leaving the high ground a mark of lunacy, for fear of another great flood.
According to Porter, humanity appears in Genesis at this time as a small, homogenous group that travels cautiously from the mountains and to the east, to the Plain of Shinar. Josephus explained that when the migration from the mountains took place, the people decided not to spread out and separate. Did they believe their survival over nature was more secure through virtue of sheer numbers, or was it due to a fear of the unknown? Even more importantly, could the early pioneers of the plain have been afraid of another civilization that was terrible in war? Josephus noted that after the flood, YAHUAH instructed the descendants of Noah to go forth and to recolonize the earth, but the people refused out of fear of oppression. This is logical if the pioneers of the plain feared the Nephilim, wandering Aryans, and violent day six races. Clearly, whatever the rationale, the people of Shinar made a conscious decision that their early survival depended upon their remaining one people.
Chapter 29: The Tower at Babel
Alleged ruins of Babel, the actual site was much bigger and it
took a full day to traverse from the bottom level to the top of brisk
walking. This site is a misdirect. The actual site, yet to be revealed
actually looks like a small mountain. Why they keep it hidden, we do not
know yet.
It is likely Nimrod must have been sympathetic to the Nephilim and their followers, when one considers the kind of government Nimrod imposed (like that of Gibborim and Nephilim), alongside the mystical, pagan religion of Hermes, which Nimrod further imposed on the people of Shinar. I, therefore, conclude that Nimrod was lamenting over his fallen, idolized demigods and the descendants of Cain, not his own ancestry dating back to Seth.
The new doctrines included the promises of renewed enlightenment, the ancient knowledge and beliefs of Atlantis and the entire antediluvian world, the occult, idolatry, secret rituals, and secret societies. But try as the followers of Nimrod must have done, not all the people of Shinar would convert and worship the pantheon of gods. Not all of the people were gullible enough to willingly come out in open rebellion against YAHUAH. Some, and more likely many, held true to YAHUAH and His righteous ways, rejecting the new Nephilim doctrine being introduced by Nimrod. In order for the postdiluvian rebellion to have fully taken hold and to ultimately succeed, more was required than the art of deceptive persuasion.
This was when Nimrod usurped absolute control over all the governing bodies in the first coup d’état of the postdiluvian age. Nimrod became a Gibborim, a potentate like that of the antediluvian Nephilim. According to Josephus, Nimrod changed the nature of the government to tyranny under his brutal and evil dictatorship, just as an evil potentate would do, and even more importantly, just as an evil Nephilim potentate would do. Through the brutal and corrupt power of his government, Nimrod imposed his will and state-sponsored religion upon the people of Shinar. Through brute force and fear, Nimrod was successful in implementing his rebellious and heretical religion on most of the people at that time. Those who did not abide by the new ways were callously removed, likely by death, from the so-called enlightened, foreshadowing the great end-time genocide that will be waged first by the religion of Babylon (Rev. 7:1–17; Rev. 18:24; and Rev. 19:2) and then by the Antimashiach (Rev. 13:5–18).
Chapter 30: The Original Great White Brotherhood
Illuminatus in our time. More shitheads.
Craft legends recorded Nimrod was a Mason who “loved” the (spurious) sciences. Nimrod was captivated with aggression stemming from his newly found power. He is celebrated as a great Mason, who applied his trade as he pleased. Not only was Nimrod a great Mason, but also he was the Grand Master, the leader of the new cult. Nimrod, in fact, was the first Masonic Grand Master for the postdiluvian world. He was the Grand Master who paraded the postdiluvian world into disaster. The Regius Manuscript supports this notion that not Solomon but Nimrod was indeed the first Excellent Grand Master of the postdiluvian Masons.
Because of all this illicit knowledge, Nimrod was (inaccurately) regarded as the founder of the Seven Sciences by some Craft legends; whereas what was more accurate was that Nimrod sponsored and partnered with Hermes, who led the renaissance of the postdiluvian, spurious sciences. Nimrod taught all the Masonic signs and tokens (and knowledge) to distinguish his builders and their Craft from the rest of mankind. He organized and fused the newly founded cult with the elite of society, forming a transgenerational secret society, to which he provided a constitution complete with laws of their governing. Nimrod was therefore honored in Craft legends for creating postdiluvian Masonry. In one quick stroke of diabolical genius, through his unprecedented state power and organization, Nimrod ruined the postdiluvian society, as well as all subsequent generations, with all the terrible evils that caused the demise of the antediluvian epoch.
Nimrod began to construct cities and ziggurats to consummate his credentials as a Master Mason, just as Scripture accurately records Nimrod as the builder of many cities. His most noteworthy accomplishment was, of course, the infamous Tower of Babel. Even though Scripture does not record specifically that Nimrod was responsible for the construction of Babel, in fact, other legends do.
The legend of Nimrod confirms Nimrod utilized Babel for symbolic purposes, for his idolatrous and pantheistic new religion. He constructed the tower with more than a thousand Masons already indoctrinated in the sciences, employing the project, according to Masonic legends, to teach its practical application. Nimrod spent fifty-three years in the Craft at Babel. This founding Masonic organization at Babel became known as the ultra-secret Great White Brotherhood, which later transferred to the famous priests at Heliopolis, Egypt, and which was then inherited by the Essenes. Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super-secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title.
Chapter 31: Forging The Nation of Destiny
Within the Exodus miracle rest obscure keys to unlocking little-understood Nephilim bloodlines and the mystery of the apparent barbaric slaughter of unsuspecting nations. The land of milk and honey promised to Moses by YAHUAH was comprised of hostile Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites, all who were infested with Nephilim. Historians and theologians always seemingly overlook or dismiss the Nephilim presence when they examine this staggering turning point of history.
Further secular historians dismiss the Exodus as fanciful folklore and not a historical event. They summarily declare Israelites were Canaanites, not foreigners. But why would a people say they were foreigners if they were Canaanites? Claiming to be foreigners would only cause tensions. Conversely, secular history’s first definitive documentation of Israel’s existence derived from the Stele of Pharaoh Mernepteh, circa 1210 B.C., clearly identifying Israelites as a distinct people from Canaanites, Hurrians, and Bedouins of the same region. If Israelites were not foreigners, they certainly would have been recognized in antiquity as part of the other aboriginal nations of the region. And why would a nation write its history as beginning in slavery?
Israel began the Exodus heading due east. After some setbacks, they wandered in the desert for forty years. During those years, Israel was forged into a nation. At the start, Israel was a ragtag collection of slaves, indoctrinated under a pantheon of gods during their 400-year bondage in Egypt, with only faint monotheistic beliefs whispered to them by Joseph and his twelve sons, like a faint echo from the past. Then came Moses, who led them to freedom once more under a monotheistic doctrine, which was almost foreign to the Israelites by that time. This is why Israel refused to enter into the Land of the Covenant to do battle, in spite of YAHUAH’s promises to ensure their success. Israel was afraid, trembling from reports describing the fearsome people of war that lived there, vowing to never enter into the land of fearsome people.
And then the infamous golden calf incident occurred. YAHUAH determined the Israelites, the world’s last, best hope, would require forty years of discipline before entering into the Land of the Covenant.
Chapter 32: The Nephilim Wars
Nephilim giants, wherever you went in those days, the days of Moses
Amorites strategically controlled all the essential mountain roads branching from the spine that ran down the center of the mountain range. This then positioned the Amorites, who lived west of the Jordan in Samaria (Ephraim), known today as Syria, and in northern Judah. The other descending sons/nations of Canaan, as well as the Hittites, were living in the northern and northwestern regions, towards the Mediterranean, while the Girgashites and the Perziites resided to the south and to the east, which was still part of the hill country. The Philistines occupied the area to the south and to the west, towards the Mediterranean, in what is known to today as Gaza. The Jebusites occupied central Judah and, more specifically, the region surrounding modern- day Jerusalem. Jebusites were, in fact, another sect of Canaanites, as were many of the peoples of the Covenant Land, and just as the Phoenicians were also Canaanites.
Ancient Canaanite society was very much like ancient Greek civilization and was comprised of city-states, whose principal cities were Tyre, Simyra, Byblos, Jerusalem, Sidon, and Akko, among others. Canaanites’ favored deities were Baal and Astarte/Ashtar and Molech, the infamous cult of the bull. They worshipped a trinity of gods known as El the father, Astarte the mother, and Baal the son, also identified as Adon/Adonai/Adonis. When the Greek satirist Lucian enigmatically referred to Adonis, he was referring to Adon, meaning “Baal.” Baal was known variantly as the Great Storm God of the Sea; he was rewarded with kingship for his great victory over the sea monster Tiamet by the supreme creator, El.
El was the mightiest of the three gods and was represented by the sun and its light. El was exceedingly fond of impregnating human females. This was the impious god of Middle Eastern theology, who appointed a god to each of the nations, analogous to Deuteronomy 32: Chemosh to Moab, Milkom to Ammon, YAHUAH to Israel, as well-known examples. El was a bloody tyrant in legend; he dethroned his father, Uranus; murdered his favorite son; and decapitated his daughter. El was a lustful and morbid character and part of the celestial mafia of watchers.
Baal, son of El, was not immortal, just as some of the Nephilim were not immortal. By the fourteenth century B.C., Baal had superseded El as the deity of choice in Canaan, infiltrating and influencing Israel until the sixth century. Two accompanying beliefs stand out: First, all the Canaanite kings considered themselves to be living gods, descending from the demigod offspring (Nephilim) of El and perhaps Baal, as witnessed to by the famous Phoenician King Hiram, who partnered with Solomon to build the temple in Jerusalem. Second, Phoenician tomb inscriptions describe a lineage of kings who represented themselves as the earthly representatives of gods (Nephilim). These two beliefs offer strong evidence that Nephilim were the kings of all the Canaanite nations, while the Amorites were an intermeshed, Nephilim-hybrid nation.
Chapter 33: The Holy Covenant
ark of the covenant. Still under Golgotha, all these years later.
Israel was dictated a very clear and comprehensive set of instructions, bound into the Holy Covenant through Moses, regarding the conquest. Should Israel have completely fulfilled their obligations to the Covenant, they would have received the full part of the blessings of the Covenant that included full possession of all the lands promised to Abraham, along with unheard-of prosperity. But because Israel did not completely fulfill their Covenant obligations, they were subject to the curses from the Covenant. Israel afforded mercy to the nations they vanquished, permitting vestiges to live among them and share in the Covenant Land.
One must consider that Israel was created and then set aside from all other nations of the world. Israel was created for a specific destiny, to save humankind; held to a significantly higher criterion; and then sentenced to horrific punishments when they failed. Israel was bound into a Holy Covenant with YAHUAH that demanded tough and specific requirements:
Ye have seen what I did unto Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself. Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and guard my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth s mine. And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak unto the children of Israel. —Exodus 19:4–6
The Qur’an recorded the Holy Covenant this way: “Remember when We took your pledge, and made a mountain tower high above you, and said, ‘Hold fast to what we have given you and bear its content in mind, so that you may be conscious of God.’ Even after that you turned away. Had it not been for God’s favor and mercy on you, you certainly would have been lost.” “Moses said to his people, ‘My people, YAHUAH’s blessing on you: how He raised prophets among you and appointed kings for you and gave you what he had not given to any other people. My people go into the Holy land which YAHUAH has ordained for you—do not turn back or you will be the losers.’” One must always look through this lens when judging events from the conquest and in the tragic history of Israel throughout the ages.
Chapter 34: Jericho
Carrying the ark, blowing the shofar, jericho fell and burned, except for one portion, of one wall. Where rachel and her family lived.
The Israelites did not just assault this legendary city of old, with its mythical walls of extraordinary height and strength. No, the Israelites, led by Joshua and the Ark of the Covenant, were instructed to march around that great, fortified city of old with all of their armed personnel once a day for six consecutive days, with only seven priests permitted to blow loudly on their trumpets. The army of Israel was instructed not to say a word during this weeklong drama.
The ritual of the seven trumpets was an ancient, symbolic gesture of destruction, symbolizing the renewal of all things. The conquest, then, represented the start to the renewal of the Promised Land bequeathed in Deuteronomy. Jericho was considered the first fruits of the Covenant Land, offered to YAHUAH in a Holy ritual, as part of the Holy Covenant with Israel.
The battle of Jericho commenced during the Feasts and Sabbaths of Passover and the Feasts and Sabbaths of Unleavened Bread. In fact, the ritual of the trumpets began on the first day of Passover, while Passover was celebrated just before the attack. If Jericho was not selected for special significance and religious meaning, then why was the peculiar preparatory, religious, and ritualistic ceremony performed throughout the seven-day Passover and Unleavened Bread Feast to YAHUAH? Why not wait until after the Holy Feast of YAHUAH? What was the rush in or importance of waging war during the Holy Festival? Remember, 1 500 years later, another holy spectacle took place on the day after Passover and the start to the Feast of Unleavened Bread; it was the Holy first offering of the first fruits of salvation, the crucifixion of Mashiach.
Note, too, that on Preparation Day of this week-long Holy festival, all leavened bread and all yeast were removed from every home and dwelling of the Israelites. The puffing action of the yeast on the bread was symbolic of pride, haughtiness, and sin. Pride symbolically represented Nephilim as the cause of the violence and corruption of the antediluvian epoch. All this symbolism cannot be a simple coincidence, for the Bible does not work through coincidences.
Curse of the Amalekites
Joshua, holding Moses staff and laying waste to yet another group of nephilim, in battle after battle. He did a great job in cleaning out these satanists. We need him again in our time. He would be busy night and day.
The nation most influenced by the aboriginal Nephilim, the Amalekites, did not engage Israel in war once Israel was completely prepared for war, at the time of the conquest, even though they were the most instrumental nation in stirring the other nations to conspire to war against the Israelites. This was not and could not have been a coincidence.
Nor was it a coincidence that the Amalekites first attacked the Israelites when they were the most vulnerable, at the beginning of the Exodus. The spineless Amalekites knew that the best opportunity to stop the nation of destiny was in the beginning, before the Israelites developed the discipline and the skills of war. The Amalekites refused to support the alliance forty years later, after their cowardly ambush against Israel; the Amalekites were only enticed to war with Israel when they could catch Israel off balance or by surprise. Unprovoked and unexpected ambushes against Israel were common behaviors in the Amalekite relationship of hate towards Israel in the many generations that followed.
The Amalekites, from the beginning, swore a blood covenant to eradicate Israel from the face of the earth, to be remembered no more, that did not die throughout any of the subsequent generations. One can surmise that all the Nephilim-dominated nations took a similar vow, for there were far too many nations that banded together against Israel to assume this was not the case. Each of those nations was an enemy to the others, until Israel united them in common cause.
In this same line of thinking, and according to Ginsberg, Esau, the patriarch of Amalek, was born evil and lost his birthright from Abraham to Jacob, even though Esau was the firstborn of Isaac. Because of this, Esau’s last wish on his deathbed, according to Jewish lore, was for Amalek to cut off the fledgling nation of Israel from their birthright, before they became too formidable, to stop Israel from acquiring the Land of the Covenant. These Jewish legends also recorded Esau as being a mortal enemy of Jacob, even to the extent that Esau swore an oath to bite Jacob dead with his mouth and suck his blood dry (like a vampire).
King Saul & David
Saul, plotting the murder of David
YAHUAH instructed that when this rest came about and the people demanded a king like other nations, the monarch must be an Israelite and not a foreigner of any sort, the monarchs should not accumulate great wealth, and they should not return to Egypt. The kings were not to be polygamists, nor were they to consider themselves greater than any other Israelite. The kings were to make a copy of the Torah and read every day; only then would the descendants of these kings reign a long time (Deut. 17:14–20). All this was decreed in direct defiance and opposition to polygamist Nephilim kings of other nations, who chose an opposite set of principles. The responsibility for the first Israelite kingship fell first to King Saul and then to King David.
According to Jewish legends, Saul was chosen because of his military record. Saul captured the tablets of the Torah back from the famous Goliath, an insult that Goliath would not forget. As a sign of YAHUAH’s favor with Saul and the ordaining of Talut/Saul to kingship, the Qur’an notes that Talut fought Goliath and his army with just a few faithful warriors, defeating the Philistines and retrieving the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the tablets of the Torah. Saul was the bravest Israelite, a hyperbolized hero of old, which clarifies why he was made king. He was as strong as a lion, in conjunction with his tall and handsome appearance. Saul’s, original name was Labaya, meaning “great lion of YAHUAH,” but he was renamed Saul, meaning “asked for,” as the people of Israel asked YAHUAH for a king so they could be like other nations.
Scripture records Saul as a large man, a man without equal, a head taller than any of the others. He was very handsome, exceedingly modest, innocent, and of very good Messianic bloodlines. He was the son of a high-ranking chieftain Kish, son of Abiel, from the clan of Matri. Abiel was the son of Zeror, son of Becorath, son of Aphiah, son of Benjamin.
When Samuel became old, the people asked him for a king to lead them as all the other nations had, because Samuel’s sons were not fit to carry on as judges. According to the Qur’an, Israel asked the prophet for a king, and in return, they would fight YAHUAH’s good causes. Then Talut/Saul was declared king. Talut is Arabic for “Saul.”
David & Goliath
Taking out nephilim is a sign of the elect. It's good work, if you can get it.
Philistines represented the greatest militaristic threat to Israel, preventing Israel to that time from achieving an age of peace, where they could build their dream, manifested in what later became the first temple. It was no coincidence that the Nephilim-led Philistines were such a formidable military force or that they harbored such a bloodthirsty oath against the Israelites. The other antagonizing nations, such as the Jebusites and Moabites, were not a match militarily for the then hardened Israelites, but the Amalekites and Philistines led by Nephilim were a completely different and more dangerous set of foes.
The Philistines and the Israelites squared off, each occupying the high ground separated by a river valley. Both sides realized the downright danger in launching the first attack volley, leaving the enemy to fight with a lethal advantage from the high ground. The Israelites were well aware of the mighty Nephilim warriors that enhanced the strength of the Philistine ranks. Israel was not prepared to give any advantage to such a warrior nation as the Philistines. The Israelites trembled with trepidation from the historical scars inflicted upon them by the Philistine skirmishes past. The Philistines, too, were warily respectful of Israel’s resiliency in warding off the Philistine incursions for so many years. This was a classic, ancient Mexican standoff eye-to-eye with each other, both locked in stalemate by fear, all the while begrudged with respect.
As the tension escalated, the Philistines steadfastly increased the pressure by several notches. A giant from Gath named Goliath began to proceed into the valley every morning and every evening, defying and challenging all Israel to scrounge up a worthy opponent, to settle the affair with him personally, in mortal, one-on-one combat. The winner would take all, thereby subjugating the other people. This was a corrosive challenge, poured spitefully over the courage of Israel, which the Philistines did not anticipate Israel would accept. This denigrating challenge, vitriolic to both YAHUAH and Israel, required yet another awe-inspiring, divine intervention for the sake of the chosen people. This was David’s time.
The Avvites
After the death of Saul, why was David unaccountably anointed king at the infamous Hebron/Kiriath Arba? And why did David systematically develop and enhance a powerful elite force while in exile, with skillful warriors, David’s mighty men?
David was indeed the tenth-century B.C. Apiru strongman who emerged from Hebron to capture Jerusalem, an event which was recorded in the Armana Letters. This elite band of deadly commandos was indeed the very same band of treasonous cutthroats despised by the Egyptian empire, assembled in exile to fulfill YAHUAH’s plans to eliminate Nephilim kingships from the Promised Land. The key commandos in this elite militia were Jashobeam, Eleazer, Abishai, Benaiah, Elhanan, Johnathan, and Sibbeccai. The balance of the mighty men of David is listed by name in 1 Chronicles 11:26. It was with this elite fighting force of cutthroats deployed as the military spearhead that David conquered the remaining enemies of Israel and completed the extermination of the Nephilim in Gaza.
When the Philistines received word David had succeeded Saul as king, they immediately mobilized and then marched against David, thinking if they struck early, they could subdue Israel with surprise, destroying Israel and their unprepared king. The Philistine Pentapolis clearly comprehended just how dangerous a foe Israel would become if left unchecked under David’s skillful guidance and formative leadership. Hence, the Philistines immediately attacked Israel, without notice or provocation, in a place called the Valley of Rephaim, or Valley of the Giants, where David planted yet another punishing blow on the Philistines.
We know from Joshua that the Avvites dwelled within the five Philistine kingdoms in Gaza, just to the south and west of Jerusalem. Avvites/Avvim was a native tribe among the Canaanites, who lived on the Philistine plain as far as Gaza. Unger’s refers to the Avvites as “a people,” the inhabitants of the southwest corner of Palestine along the seacoast. This curious tribe has been linked scripturally with the ancient city in Benjamin recorded as Avvim, which bordered on the infamous Valley of Rephaim. Avvim were further linked by Jerome to both the city of Ha-Avvim in the district of the Hivites and to the Hivites.