You know how it is. One last time as a free man in the Sierras.
Things get dicey after August 8th...for us all. Then in September...the walls really start closing in.
Hang in there, hang together, pray daily.
After we arrived and ate, we stopped by the beach and immediately some clouds appeared and a gentle, healing rain washed over the little beach for just long enough to blast away the long drive and rejuvenate us. It was amazing. And there I am, standing in the rain, feet wet, arms and face to sky...what must the tourists think?
The Pines
Das Fro at the cove. A favorite anchorage for swimming and boogie surfing.
Rake Hide. South Shore.
Rake Hide, upper right.
Road 222, south shore
A few days in the sun and water
Bro and Son, Matt driving
Saying good bye to a much loved home of 30 years this summer, Bass Lake and Wishon Point. Thanks Dad...thanks for everything. You made all good things possible.