YhVh's creation, in all its splendor, mystery, and wonder as we find it.
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and fire:
Sunday, November 5, 2017
The Worldwide Testimony for the existence of Nephilim, we call mythology today
edited and added by Don Bradley
Nephilim giants, worshiped as demi-gods by the enslaved humanity. It
was for these monsters, vicious and cruel, that the flood came to be.
After the flood, the nephilim appeared again, and were worshiped again
with new names, but the same problems as before.
Section II identifies the same conspiracy dutifully recorded in religions and cultures across the world, documenting the shocking survival of giants, secret societies, and mystical religions into the post flood world.
The Black Heads
Giant Nephilim, the offspring of other nephilim - big heads, six
fingers and toes, red hair usually, and extremely cruel and heartless in
the extreme, beyond anything we know today. Except that there are men
and women, belonging to satanic covens, that are most certainly, cruel
and vicious, heartless monsters. They walk among us, appearing to be
like us, but are a synagogue of Satan.
According to Sumerian traditions derived from the Assyrian tablets, the first humans were known as the “Black Heads.” Although most of the antediluvian clay tablets have been lost to history, many survived to the time of Ashurbanipal, circa 668–633 B.C. Ashurbanipal noted that he possessed antediluvian tablets in his library, boasting that he was “learned” in the translation of those precious, ancient Sumerian texts. He is the first known king to collect clay tablets into a large library at Nineveh, collecting 30 000 tablets, including the Epic of Gilgamesh.
What was most intriguing about the Black Heads was that they were the antediluvian Sumerians, according to Alford. Cahill notes that, in fact, the Sumerians actually called themselves the “Black-Headed People.” One wonders whether the Black Head was both a specifically descriptive and analogous appellation in contrast to the blond-and red-headed Nephilim. Black Heads recorded in their legends that all tools, weapons, and marvelous inventions were provided to them by the gods. Evidently, even the Sumerian language is completely distinct and unrelated to any of the language families of the world, suggesting perhaps that it, too, came from the gods. Sumerian tablets clearly state the Sumerians received all of their knowledge of historical events before civilized man was created, directly from the heavenly Anunnaki gods. This declaration clearly suggests a heretofore Biblically unaccounted for period of uncivilized nomadic Black Heads and a specific turning point of history towards civilization.
Again, one further wonders whether the Black Heads were, in fact, part of the race of people created in day six. Consider the case of the iceman mummy discovered in the Alps, dated to circa 3300–4000 B.C. The iceman’s civilization, and all other antediluvian civilizations stretching across worldwide, void of the physical presence of the dark angels, remained stalled at a technological state of the nomadic hunter and gatherer. According to Bauer, no story written or otherwise emerges out of Neolithic man—only a pattern of life. Now compare Neolithic man of the same era to the Sumerians that arrived in Mesopotamia, circa 3500–4500 B.C., and established writing, circa 3200 B.C. Hence, civilizations such as Sumeria, Egypt, and Atlantis that liberally intermingled with the gods suddenly and inextricably appeared out of thin air as highly advanced, technical civilizations built around an agrarian economy in which the people dwelled in cities.
Isis, Ishtar, Gaea, & Ninkhursag different names by culture, but the same nasty skank
Semiramis, Isis, Diana queen of heaven, Lilith, Jezebel, this nasty
skank has many names and is and always was, the very worst of what is
Ninkhursag was celebrated as the Serpent Lady in Sumerian literature, denoting her as the prevailing Grail/Dragon queen of the Ring Lords. Ninkhursag’s womb became famous within Grail, Dragon, Fairy, and Ring culture and with Legomin literature as the Messianic succession of the uterine womb, the Chalice of the Grail Queen, which marked the perpetual dragon succession and the maternal blood. Ninkhursag’s matrilineal blood, the Rosi Crucis, also known alternatively as the “Nectar of Supreme Excellence” and “Star Fire,” are additional important allegories that I will cover later.
The rings were the primary devices of the Anunnaki gods, who established earthly kingship from 4000 B.C. What is important to note here is that Ninkhursag/Mother Earth copulated with the god Anu or Enki, both gods at the apex of the Sumerian pantheon, producing mighty men of renown for kingships, which became in lore the earth born Anunnaki, very much like the Nephilim of Genesis. The Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki held the ring(s) of kingship at Nippur to bind the Anunnaki kings in unity. The earthly Anunnaki were the illegal, evil potentates and kings of the antediluvian epoch. The infamous rings of kingship were the basis for Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as a plethora of alternative literature and tales, including the Gau’old’s transport rings allegorized into the Star Gate television series.
The Canaanites also held that Astarte was the wife of the god Bel/Baal. Astarte held appellations, including the Great Mother of Fertility, the Queen of Heaven, and the Great Mother, just as her other counterparts in the Greek, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian pantheons did. Astarte was also known in other Middle Eastern pantheons as Astoreth and Asherah, as well as Athtart, Ashtoreth, Ashtaroth, and most notably, Ishtar in Akkad, Assyria, and Babylon. Ishtar was further known in antediluvian Sumeria as Innana. Ishtar, not surprisingly, was the female human who slept with the fallen angel Azazel/Shemyaza, from whom she learned the true name of YAHUAH. One then wonders whether Baal, the Canaanite storm god, or Uranus was Azazel.
The term “Mother Earth” represented in ancient mythology throughout the world was the female womb that produced a race of giants through a union with a (god-like) male force.
The Great World Myth
Many names, because of the division at Babel on the plains of
Shinar, but talking about the same people, Nimrod and Semiramis, et al
Why are Mediterranean deluge and giant myths not restricted to Mediterranean cultures?
Frank Joseph notes the deluge cataclysm was a common heritage throughout the world and throughout humanity—that it is the one great world myth, which without explanation, bizarrely binds us all to one birthright. The Old Testament version is but one of over 500 different and distinct recollections of the same set of events. It is from this line of thought, then, that one is required to understand the word “cataclysm” stems from the Greek word kataklysmos; it was always specifically assigned to the deluge event.
Seemingly, deluge and Nephilim memories were safeguarded among the diverse peoples of the world dispersed from Babel and/or the far-flung peoples documented to have survived the flood in other traditions. It is my contention that the deluge is the most prominent historical fact binding all nations, all cultures, and all peoples of this world together to one common heritage. The uncanny and unaccountable consistency of memories echoing the deluge conflagration of cataclysmic events, the Nephilim, the rebellion of the Nephilim, and the early postdiluvian resettlement of the earth held within the diverse mythologies across the world is not a mere coincidence.
Historian Wise Bauer noted that even though science has documented many worldwide catastrophes, only the deluge resonates down the ages in all cultures; at some point water threatened man’s fragile existence. She further noted historians cannot ignore the flood, as it is the closest universal story the human race has. These consistent worldwide themes must have derived from the epicenter of Babel and with the disbursement of the people from Babel, along with the surviving and divergent Cainite-led peoples of day six and the surviving Nephilim.
Certainly, Josephus documented the flood (and the reality of giants) as history kept alive as common knowledge in all cultures: “… Now all the writers of barbarian histories make mention of the flood, and of this ark, among whom is Berosus the Chaldean, writer of Chaldean Monuments, Mochus, and Hestiaeus.” Josephus further acknowledged that Hieronymus, the Egyptian writer of Phoenician Antiquities and Mnaseas, as well as many more historians of the ancient world, wrote with authority regarding the great world flood. Josephus further enlisted Manetho Hesiod, Hecataeus, Hellamicus, and Acusilaus as historical authors, who also steadfastly recorded the flood as fact.
Berosus wrote that Babylon was utilized allegorically by the Chaldean priests for an antediluvian city, the “first city” of cities, which could only have been Atlantis. In fact, Frank Joseph believes that when the Bible describes Tyre and Babylon in these passages, it is really describing the prosperity and destruction of Atlantis, the sea-born, antediluvian empire.
In the Atlantean tradition, modern Atlantean authors claim Poseidon was the angel/son of “God”, a watcher/ruler/archon, to whom the continent Atlantis was portioned out, while the balance of the earth was allotted to the other gods, to varying extents. Just as I already noted, Deuteronomy 32:8 describes the earth was divided among the sons of Israel, sons of YAHUAH, and/or gods, depending on which Biblical translation from the Masoretic Text you choose to examine. In fact, Plato’s work Critias actually states that the gods divided up the earth, with Atlantis being Poseidon’s portion. Poseidon was the chief god and founder of the Atlantean civilization. The inheriting gods/watchers then constructed temples in their lands for worship and ritual sacrifices as cult centers. In Atlantis, Poseidon constructed his great temple (for his bull cult) in his capital city, at the southern end of the continent. The gods in the Atlantean heritage were all known as intermediaries between man and Chaos, otherwise identified as watchers, archons, and seraphim angels.
Poseidon then proceeded to fall in love with a female of the human race named Cleito. Poseidon was also believed in legend to have lain with many other “daughters of men,” producing offspring through the illicit violations against the laws of Creation. Cleito was the daughter of Evenor and Leucippe, who were both earth-born but, not coincidently, lived inside a mountain, while other traditions cite Cleito as a simple human orphan. The children of Poseidon and the daughters of men all grew up to be giants and demigods that we have come to know as Nephilim.
Zep Tepi: The First Time, when the watchers, angels in rebellion, came to Mt Hermon and beguiled (seduced) women. The earth's history of evil begins in this time.
Mt. Hermon. Where 200 watchers came to earth, made a pact to take over creation with their own kind (at Lucifer's guidance) and created the 2nd bloodline on earth known as the Nephilim.
The First Time was believed to be an age when true wisdom (once) prevailed. Egyptians, like other cultures, believed all wisdom and knowledge was gifted to them at the genesis of their civilization, from the gods. These legends note that those times in Zep Tepi were ideal conditions for arrogance to form, causing their rebellion against YAHUAH, just as this occurred in Biblical, Gnostic, Greek, Sumerian, Indian, and Atlantean traditions.
Mythology recorded First Time Egypt was allotted to a set of gods. The gods, as in so many other antediluvian societies, like Atlantis, Mu, and Sumer, unaccountably procreated Nephilim, producing immortal, human gods and demigods such as Osiris and Isis. Thus, Manetho listed Osiris as the fifth king of the demigods. The four preceding demigods were Hephoestus, Helios, Agathodomon, and Kronos. Kronos was the same name as one of the three most famous twins of Atlantis: Uranos, Atlas, and Kronos. One begins to wonder whether or not this was merely coincidence, for the ten kings of Atlantis held the helm of world government.
In the end, Egyptian mythology was simply just another corrupted, spurious satire on Genesis. This is further underscored when one considers Egyptian mythology remembers at the end of the First Time, Ra was warned that humankind had grown too wicked and was on the verge of rebellion against the gods. Hathor was sent to quash the rebellion, slaying thousands, and she savagely drank sacrificed blood blended with a concoction of fruit and barley, which made a blood beer/wine similar to the blood wine consumed in Atlantis. This is yet another alarming recollection, echoing the consumption of Star Fire that was a notable crime committed by Nephilim.
One concludes from various mythologies and Egyptian mythology in particular that antediluvian Atlantis and Egypt were very advanced civilizations, owing their knowledge to the spurious knowledge of Cain and the illicit knowledge of heaven. Further to this point, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, and others believe the Giza monuments and the Sphinx were constructed as memorials to the flood and/or to a highly advanced civilization destroyed by the flood, just as Biblical legends avow that Cain and his posterity erected magnificent monuments to immortalize their names.
Contrary to Egyptologists’ perplexing propaganda, there is disquieting evidence suggesting the Sphinx and Great Pyramids were built well before Khufu and 2400 B.C. The Great Pyramid was unexplainably depicted in hieroglyphs long before the birth of Khufu or Zoser. The Victory Tablet of King Menes, king of the first human Egyptian dynasty after the flood (circa 2950–3100 B.C.), clearly depicts the Great Pyramid with its steep, fifty-two degree slope. The Inventory Stella clearly credits Khufu/Cheops with restoring the Great Pyramid located beside the already completed Sphinx and notes that Khufu did not construct either the Great Pyramid or the Sphinx.
Echoes from Atlantis, Sumer, & Mu
As the Mediterranean legends go, the Atlanteans controlled parts of Egypt, Libya, Europe, Central America, and South America, while the people of the Mediterranean united to repel the Atlantean invaders. The antediluvian world appears to have been populated by three great civilizations, all led by giants. The day six Atlanteans were a race that was red-skinned, while the Aryans (Sumerians) were white, and the third race of people was black-skinned (Mu) from the Nile Valley and a Pacific Ocean subcontinent; other legends recant Atlanteans with white skin. The Egyptians regarded themselves as red.
Even so, ancient Aryans and Egyptians recognized four human races, according to Ignatius Donnelly: white, red, black, and yellow. On a similar note, the Popol Vuh appears to back the four-race notion of the antediluvian epoch. In the Popol Vuh account, four peoples (day six) were created that multiplied around the earth, creating many tribes from black to white, who spoke many tongues, which was understood to mean four distinct races. Likely then, the black race resided in Africa south of Egypt, while the yellow race dwelled in Mu or Sunderland.
Mu’s occultist acceptance as an antediluvian civilization dates back to a Spanish monk, Diego de Landa, who copied notes from original Mayan writings. Charles Ettienne Brasseur de Bourg then studied Landa’s notes, discovering the destruction of an antediluvian civilization that he believed was Atlantis but thought was located in the western Indian Ocean. Thus, Mu became the Mayan Atlantis. Over time, occultism has meshed Mu with Lemuria; the lost continent; a parallel civilization dreamed up by Helen Blavatsky in her book Isis Unveiled; and with Sunderland, an ancient civilization discovered in 1964 A.D. east and south of Asia.
In other legends, Mu’s home world was believed to have been a large continent located in the Pacific Ocean. It was a civilization that exploited technology, inclusive of the mythological antigravity; Mu fell to a similar destruction as Atlantis. The ancient Indian holy books, the Vedas, were believed to have originated in Mu. Mu was further believed to have founded Lower Egypt, while Atlantis founded Upper Egypt. An Englishman, James Churchward, copied from Brahman tablets information that contained Mayan inscriptions concerning the continent of Mu, which was located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Similarly, le Plongeon, a South American archaeologist of the nineteenth century, discovered references to Mu in the Troano Codex.
One wonders whether or not accounts documented within the Vedas recant the destruction of Atlantis or a most similar end to the empire and subcontinent of Mu. Veda hymns convey a great city swallowed up by the sea, celebrated as “Dwarka” and “Dvaraka” in various accounts. These accounts were recorded in the Indian epic Mahahbarata, which was composed a few hundred years after the Rig Veda, and were recorded in the Bhagvata and the Vishnu Purana.
The Seven Sages of Atlantis-Sumeria
As you can see, these are chimera, the worst of the Nephilim, having inherited the wings of a fallen angel, very tall, and ruled kingdoms under Nimrod. They have names, but I won't write them. They were chained in darkness. Were...
During the First Time, another curious group in Egypt was founded; their legacy continued even after the deluge. This fascinating group was identified as the Followers of Horus (the seven fallen angels, the Shebtiu, the Sebetti, the seven sages, who provided illicit heavenly knowledge), who were mythological beings remembered both as the bearers and the preservers of knowledge. They founded a cult of astronomer-priests that guarded the Atlantean knowledge, religion, and technology for millennia after the deluge, and that cult spawned Brotherhood Orders of the Snake that continue even to this day. These curious antediluvian gods, the Sebetti/Shebtiu, not coincidentally, were recorded and described as beings with the characteristic long-headed serpentine distinction. They were known also as Urshu or watchers; they were divine beings that acted as intermediaries between humans and the high-ranking Ntr-gods. Their illustrious Snake Order of priests appears to be akin to the semidivine Order of Enoch/Oannes, who led the Anunnaki down from Mount Hermon. The designation Urshu actually translates from ancient Egyptian as watcher divine beings comparable to the Shemsu-Hor, also known as the companions of Horus.
Similarly, Schwaller de Lubicz believed that demigods or priests were the original mentors of pharonic civilization, teaching them ancient knowledge. In the same line of thought, Osiris was known as the serpent king/god, who voyaged around the world as the bringer of civilization and the founder of his mystery cult of knowledge, just as Quetzalcoatl was a serpent god, the civilizer and teacher of the arts, sciences, and crafts to the Central Americans. All sources from antiquity seem to speak to the same source for antediluvian civilization, which derived from the illicit knowledge of heaven and the Seven Sacred Sciences received from the infamous seven fallen angels, Azazel/Shemyaza, Amasses, Gadereel, Baraqiel, Kokariel, Tamiel, and Asderiel, for the benefit of giants and rebellious humans.
Manetho recorded circa 250–300 B.C. that ancient Egypt was divided into three great eras: the reign of the gods; the followers of Horus, who migrated to Egypt from somewhere; and the dynastic reign of the pharaoh kings, which began sometime around 2950 B.C., with Menes.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The story of Nimrod, as told by Sumerians. We should give him a
new name, like, the big shithead. Because you would have to have a head
full of shite, to go against the loving creator, as this pig did. The one who was, is not, and will be. The future anti-Christ, the original satanic satan's son. Amazing how people worship HIS birthday, Christmas - which means MASS OF CHRIST, his death and funeral dirge, not life. See how they conned us? Celebrating Christmas once you know better is to align with evil. The worst kind. It's a blasphemy, always has been. I stopped doing Christmas in 2004, when I found out the truth of the matter. How about you?
Utnapishtim was not the archetypal patriarch of peace as Noah was, selected and entrusted to repopulate the earth in righteousness with his pure Sethite progeny, as the so-called secular scholars would have us believe. Utnapishtim was the antithesis of this doctrine and of Noah; Utnapishtim was the quintessential Nephilim. He was a tyrannical, evil potentate, just like Gilgamesh. Once more, the Mesopotamian flood narratives were not the source documents for the Biblical flood. They were merely parallel legends, recanting and detailing in mythology for the future generations the survival story from the deluge concerning the Nephilim.
According to the Sumerian Lamentation Texts concerning the deluge, the peculiar statement, “… the flood storm which overwhelmed the living creatures of heaven and earth—the Black Head Ones,” leaves a puzzling enigma if it is not properly analyzed and deciphered. This statement confirms that Nephilim lived with mortal humans in antediluvian times, noting that the deluge overwhelmed both the humans and the beings fathered by the heavenly realm. Just as important, we can deduce that the Black Heads were the intermingled race of the antediluvian Sumerians corrupted by the Nephilim and part of the originating race of day six governed by Canaanites.
Let us now bring the book of Enoch back into context to connect the Babylonian flood to Genesis as the source document. Mahway, Nephilim son of the fallen angel Barakel, received nightmares about the coming deluge and asked Enoch to interpret his dreams, from which Mahway learned there was nothing the giants could do to prevent the deluge or their own destruction. The narrative then moves on, naming one of the giants present at this gathering as Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was also listed as a giant in the Enoch Book of Giants recovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls on fragment 4Q531.
My point is this: if Gilgamesh, the Anunnaki/Nephilim, was recorded in the Biblical source documents as one of the giants intimately involved with the knowledge of the coming deluge, then he was likely the one and the same as the Gilgamesh that recanted the Utnapishtim flood narrative renowned as the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Deucallion, Manu, & Seth
Now known as India. They had Nephilim origens too, their Babylon. Indians still worship the Nephilim of that time: Shiva, etc.
The Sapatha Brahmana is the earliest surviving account of an antediluvian character king, a leader of men known as Manu. Manu is remembered as the father of humankind and a member of the surviving brotherhood of the seven sages. Manu was a title held by six previous kings who reigned for long periods of time before the flood. Manu permitted the seven sages to accompany him on the ark when the floodwaters deluged the antediluvian world. The god Vishna warned Manu of the impending catastrophe that would overtake the three antediluvian worlds but also said not to fear, for Vishna would provide Manu with an ark to escape upon. The question arises as to whether or not the Satpatha Brahmana has accurately testified to the three great antediluvian empires of Sumer, Atlantis, and Mu. One further speculates as to whether or not giants and humans were provided escape upon arks in all the disparate antediluvian civilizations of the earth.
Manu’s commission after the flood was to reestablish agriculture, utilizing his cache of every kind of seed that he had stowed away on the escaping ark, again most similar to the agrarian and vegetarian Noah. Manu, however, was both a king of the antediluvian epoch and the patriarchal founder of a dynasty of kings in the postdiluvian epoch. Manu’s ark made landfall not coincidentally on the slope of a northern mountain in Himavat, located in the Himalaya mountain range. The deluge refugees then descended down the mountain very slowly, only when they were safe from being washed away, again very similar to the Biblical account of Noah. Manu’s reward for saving humankind, all the animals, and all the plant life was mastery over all knowledge, insights into the mystery of the soul, and a form of immortality, which echoes the Sumerian account of Utnapishtim.
Manu was likely Nephilim. Manu was recorded in the Mahabharata Veda as a very powerful Rishi or Sage, and not as a king. In the southwest of India, another Veda, the Satyaravrata, Manu bears the name and title the Lord of Dravida. In this account, Manu is believed, according to Hancock, to be the king of the Dravidian people.
More to come. The above is just a smattering of worldwide stories regarding the time of the watchers, the nephilim as they dominated the earth, and the ongoing problem with their offspring to this day, the satanists.