New Moon, bookend, planetary alignment
Don Bradley 2-25-25
The beast intends in this period (saturn) to do a Great Wrong, signaled by
mercury, Venus involving women and lust, followed by judgment from the
King, YHVH, Jupiter the King star.
So, the beast is making a BIG move. Then Dad, as we did in January and February, makes HIS big moves (3).
It's January all over again. And February. This is all I am permitted to say.
Below, Friday sunset, new moon, end of month. BOOKENDS, as discussed for the past few months. They make their moves, we make ours, kind of thing.
This whole thing is an appointed time in Heaven, I've been discussing for many years. All Earth events key to these times. A signalling. A window of doings. In that light, all this makes sense. After sunset, anything, anywhere, can happen and is likely. Where and when in the month, wait and see. But they like their bookends satanic bilge, so it will be LIKELY something by Monday March 3.
PS But it also means that Friday Night is a HUGE, MASSIVE BLACK MAGIC RITUAL NIGHT. All hands on deck. Watch all the witches in your world needing to be away that night or for the weekend to do some gaslighting cover lie.